I had an idea yesterday. I wanted to start a WebComic. So i took a look around, and i thought "well, lets see, i cant really draw, so i cant do anything like that"..."hmm, ooooh, whats this?" i was looking at RedVsBlue.com at the time. and i said to myself "well, hey, if they can make a WebShow using a game, why cant i make a WebComic using a game?"
And so i downloaded the demo to Elite Force.
I came across a snag, it turns out, I cannot pose the models from EF, at all. And I realized, I cant really model a person to save my life...so i had the idea to make it a community thing.
So here is what is needed for the team.
Character ModellerThis person would be in charge of modelling people. Not too many would be needed, just a few, the rest could be kitbashed. What would be needed would depend on how the script goes.
Keep in mind, for anyone considering doing this. They must be relatively easy to kitbash (draw out ears for a vulcan) and to retexture (for costume changes). THEY MUST BE POSABLE IN 3DMAX!!! by use of Bones, or Linking, doesnt matter.
Usual Poly Run: 3000
http://ef.filefront.com/screenshots/4/potd/1060228745.jpgInteriror Set ModellerThis person would be in charge of sets, or environments. If the script calls for a bridge, or a hallway, this one is your challenge. Again, they would be low poly.
EXAMPLE (comes from Star Trek Elite Force)
http://ef.filefront.com/screenshots/4/potd/1088147140.jpgExteriror Set ModellerThis person would not be needed often, however, when they are, they would need to be capable of some work. I can already tell you that this would be most often needed for Cityscapes. Again, they would only need be Low Poly - Greeble cities would be fine for distance, Close up, a little bit more work might need to be done.
The hardest part of this job would be designing the city itself. Its architecture. You are going to be working closely with the Interior Set Modeller.
EXAMPLE (comes from Star Wars Phantom Menace)
http://www.intelligamer.com/action/swep1tpm/tpm04.jpgProp ModellerThis person would be charged with reading the script, and decided what kind of props would be needed. If it takes place in a lounge, this person would need to make glasses, bottles, a chess set, plants, etc. etc.
Usual Poly Run: about 700, 400 for the simple ones
EXAMPLE (Comes from Star Trek Elite Force)
http://ef.filefront.com/screenshots/4/potd/1088527746.jpgMany Thanks