Topic: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG  (Read 37298 times)

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #100 on: July 15, 2004, 10:16:22 pm »
Far out!

I left because of the shiplist crap.  That was a world class cluster f##k.

Care to elaborate? Which shiplist? What were the issues? Inquiring minds want to know!

P.S. Squiggy sucks.


From SFC to Warcraft!???!?!?!?! <shakes head... who can click the fastest and has the highest resolution...>

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #101 on: July 15, 2004, 10:38:58 pm »

It was the first serious attempt to modify the shiplist after CW6.  Trouble was that we tried to accomodate everyone and have everyone design their own race's ships.  It was like giving the kids the keys to the toy store and it rapidly degenerated into name calling and quitting.  That's when guys like Squggy and I decided the game was over for us and we went out looking for other stuff.

Bunch of the Troopers and I made the jump to MMORPGs and other "head to heads" after SFCII.  Funny thing is, we used the same strategies there to kill hordes of players that we used in SFCII ... hit where you're least expected, move, hit again where you're least expected, circle, killl the rezzers, rinse and repeat.  Everyone hated it there too when we were doing it, but it gave a lot of people their best in game memories when they look back after its over.   ;)

You are right though.  The MMORPGs are set up to favor sets of abilities and cookie cutter toons.  And a Boffo 'puter helps in any game.

World of Warcraft is actually looking good in Beta.  Got an Adventure Follies bro in the Beta.  He can't say much but we can hear him drooling.

Games like CnC give me the "head to head" fix now.

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #102 on: July 15, 2004, 10:41:19 pm »
Time for my nap.  I'm feeling old all of a sudden :)
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Max Power

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #103 on: July 15, 2004, 10:54:23 pm »

Back in CW6 some of the most intense PvP you could ever want happened around a planet that Toten nicknamed "The Alamo".  The whole server tottered back and forth for weeks in that area.

Personally, I prefer the point when we occupied vulcan. But that's just me :)

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #104 on: July 15, 2004, 11:27:51 pm »
Please fill in some standard response to one tooting his own horn in response to Sookfoot.  I'm too lazy to articulate my nausea.

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #105 on: July 15, 2004, 11:29:56 pm »
Sockfoot is a noob who radars4tehwin!!!!!!one1!!!!!11!

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #106 on: July 15, 2004, 11:38:52 pm »
Please fill in some standard response to one tooting his own horn in response to Sookfoot.  I'm too lazy to articulate my nausea.


Lepton, please do not ever change.  You always crack me up.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #107 on: July 15, 2004, 11:51:22 pm »
Oy, first Socky, now Squiggy. Who next? Brezgonne? Dagger? Gow?
How's the land of little chairs Squiggy?
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Offline Laflin

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #108 on: July 16, 2004, 12:07:37 am »
Mogster, I agree that change was needed, but I think that in the process a lot of the fun went out of the game and the constant bickering over what seemed to us <non-SFB fanatics> as inconsequential details soured many on the entire D2 experience.  Lepton, I guess that you could set up a nice sterile server where each move is countered by another move, much like an exciting game of ...zzzz... chess, but your server is going to have a mighty small population unless some elements of F U N are involved, and I don't see that happening at any time in the future.  You speak of ai and balance, but how many times in a GSA environment have you taken a CL up against a BB and actually pushed it, hoping against hope to somehow gain some kind of advantage against a superior ship?  That WAS one of the virtues of D2 play, IMO, but nowadays pvp seems to be a faint shadow of what it was on the earlier servers.  I'll stick with this game until the end, but believe me, something has been lost in the process.  :-X

Three points:

1.  I have no idea what you are talking about here.  I would never set up a server nor do I have any idea where you think I have characterized some kind of server setup or that you are even describing something coherent here.

2.  Again, there is absolutely nothing to prevent one on a D2 server from running headlong in a CL into a ship that outclasses you but it most likely won't be a BB on any recent server, so I have no idea what exactly what you are trying to say here.

3.  Finally, if something has been lost since those early servers and if you have an opinion on what it is, you haven't expressed it here in any coherent manner.  I'm not sure you even know what you mean, except that you used to like things better back then for some reason (I chalk it up to nostalgia and the newness of the game at that time), and now it doesn't seem as good as it was (I chalk that up to boredom with something that is so familiar you could play it in your sleep).

