Topic: The Definitive D.O.E RP Thread  (Read 6172 times)

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Re: The Definitive D.O.E RP Thread
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2003, 11:02:54 am »


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Re: The Definitive D.O.E RP Thread
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2003, 10:01:24 am »


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Re: The Definitive D.O.E RP Thread
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2003, 08:10:35 pm »
M?Ress?s head hurt.

Someone was going to pay for putting the jackhammer in his room.

As he lay there waiting for the incessant throb to die down he tried to piece together what had happened. The last thing he remembered was tracking that anomaly. Damn that science officer of his. He was so damn thorough. The moving anomaly seemed to be going nowhere when suddenly it took form.

There was a bright flash and then he woke up here. The throbbing had eased somewhat and his thoughts were becoming clearer. He also became aware of a strange sensation all over. He was itchy. Not a deep penetrating itch, just slightly annoying one. Like one that never lets you forget it?s there. His mouth also felt strange.

He got up from his bed. There was a faint light in the room and he staggered over to what appeared to be a grooming area. He turned the light up higher with a verbal command?

?and was horrified by what he saw in the mirror.

He has been surgically altered. So much that he didn?t recognize himself. His one blue eye still stared out at him and the ever present patch in place over the other. But that is where it ended. His fangs were gone, his snout shortened, top lip fused and ears lowered. But worst of all, the crime that someone would pay dearly for was his fur, his glorious, meticulously kept fur was gone.

He was bald. Completely.

The only traces were two thin lines above his eyes.

Oh yes, someone would pay for this.

At least his ears were still pointy.

Julin Eurthyr

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Re: The Definitive D.O.E RP Thread
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2003, 08:27:33 pm »
Romulan/ISC neutral zone, aboard a fresh-off the slipways Romulan vessel:

"Welcome aboard, ambassador", S'Leth, Julin's close contact in the Romulan Empire, greets Julin, who still fits into his ancient uniform from the days he was a lieutenant.  This time, the rank insignia were those of a Commander, not Centurion.
"Thank you, Commander." Julin responds.  "I understand this shall be my vessel in the upcoming limited conflict?"
S'Leth nods, "Yes.  And she has yet to be named or have designations painted on as per your request."
"Thank you again, Commander."  Julin turns to his exec, "Varkin, order the crews to add on the usual ISC-01 designation for all "foreign" vessels under my command, and christen this ship the "RIS Paradisio Minor".
Julin's wife Annlova, head of Miraki intelligence, hands Julin a PADD containing the story of M'ress's fate.  Julin nods and walks to the bridge.