Topic: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted  (Read 8376 times)

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Offline Terradyhne

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2004, 04:51:43 am »
as i have stated before anyone one who has gotten a converted ship from me knows all readmes r intact and i just add the line converted to sfc3 by me. if that is a prob with anyone let me know and i will do like i do with other ships from games and include a second folder in the file with all the original data, yes it makes for a huge model folder but it is only fair i believe that they then r intake in full. as please terra what ever u do DONT LEAVE US.  and i am not sure if i have any of ur ships, but i have seen them and they trully r amazing, sorry u dont sfc3, but i do like it, and i do really like ur ships they would be even better looking in sfc3, i feel sfc3 brings the best out of a model in any of them games. doesnt matter how the game plays they do look awesome in it.

yeah thats the problem i have only converting not asking for permission and than releasing them and only writing in the readme converted by xy, thats my great problem, that someone has no respect for a modeler to ask him if he could convert it to another game and than release it, thats an unwritten law for me and shows that you guys respect the thought of the modellers and not only adding ships to mods to have them in
and SFC 3 sucks the only graphical thing thats better is that extra lighting but the tool to add this is sh*t and all those models have some kind of smoothing that lets look them like baloons and i don't like that stupid game like i don't like BC but for BC i have been asked by Starforce2 if he could convert some of my models
and for private use there you could do what you want but don't release anything without asking only adding the readme is not enough for me and if you ask that show the you respect me and my work

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Offline markyd

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2004, 05:51:51 am »
I really don't see what the problem is here, no one altered your work (as far as looks), no one is making or has made any money from your work, no one is claiming your work as there own.
If anything I would think you'd be honored to have your work in a mod.
Happy that people are getting enjoyment from something you did.

From what I can tell, your pissed off because there converting it to sfc3, just because you hate sfc3 doesn't mean you have to throw a fit.

I don't think there is one modeler here that wants to see his/hers work end up on a butcher block, like MUDD said, if you put it up for public download, this kinda crap will eventually happen.

This subject makes me think of a child, when another child takes one of his toy & starts playing with it, that child starts crying out loud in hopes that someone will comfort him with attention & help him get his toy back.

Instead of getting pissed off & going over & TAKING his toy back & saying "THIS IS MINE" & then kick his ass!!

The moral of this stupid little post is, Stop whining & go kick some ass!!!


Well said JOKER, Terrradyne, you need to just step back.. and remeber this is just a game, its not like someone has borrowed your car, and decided to stick some nitros up its ass....  ;D

Its a game... its simply a model.. chill ;)

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2004, 06:19:55 am »
Terradyhne I have also been asked to let you know you have never been or will ever be banned from the STGD forum, aslong as you adhere to the STGD rules (which you have) so come back over and have a chin wag man... ;)

make some suggestions about your ship, and let the rest of us sfc3 players enjoy your work... In a way you approve :D

Offline Starforce2

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2004, 06:43:00 am »
if anyone wants  to barrow my car and give it back with a free nitrus upgrade you don't need to ask first...

A Cd player and some of them spinning drug-dealer/pimp rims wouldn't be bad either...

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2004, 07:25:50 am »

Just leave the keys under the gutter by McDonalds..


Offline Rogue

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2004, 08:55:29 am »
Great... Just what is needed. Losing another contributing member.

I hope you reconsider. I very much enjoy using some of the SFC models you have shared with us and dislike the idea that there will be no more of them. Not only that but those you have made will be pulled from your website. It would be so much better if you went with something like Atheorhaven suggested. What benefit is there in depriving the non offending fans of your work? Likely the sin is that of omission than of one committed.

For what it is worth. I very much appreciated the Klingon's you have released. Those models have given a really nice diversity to their fleet. I particularly like K'Torr as it makes for a convincing HDW for the Klingon's.

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2004, 09:49:20 am »
as there are some stupid guys out there converting my models to SFC3 without my permission, i delete the downloads of my SFC models at my site and i will never more release any ship i make for SFC

There was a great job which Mackie did on Taldren boards. In my opninon everybody should read such intelligence posts on who wishes his permission to alter his work. Am I wrong?? I suppose not.  :-\

Actually I don't have any of your models, but I have many of Undead's (I know you wish me to ask you about any alternations), Pneumonic's and Knox 1710's, DD's, a couple models from Atrahasis, Nine of Nine's, Reddragon's Maggot's and Zorg's. All models are from TMP and TNG/DS9/VOY/GENS/FC/INS/NEMESIS Trek time periods.

