
Given an absolutely free choice which BCH would you fly?

Fed (any)
4 (9.5%)
6 (14.3%)
Rommie (any)
8 (19%)
2 (4.8%)
2 (4.8%)
ISC (any)
11 (26.2%)
1 (2.4%)
8 (19%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Voting closed: July 18, 2004, 08:17:52 am

Topic: Which BCH ?  (Read 15649 times)

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Re: Which BCH ?
« Reply #80 on: July 30, 2004, 08:57:10 am »
An I-CCZ has four Tractors and four Transporters, not five... and it is not invincible.
Oops!! :banghead:  I really have been away from ISC ships too long. 

However, while there has to be a best and worst, they didn't have to be to such a degree, which is the problem with the CCZ and KHK, just as it apparently was with the G-BCS, which isn't even as good as a CCZ.

G-BCS is better than I-CCZ in that you don't have to work as hard to get the win. If you play the human missile and tractor the enemy, then launch the 4 PFs, then the game is over.  It takes a lot more work and skill for an I-CCZ pilot to tease out the 4 PFs out of the charging Gorn G-BCS or L-BCHT so that they can be destroyed.  Take the PFs away from the G-BCS and L-BCHT, and then you got a game. 

It's the same old argument against attrition unit carrying ships whether it be  swarms of fighters or hordes of PFs.  The attrition unit carrying ship has a big initial advantage against the line BCH.  The line BCH has to get rid of the attrition annoyances or die.  Since it's a lot harder to do that, the line BCH guy just wants their own attrition annoyances to gleefully annoy the enemy back and to make it fair in both the material and psychological dept. on the field of battle.  Gimme a 44 power, or better yet the L-BCHT's 46 power curve, I-BCV so I can play human missile too and launch lotsa  Cav IIIs at range 2.5.  Yum!! Yum!!

I am far from being the resident expert on shiplist matters. Just get the basics down to make sure the mission scripts don't go OTT.  Corbo. is much better ISC person to talk with about all this stuff.  But, if having less attrition units in the game mean less annoyances then I respectfully submit that "less is more" when formulating the most enjoyable dyna campaign shiplist and CnC rules.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Which BCH ?
« Reply #81 on: July 30, 2004, 09:00:12 am »

I am far from being the resident expert on shiplist matters. Just get the basics down to make sure the mission scripts don't go OTT.  Corbo. is much better ISC person to talk with about all this stuff.  But, if having less attrition units in the game mean less annoyances then I respectfully submit that "less is more" when formulating the most enjoyable dyna campaign shiplist and CnC rules.

Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Which BCH ?
« Reply #82 on: August 01, 2004, 08:52:17 pm »
Hoi Folks,

 Please, allow me to bring on the thread hi-jacking you all have been waiting for. I could not let it pass without saying something. I really thought it was common knowledge, but of late I have run into a few people, yes they were Canadian, who were not aware of it.

Quote from: TobinDax on July 18, 2004, 06:35:45 pm
Be careful about picking on Canadians. We won the war of 1812. Oh yeah, that was while we still had an army. Er, never mind. 

*Hexx said,*
Don't knock it- you notice the States hasn't picked  a war with us since that one...

 I must point out the 1963 Defense Crisis, the event that lost Canada's new found sovereignty. Remember the American General who with the help of the official opposition in government set Canada's defense policy? Remember how much the Canadian public did not want nuclear weapons on Canadian Soil? Remember the arrival of Nike and Bomarc missles? Really, the invasion of one was enough.
 Does anyone remember the events of Feb. 21 1959 in Canada?
 Before anyone goes shooting off that this is a Hot and Spicy topic, it is not. Nor do I wish that the AVRO Arrow was put into production, I simply do not think that Canada's international role is to create weapons. This whole sad story, of a new "little" nation's short existance, is well presented in a little book called "Lament for a Nation" by George Grant.

I'm sorry Hexx, your assertion in this case is incorrect. Otherwise, I wish I was in Halifax, you lucky, got to go back home bast***.

Keep Makin' Noise Hexx,

Take Care

Offline Green

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Re: Which BCH ?
« Reply #83 on: August 01, 2004, 09:35:18 pm »
Actually, I don't know what you're talking about.  Thus I will try to find "Lament for a Nation" and read it.  Please keep in mind a vast majority of us [cough]except fluf[/cough] weren't around in 1959.

Looks like a good H&S topic.  Maybe a post there would be good.  Besides, we need to keep the D2experience forums focused on the fact that the C7 is the best damn BCH in the game. ;)

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Re: Which BCH ?
« Reply #84 on: August 01, 2004, 11:04:11 pm »
Hoi Green,

 Quite right, I would choose the C-7. Most fun. Besides all BCH's are best, it is how you fly it that determines the winner.

 Take care,


Offline Khalee

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Re: Which BCH ?
« Reply #85 on: August 01, 2004, 11:08:43 pm »
Well Voteing may have closed but The best is Gorn, is there really any other choice.

Offline KBF-WillWeasel

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Re: Which BCH ?
« Reply #86 on: August 02, 2004, 01:36:19 am »
Hexx, unfortunately it will take far more than you to get Sten back - I don't believe that his problems were with you :).

Thanks Laflin
Yes Sten was kind enough to email me and let me know that he did not include me in his reasons for leaving.

After I came to my senses I realized the same thing, as if anyone could ever get tired of basking in my light.. of my wit, my witticism, my cunning insights into both human nature and the D2.. of my dominance over the KBF.. of my gret works in progress...

Well....I still hate you.   :P

Thought I'd put my vote in too.

yes I hate Hexx as wel

Huh, I was supposed to vote for best BCH?   Never mind then
Somewhere north of the Azores.
KBF always