Given the absolute choices I went stock.
I'd prefer a mix with say 60% stock 40% evildave/karnak to break it up. But 3 ships every time you pull a patrol is a time sink, and I still think fighting more AI is not the answer, but lower Plas BPVs and bring in ships at WSIII.
WSIII is not an option unfortuanately.
Mission times is not the only issue Gook. As you like to say, "fun" is. 50-100 mind-numbing 1v1s a night is not fun for a lot of us.
I like your 60/40 ratio of 1v1 versus Dave/EEK ratio.
I love how stable the stoick missions are and the fact that I have not seen the double-fighter/weapons bug is really encouraging. This is good news, hopefully the scripters can use the stock missions source code as a guide to hopefully kill these bugs.
The poll was too black and white, should have made it a little more "grey."
For future servers, we should try to keep the downloads below 7 MB. A 7 MB download is resonable for the 56Kers.