What I plan is to release my TNG MOD. I did some minor modifications to each model which include in most cases hardpoint adjustments to match some different UI's from SFC2:OP, other modifications were to convert models from SFC3 to SFC2:OP. I'll make a list of models and modifications and ask those modellers for permission to show those modifications to the public.  :police:

I need to know: Where can I find Zorg and Nine of Nine and Knox 1710 :)

Terra please reconsider your decision. Maybe I don't have any business with your FASA and Trek designs (with one major exeption I would like to get your USS Jenolen - Sydney class Transport for SFC2) but in my opinion you could give us another chance or try to do sth like AtraorHeaven did. Will you accept that and send me your Sydney class converted to SFC2 to: ???  :)

Take Care :)
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
=/\= Kirk =/\= (Polish Division of the Starfleet)

Offline The Pelican

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #47 on: July 18, 2004, 10:19:02 am »
NineofNine will answer his e-mail if you send him one (I have it if you don't). I've contacted him twice over his Jem'Hadar Bugship & his Defiant.

You can't get hold of Zorg or Maggot anymore, I've tried many times. P81 pops into the forums once in a blue moon (I believe he gave the green light for people to use his Star Trek work for whatever they wish as long as they credit him, it was quite a while back though, so I can't remember)

I think there are one or two more that you can't get hold of anymore, I made a list of them once, don't think I have it anymore though, I cleared out a lot of my old DomWars files.


As we've been trying to tell you Terradyhne, we didn't know the Model(s) were yours. Otherwise we WOULD have asked for permission. I've always though the Gallant Wing was one of SkinMan's Models (hell, I'm pretty certain I actually asked his permission to use that one, don't think he realised it wasn't one of his, I did use quite a lot of his Models). And I thought the D-16 was one of Korah's kitbashes. I had no idea that either Model was yours. I can't speak for anyone else, but that was who I believe the Models belonged to at the time they were added. After that, I honestly never gave them a moments though.

But I will respect your wishes and remove the models from my mod.

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #48 on: July 18, 2004, 10:31:52 am »
Well I don't agree with you Joker or SF2. From being around these forums and games For 3 yeards(close enough)  I feel I have gotten more grief than any satisfaction. Anyone is entilted to set what ever boundaries or restrictions they want on there work. If you do't agree with there restrictions or beliefs, calling them childish is childish.
Now for my soap box. Before I started modeling I really enjoyed Star Trek. But I still can't get over how serious everyone takes this stuff. I hate all the infighting between game versions, All the bickering over different eras. In short, for me these forums and modeling ST has zapped most of the fun and taken the innocence out of ST for me.
I been thinking about this for a while. And I am so close to finishing my ROK mod, but perhaps I burned out doing it. I feel like if I released it, all I would get is more grief about fixing the balance and stuff. Like people who d/l stuff for free act like you owe them something after you spend months on  a project. Anyway Its like time for a big break again.  I doubt I will be back. Cause I never really found a 'click here after all this time.  Also think its sad that modelers can't even agree to support one another. When your hobbie is more a source of frustration than joy its time to move on.

James, here's the thing.

I've worked on over 200 ships now personally.  I've got stuff in (I think) at least three different packs, Chris Jones' mods, Pelican's mod, and Nanner's mod.  The one thing that I ask for is simply to send me a screenie if you use one of the ships that I work on so I can see the ship in action ingame.  You'd think that with that, my mail box would be flooded daily with screenshots, right?  Nope, I get maybe one a month.  I really don't personally mind people using stuff that I work on, but I like to be asked, and I like to see the ship ingame because that's eye-candy and it lets me see stuff in action (sometimes in another game).

The reason I got so choked and started the installer option for ships that I want to really enforce this rule on is because work that I did was turning up in BC uncredited and without me being asked about it.  Even though I'd probably have said yes, np, send me a screenie of it ingame so that I could enjoy seeing it in BC.

