
Stock OP misisons on LB5

Love 'em!
17 (47.2%)
19 (52.8%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Topic: Stock OP missions poll  (Read 6659 times)

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Stock OP missions poll
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2004, 11:34:47 pm »
I must admit I am utterly shocked at the poll results. The stock missions to me are excruciatingly boring.

Stock missions EVERY TIME are boring.
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Re: Stock OP missions poll
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2004, 12:21:08 am »
Personally, I would like a mix of both.  I really do like the stock missions, as they are usually quick and when you are doing hours of hex flipping its nice to have them quick and painless. 

However, I do think a 60/40 mix should be used.  I intended to use a few of Karnaks on LB5 if he had finished them before he went on vaccation, but alas it was not to be, and I wont have a buggy server.  I want some of the complexity that NW puts in his, and the AI stripping that Karnak does, and I like some of the neat features that TraceysG's do, like the medals and such.

Given a little more time, I think all the scriptors will get things going in the right direction again.
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Re: Stock OP missions poll
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2004, 04:12:11 am »
I have to say after all I had read, and had been told how everybody hated stock, I am suprised in one way, but in another I am not, there are many who never post, but whose views are equally valid to the most ardent poster here.

In view of the Poll results I think that Admins and designers must take this into account, and whereas I had proposed a 60/40 split, perhaps 70/30 would be more appropriate in view of this plebiscite.
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Re: Stock OP missions poll
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2004, 01:23:08 pm »
Adapting the AI-stripping to some of the stock missions would also help.

Then enters the dbl-fighter bug. Until I get back on my shiplist config. project for EEK missions,  you can only have it one way or the other.

Given a little more time, I think all the scriptors will get things going in the right direction again.

My general assessment is that the current active scripters are burnt out.  After approx. 2 years of consistent scripter support to the community when the Patrol bug was squashed to the full-bore dev. mission packs that came out after AoTK, the strain is showing.    Perhaps, the community has become over reliant on volunteer scripting but I saw it turning into a P/T job that sometimes would sometimes consume approx. 20 man-hours a week.  If stock mission take the pressure off then it's a good thing, IMHO.

As for the poll.  I'd prefer if EEK missions be made an separate option in all future polls. Admin. feedback I always consistently got was that they were as solid as stock except for the dbl-fighter bug.  This poll blurs those boundaries and I am not happy about that.  :thumbsdown:

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Stock OP missions poll
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2004, 04:51:36 pm »

As for the poll.  I'd prefer if EEK missions be made an separate option in all future polls. Admin. feedback I always consistently got was that they were as solid as stock except for the dbl-fighter bug.  This poll blurs those boundaries and I am not happy about that.  :thumbsdown:

Yeah, the poll is worded kinded of silly.   I should have made it more "grey."  My bad.

I put ther poll up because a bunch of us were bitching on TS about how dull the stock missions were.  I had just run a Deep Space Patrol whcih had been about a bilion times more interesting than the last  It was never intended to be used as a wedge against any scripter.

That is true Karnak.  There are only 2 bugs in the EEK mission that I know of:

1.  Double fighter (double heavy weapons was fixed a few pathces ago)
2.  Alliances get hosed when a player drops (Stock missions do this as well, ED do not).

Get those 2 bugs fixed and they are perfect from a technical standpoint.   They already are more interesting than ruynnin 30 1v1 patrols in a row.

By 60/40 "stock" I think most people mean they would like to see a 1v1 patrol appear 60% of the time.  This need not be a stock mission.  Write an EEK patrol that is a 1v1 that shows up more often that the 2v2 and 3v3.  Should make everyone happy.
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Re: Stock OP missions poll
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2004, 07:51:26 pm »
Anyone know which ED missions cause the double-fighters most?

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Re: Stock OP missions poll
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2004, 11:10:43 pm »
Anyone know which ED missions cause the double-fighters most?

AWw c'mon guys.. Throw me a bone here.
.. did the ED missions have the double-fighters problem?

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Re: Stock OP missions poll
« Reply #27 on: July 24, 2004, 01:13:09 am »
Anyone know which ED missions cause the double-fighters most?

AWw c'mon guys.. Throw me a bone here.
.. did the ED missions have the double-fighters problem?

Whenever there was a "host left" message, you had to watch out for double fighters.

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Re: Stock OP missions poll
« Reply #28 on: July 24, 2004, 03:27:33 am »
Anyone know which ED missions cause the double-fighters most?

The ones with Carrier AI
