WT, the Gorn are all jokesters. They have been for years. Just look at Kroma's tutu for confirmation. They kid all the time. I really doubt Dallas meant anything mean or nasty towards STGD. They just have sex on the brain, when it can be reached beyond the liquor/beer barrier. I am sure it is a joke. Wouldn't it be better not to take it personally and just laugh? Laughter is good for the soul. It might make you more one of "us" too, whoever the hell we happen to be.
Hey... I resemble that remark!!!
Sense of humor? Jokester? I am as sober as TheJudge
BTW I do not have sex on the brain.
I have had it on the floor, backseat of car, couch, pool, hot tub, middle of a field, on a beach, at a baseball game, bathtub, toilet seat, kitchen table, Kitchen counter, washing machine, dryer, vacuum cleaner, riding lawnmower, back porch, stairwell, elevator, airplane, boat, innertube, canoe, and I think a bed. I am hoping for more variety next week.