It was the lack of common courtesy that bugged me.  But I also have no pretentions here.  I fully expect to see the two years down the road, nothing I've worked on will exist anymore except in someone's old archived CDs, but not played.  Does it bother me?  Not really.. I do this for me.. I enjoy doing what I do, and I learn new skills in the process.  That's what it's all about.. that and I enjoy helping others, so fulfilling requests is a good thing for me.

The thing is, work for yourself.  Provide the mod because you want to, but don't feel indebted to provide support.  Announce it's a one shot, and if people want to update it, or balance it better, they can feel free..but you like it as is, and enjoy playing it.  If others feel it's unbalanced, they can d/l tools and balance it better for themselves.  It'll teach them skills and how hard that you had to work to get it all together.

But don't loose the love of doing it from too much stress.. just do this all for you because you want to.  If you don't want to anymore, then don't.. but don't quit until you really want to.
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

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been too lazy to update it!  Check Battleclinic!

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #49 on: July 18, 2004, 11:27:13 am »
Well Terra, if you feel you need to do this, then I'll be real sorry to see you leave. Not only are your models fun to play, they're add one more style for those of us still learning to learn from. There have been many models I've started, only to be consigned to the scrap heap (Avenger comes to mind) simply because at the time, I couldn't come close to doing the same quality of work. You're one of the few who specializes in FASA designs, and it will be a real loss to the community to lose your work. But, I must say, deleting your SFC models will not solve the problem...the people doing this will just d/l the models in the format they are available in and convert....

Believe me, I know the way your feeling, I've felt the same way, as others have stated, we all do at one time or another, but I realized that I couldn't really control it, so why get bothered by it?

Anyway, it'll be sad to see another good modeler leave, so maybe take a week or so to think and put it into perspective, and maybe it'll seem not so bad...
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Offline The Pelican

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #50 on: July 18, 2004, 12:56:14 pm »
Well I don't agree with you Joker or SF2. From being around these forums and games For 3 yeards(close enough)  I feel I have gotten more grief than any satisfaction. Anyone is entilted to set what ever boundaries or restrictions they want on there work. If you do't agree with there restrictions or beliefs, calling them childish is childish.
Now for my soap box. Before I started modeling I really enjoyed Star Trek. But I still can't get over how serious everyone takes this stuff. I hate all the infighting between game versions, All the bickering over different eras. In short, for me these forums and modeling ST has zapped most of the fun and taken the innocence out of ST for me.
I been thinking about this for a while. And I am so close to finishing my ROK mod, but perhaps I burned out doing it. I feel like if I released it, all I would get is more grief about fixing the balance and stuff. Like people who d/l stuff for free act like you owe them something after you spend months on  a project. Anyway Its like time for a big break again.  I doubt I will be back. Cause I never really found a 'click here after all this time.  Also think its sad that modelers can't even agree to support one another. When your hobbie is more a source of frustration than joy its time to move on.

James, here's the thing.

I've worked on over 200 ships now personally.  I've got stuff in (I think) at least three different packs, Chris Jones' mods, Pelican's mod, and Nanner's mod.  The one thing that I ask for is simply to send me a screenie if you use one of the ships that I work on so I can see the ship in action ingame.  You'd think that with that, my mail box would be flooded daily with screenshots, right?  Nope, I get maybe one a month.  I really don't personally mind people using stuff that I work on, but I like to be asked, and I like to see the ship ingame because that's eye-candy and it lets me see stuff in action (sometimes in another game).

The reason I got so choked and started the installer option for ships that I want to really enforce this rule on is because work that I did was turning up in BC uncredited and without me being asked about it.  Even though I'd probably have said yes, np, send me a screenie of it ingame so that I could enjoy seeing it in BC.

It was the lack of common courtesy that bugged me.  But I also have no pretentions here.  I fully expect to see the two years down the road, nothing I've worked on will exist anymore except in someone's old archived CDs, but not played.  Does it bother me?  Not really.. I do this for me.. I enjoy doing what I do, and I learn new skills in the process.  That's what it's all about.. that and I enjoy helping others, so fulfilling requests is a good thing for me.

The thing is, work for yourself.  Provide the mod because you want to, but don't feel indebted to provide support.  Announce it's a one shot, and if people want to update it, or balance it better, they can feel free..but you like it as is, and enjoy playing it.  If others feel it's unbalanced, they can d/l tools and balance it better for themselves.  It'll teach them skills and how hard that you had to work to get it all together.

