Pfff. Check yourselves. Your personal dislike of me has no relevance in this dispute. The poster effectively did this. He walked up to a group of people he barely knows, told a racist joke, and just let it hang there saying nothing else. Now what would you think in such a situation? It's his own mistake for not correctly contextualizing his remarks or making a cogent arguement against the racism he purports to be demonstrating in the joke or, for that matter, posting something so completely inappropriate to a D2 forums. Had the remarks been in OT or Hot and Spicy where they belong, I surely would never have seen it as I don't go there.
If you people have a problem with me, that is fine, but to suggest that I am somehow racist because I decry it are deluded. It's a typical tactic to turn the accuser into the accused. Junior league, folks. Try to slander me in a way that isn't transparent.