
What kind of campaigns should we run?

Servers with plenty o' rules and mods
8 (24.2%)
K.I.S.S. (KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID!) Minimal rules, minimal downloads
12 (36.4%)
Super K.I.S.S. (NO rules, NO donwloads)
1 (3%)
Any combination of the three
11 (33.3%)
None of the above. Do what Lepton says and abolish the D2 altogether
1 (3%)

Total Members Voted: 32

Topic: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?  (Read 5387 times)

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POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« on: July 15, 2004, 12:37:14 pm »
If option three, then explain whether it would be best to run these different server types concurrently or in sequence.

Offline TotensBurntCorpse

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2004, 12:41:58 pm »
I would love to see FS OP+ models used with a hack n slash for the shiplist and fighter lists, to give each server flavour.  One mega download for missions that work.  Servers should ran seqencially with only a new shiplist and fighter list (about 500K of download) needed to begin the next server.

Since missions are put in on the server side if everyone just kept a missions pack that we can agree upon for the next 6 months or so and then use OP+, we would have something that can easily be scaled via the server setup and still have user flexiblity to play without having a downloading anyerism.

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2004, 12:46:51 pm »
The urge to vote for Leppy was nearly overwhelming :)
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2004, 12:56:11 pm »
You forgot an option:   Whatever the admin wants :)

I voted for all three.
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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2004, 02:31:14 pm »
It's ALL good...

Just watch those alliances.... ;D

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2004, 03:15:09 pm »
You forgot an option:   Whatever the admin wants :)

My thoughts exactly. Those that don't like what one admin puts up can play on a different server, or put up one of their own.
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Offline TotensBurntCorpse

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2004, 03:33:04 pm »
You forgot an option:   Whatever the admin wants :)

My thoughts exactly. Those that don't like what one admin puts up can play on a different server, or put up one of their own.

I agree but can we have a basic STANDARIZED mission pack and models pack download everyone will use for a while.  For me the downloads are easy as I have a wicked system.  How ever some ppls are on slower systems and well frankly will get the download done when the server is over.

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2004, 03:36:43 pm »
You forgot an option:   Whatever the admin wants :)

My thoughts exactly. Those that don't like what one admin puts up can play on a different server, or put up one of their own.

I agree but can we have a basic STANDARIZED mission pack and models pack download everyone will use for a while.  For me the downloads are easy as I have a wicked system.  How ever some ppls are on slower systems and well frankly will get the download done when the server is over.

Yeah that would be cool. Then the admin can just decide which to use and activate server side.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2004, 03:39:31 pm »
You forgot an option:   Whatever the admin wants :)

My thoughts exactly. Those that don't like what one admin puts up can play on a different server, or put up one of their own.

I agree but can we have a basic STANDARIZED mission pack and models pack download everyone will use for a while.  For me the downloads are easy as I have a wicked system.  How ever some ppls are on slower systems and well frankly will get the download done when the server is over.

Hell yeah!   We should go with OP+ for the models and IMHO, all shiplists should try to be compliant with it because

1.  Everyone has it
2.  The large download is 100% optional
3.  The models look great and FS keeps adding more

As far as mission packs go, has anyone seen Karnak or Dave in recent weeks?  
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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2004, 04:04:08 pm »
You forgot an option:   Whatever the admin wants :)

My thoughts exactly. Those that don't like what one admin puts up can play on a different server, or put up one of their own.

I agree, but we really only have enough players to make a good game on one server at a time.

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2004, 04:05:39 pm »
  I voted for 2 this might help those that are new to the D2 and future ones as well.I know I will be once I am set up and am ready to go.I am trying to enjoy summer right now though.I hope you all enjoy yours.

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2004, 04:10:09 pm »
You forgot an option:   Whatever the admin wants :)

My thoughts exactly. Those that don't like what one admin puts up can play on a different server, or put up one of their own.

I agree, but we really only have enough players to make a good game on one server at a time.
What if there were two physical servers to host two campaigns on at separate times?


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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2004, 05:58:46 pm »
 :) I know you guys are going to laugh at me but. :-[ I have looked at the downloads and mods, And it just has the name not what they are or what they do. I am totally confused by the whole thing. :P

 I have very limited knowledge of PCs. And the thought of modifying a file is beyond my comprehension.
Short simple and stupid is just up my alley. :)

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2004, 02:23:54 pm »
I chose the "all of the 3" option.


Well, once in a while, having a "fun" strictly-stock no rules server is a fun way to vent steam.  Let the players get their BB-itis and fleet-ism out of their system, bag a homeworld or 3, basically do what used to happen on the I-play servers.

However, that didn't work on a solid consistent basis before, and it won't work now.  We need servers with rules and additions (mods).  There might need to be a lot of rules to cover the problems / inconsistencies of the game / will of the Admin, but as long as they are worded simpily and clearly even long rule lists aren't that much of a problem, especially if a core set of rules becomes common.