But don't loose the love of doing it from too much stress.. just do this all for you because you want to.  If you don't want to anymore, then don't.. but don't quit until you really want to.

I know I have 3 of yours from GaW, I remember asking for them. There aren't any others are there that I am not aware of (at least if there is, I'm not aware of it). Though I did forget to send you the screenshots. (Sorry, modding is extremely time consuming, when you're staring at numbers every day you forget so many things - I must send you a screenshot of the New Orleans, it does look good in SFC3...)

I know I downloaded almost every model off your site recently though. Haven't decided which to use yet, but expect an e-mail in a few days as I'll probably put some in my new version. (I'll send a screenshot this time, I promise. ;D)

Had no idea you'd worked on 200 ships though.


I once had my entire Mod used to create another mod (currently known as Island Wars). They thought they'd asked my permission to use the mod, when in fact they'd just asked permission to use the Models. (I get that a lot, I just tell them to ask the original Modeller for permission first). I settled it pretty quickly, they apologised, and that was the end of that.

Whenever someone uses your work without your permission, you can either react angrily, or keep your head. Anger does nothing but harm, to yourself & to others.

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #51 on: July 18, 2004, 02:15:41 pm »
What I said before was rather harsh, I didn't mean it in a bad way, but more like a "tough love" way.

All I'm trying to say (In my own opinion) is that this isn't something that needs to be brought to the attention of the whole community. This is between "you" & who ever you have a beef with. I just didn't think it was healthy for the community to have this or any kind of flaming going on.

Thats just the way i was raised, To take your problem to the person(s) your having the problem with, Its nobodies busyness but your own.

I've been with this game & its community for a few years now, since the release date of sfc1, & this has been going on ever since. Its just one of those things you get tired of hearing about.

Anyway, I hope you get your problems worked out & no offense, but I hope this thread dies out quickly so we can get back to what we enjoy.



Not related to "The_Joker"  :)

Offline Terradyhne

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #52 on: July 18, 2004, 03:20:06 pm »
ok i reactivated the downloads and will work on for SFC2 but all what this has shown to me is that those SFC3ers from the unity mod comunity are some kind of respectless and that SFC3 is not worth to mod and making models for and if this happens again than i will realy leave the SFC comunity for ever
and please some of the admins close this thread  :)

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Offline markyd

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #53 on: July 18, 2004, 03:28:57 pm »
Just before it gets closed...

Are you ok with us using your models or not? :(

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #54 on: July 18, 2004, 03:36:04 pm »
ok i reactivated the downloads and will work on for SFC2 but all what this has shown to me is that those SFC3ers from the unity mod comunity are some kind of respectless and that SFC3 is not worth to mod and making models for and if this happens again than i will realy leave the SFC comunity for ever
and please some of the admins close this thread  :)
well glad you desided to stay. But if you think you have to leave again for whatever Please dont go untill you come out with the D18 and the Romulan V20 at least PLEASE. ;)

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #55 on: July 18, 2004, 03:41:13 pm »
ok i reactivated the downloads and will work on for SFC2 but all what this has shown to me is that those SFC3ers from the unity mod comunity are some kind of respectless and that SFC3 is not worth to mod and making models for and if this happens again than i will realy leave the SFC comunity for ever
and please some of the admins close this thread  :)

I need a link to your site.

so I can see if I have any of your ships and it will be removed.
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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #56 on: July 18, 2004, 03:50:16 pm »
ok i reactivated the downloads and will work on for SFC2 but all what this has shown to me is that those SFC3ers from the unity mod comunity are some kind of respectless and that SFC3 is not worth to mod and making models for and if this happens again than i will realy leave the SFC comunity for ever
and please some of the admins close this thread  :)

I need a link to your site.

so I can see if I have any of your ships and it will be removed.

Here you go:

C'mon Terradyne we love your stuff don't take your talents away from your devoted fans.

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Re: all my SFC model downloads will be deleted
« Reply #57 on: July 18, 2004, 04:07:57 pm »
locked as wished for.

i hope some people remember how mild this was compared to other modelers who got upset. lesson is, people, ask for permission. :)
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