I-CCZ is best of BCH class, IMHO. There's not much that it cannot do which is how SFB originally designed it to be: an all General War race pacifier.
In PvP, if you got a droner then it's 6xPh3, 8xPH1, and 5xTractors will take care of the 12 drone wave or any SP encountered on an over-run. As a bonus the 2xPPDs will knock up the circling droner with good long-range accuracy up to range 15. If you got a PF cruiser that charges then you can crank it up to speed 31 and let the Plasma Is wipe out the 2 PFs. Then you are fighting an lessor matched BCH. Same goes for enemy CVs. Once the fighters are gone, then the CV runs. If you are fighting a K-C7 and they T-bomb shower you then you can T-Bomb shower right back with 5 x Transporters. Another good feature is that you can under-load the Plasma Ss to Plasma Fs and phaser-boat the enemy.
Against AI, its 2xPlasma S (enveloping), 8xPh1 and 5 trans. marine capturing beam-in alpha-strike will take down a F-DD class ship in one shot. K-F5 variants will be blown away half the time.
I-CCZ really only has trouble when the enemy charges and survives with enough weapons to deliver a serious alpha-strike or when the Frog pilot gets sloppy against droners and mis-times the I-CCZs phaser recharge rate.
As for further impressive, all-omnipotent proof that I-CCZ is good ship: I only lost in a CCZ in PvP against BCH or lower ships on the dyna once: WS in a K-D5D when I was still learning anti-drone tactics. The other time, I hit a rock. Also, a Planet. Another rock when chatting too much. Oh, and once when I got distracted by wanker and I let a couple Droners tractor me.
So, as long as you fly I-CCZ in clear space lanes, J'inn and I should be OK. *snicker*
F-BCF with 104 hp Photon, Plasma F alpha-strike at range 2 to 4 or maybe 5 (if lucky with O/L Photon die rolls) is plenty tough too. Both F-BCF and I-CCZ have similar in-your-face fighting capabilities to complement intermediate ranged saber dancing with 4x(proxy photons) to replace the 2xPPDs. F-BCF also has the Plasma Fs to sick on fighters to go with the AMD, plus has lotsa SPs. Similar turn modes and lotsa phasers.
K-C7 is a great BCH too but lacks the in-your-face punches that a charged up F-BCH or I-CCZ can deliver. Then only thing wrong with it is the model. It should have something more beefed-up and cooler looking than the standard D7 look-alikes. The K-D7W model looks better than the K-C7 one.