As to downloads, no download is "optional" if it is mandated to get on the modded servers.  Especially with our penchant for chaining our servers in a string to keep the player-base on each individual server up (I don't think any but the "main" server on the lists ever has more than 20-30 registered players).  There should be a simple "core" download, relatively small, and be used for 80-90% of the modded servers.  OP+ with no models could fit the bill, if it is chosen to be the main download.  The shiplist / fighterlist as a separate download is small, and if configured to work with the "core" mod, people on 56k can handily afford to spend 1 "average" mission's worth of time (5-10 min) getting the touch-up for that particular server.  Occasionally, having an expansive mod that takes a while to download isn't bad, and adds spice & vareity to the game.  I'd just recommend locking down the mod early, making it available to the masses well before the start of the server so it can be downloaded (peacemeal if necessary) prior to the server's start.

There's room for all 3, it's just a matter of stabilizing the fan-productions to a point where they don't need to be consistently updated.  This last point, in and of itself, will probably shave 90% off all future "mandatory" downloads...

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2004, 02:48:23 pm »

There's room for all 3, it's just a matter of stabilizing the fan-productions to a point where they don't need to be consistently updated.  This last point, in and of itself, will probably shave 90% off all future "mandatory" downloads...

Missions and ship models are what take up most of the space in a download.  D2 admins should leverage resources available to them.  Since Firesoul already did all of this wonderful model work in OP+, it would be silly NOT to use what was already done.   No need to re-invent the wheel.   OP+ has become "stock," server admins would be wise to base their work of of his current set of models.

We need a stable, simple, bug-free mission pack besides the stock misisons.   The DIP or any other Development group working with scripters should have this as their highest priority.   The fancy missions and cool SQL thingies honesty should be worked on AFTER we have a "perfect" set of patrols, raids, and assault missions.  We are close with the current EEk and ED mission packs but they still have more bugs than stock (though I have never seen a 3v3 hold in a stock mission, have them all the time with EEk).

KISS.  Get that working first, then work on fancy and "fun" script ideas.

I fully believe a "standard" mission and model pack are a possibility.  Shiplist downloads are tiny, nothing to worrry about after the large stuff becomes standard.

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2004, 03:19:53 pm »
NONE -- for now

Thats right NONE -- why do I say that?

Because I want all of the GW2 servers played out just like the rest of you (well ok most of you) sure its got a few extra rules -- but wow what a concept ...

2 short weeks of intense combat -- VC pts for certain ships- planets etc. Add the  limited duration concept which  makes combat short and intense -- missing one weekend worth of combat drives the active players NUTS -- come on in a server like this one -- we all want advance notice just so we can book off a few vacation days the last 2-3 days of the server...

Guess I am not really qualified to answer any more then I have because I have never played any other server... So GIVE ME MORE GW2


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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2004, 03:43:39 pm »
The problem is DH, OP+ is not a Dyna shiplist, and will never be a dyna shiplist.  It takes way to many changes to make it dyna playable, thus making another download.  Although I appreciate all of Firesouls hard work on OP+, I dont think it should ever be used in a dyna campaign straight out of the box.  His shiplist is great for GSA play, but is not dyna freindly.
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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2004, 04:06:07 pm »
The problem is DH, OP+ is not a Dyna shiplist, and will never be a dyna shiplist.  It takes way to many changes to make it dyna playable, thus making another download.  Although I appreciate all of Firesouls hard work on OP+, I dont think it should ever be used in a dyna campaign straight out of the box.  His shiplist is great for GSA play, but is not dyna freindly.

Not saying use OP+ as the list, but use FS's model structure. 

IMHO, OP+ is fine for D2 with liberal use of the letter "R"   :lol:
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2004, 04:07:35 pm »
NONE -- for now

Thats right NONE -- why do I say that?

Because I want all of the GW2 servers played out just like the rest of you (well ok most of you) sure its got a few extra rules -- but wow what a concept ...

2 short weeks of intense combat -- VC pts for certain ships- planets etc. Add the  limited duration concept which  makes combat short and intense -- missing one weekend worth of combat drives the active players NUTS -- come on in a server like this one -- we all want advance notice just so we can book off a few vacation days the last 2-3 days of the server...

Guess I am not really qualified to answer any more then I have because I have never played any other server... So GIVE ME MORE GW2


See J'inn, another satisfied customer!! 

I to may take time off work for GW3.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: POLL: What kind of campaigns should we run?
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2004, 04:13:14 pm »

See J'inn, another satisfied customer!! 

Shhhhhhhhhh!!!!!  J'inn is already upset with me for not charging. Ixnay on the customay talk. ;-)
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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