Lepton, it has become clear to me that you have your own agenda from reading your past posts and that you have no hesitation in being a prick to further it.  I can see that you enjoy being a boor, but then again so do I, occasionally.  I look forward to butting heads with you, but even more than that, I look forward to wiping the map with your butt when I get back.  Thanks for the incentive, you have helped to break up the monotony of my day.  Make sure you practice - you have about an 8 month window to get yourself ready.  You have helped me to realize what I was missing from the old days - a knucklehead to focus all of my attention on.   ;D
« Last Edit: July 16, 2004, 10:10:46 am by Laflin »

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #109 on: July 16, 2004, 12:11:55 am »
Speaking of knuckleheads, How ya doing, Squig and Sock?  Good to see you old farts.  Sorry I ddidn't reply earlier but I was distracted.  Fond memories of pvp wit you two, but I don't know if we could do it today, cause the BPVs don't match... ;)

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #110 on: July 16, 2004, 02:09:19 am »
"CW6 is where Moggy coined the phrase "Gorn Cheese Fleet" and went around with a flotilla of PFs that would darken the skies.  No one cried over it.  And he was strictly a hunter killer unit.  He would go about hunting down enemy players and blowing them up.  No one had to force PvP.  It happened in the normal course of campaigning."

Socky, your memory has gone. I played Klingon for a while on CW6 before heading off to work on SG2 server (when I did try to return I discovered my account with 100k prestige was dead), and wouldn't be seen dead in any cheese fleet, lol. Perhaps you meant Iaidoka?


Hmm, thinking about it more, I spent much of my time on that server flying a G2C, running mission after mission after mission shoring up defences. Had 3 pvp games in the 2 weeks or so I spent on there. Pretty sure that was the server where I finally decided I hated doing ai missions and went much more into pvp mode.
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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #111 on: July 16, 2004, 03:37:15 am »
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, wonder where Squig and Sock came from ;)

Good Hi-jack Sock, please continue posting, they think I talk a lot, some of them have obviously not seen you in action :)

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #112 on: July 16, 2004, 03:49:36 am »
I didn't have time to read all of this so forgive me if this has been offered already.

Couldn't we allow a limited number of "fleet" players just by adding the option and a few slots to the FM's? Allow FM's to have the choice of flying one large restricted ship or a fleet of smaller ships (defined to everyone's satisfaction), add a couple slots to the number of "base" FM's and define/restrict the number of each type (single large or smaller multiple) that can be fielded to make sure no race can go too top heavy one way or the other.

That is a frigging great idea. Allow a couple FF/DD squadrons, maybe a CL/CA squadron per side. Transferable FM assignment.

Is this going more in the "elitist" direction that was are trying to avoid?

Exactly DH we are trying or at least some of us are to avoid more regulation or server tweaking to one camp or another. Does anyone genuinely think that everybody will suddenly start flying fleets? I certainly don't, very few actually did it in the past compared to the number of single pilots, I only do it when I know extended PvP will happen and even then not always , depends on the tactical situation. It is easier for some than others to run fleets, but then the game isn't equal in all departments, and as I have said, if you get a fleet person 1v1 which you can't defeat, leave get a pal come back and cream the SOB.

Personally I think the fleet thing is way overblown and will prove top be a storm in a teacup as I can't see many, if any doing it, but the option of being able to do so is what counts. 3 ship fleets are inefficient at hex flipping compared to singles, they tend to sit around growling at people from one or two hexes until 2 players show up and blow them to bits. If they are destroyed, getting another fleet together and equiping and running it is very expensive.

Lets not try and pile rules on where they are probably not needed. Lets try and avoid tweaking ship lists and missions to try and accomodate personal foibles.If the fleets become a real problem they can be looked at again.

Kzinti Hegemony

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #113 on: July 16, 2004, 05:55:42 am »
Socky, Squiggy, hmmmmm

Gook did you forget to lock the door of the old folkes home after you escaped?


Great to see you guys, hope all is well. 

Best wishes Chuut

P.S.  Hope to see you on the Dyna again sometime, preferably as allies.

Final Note:   Squiggy there is a young upstart named Maverick who claims to be the ultimate T-bomb God, please teach him what it means to challange the master.

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #114 on: July 16, 2004, 06:07:26 am »
Hey all ... Thought I'd pop my head in here since it seems to be 'Old Folks' week. ;)

Anyway, I'm not going to say I'm for this or for that - I don't play anymore, so I really don't have a say.

I left the game because two of my good friends left (Sock and Squig), my loyal friend and wingmate left (Gow), and my leader and mentor had to scale back his time in-game (Dogmatix).  Not that there weren't still plenty of good folks in the game, but these guys were part of our solid group and without them .. I could definitely feel the hole left behind.  Add to that, our numbers were on the decline.  Not to mention the whole fubar'd shiplist project...

Anyway, Squiggy and Sock found a game they liked that allowed for not just 30, 60, or even 100 people to play together ... this game allowed for 1000's to interact with each other in some form or another.  I tried it out and liked it instantly.  The best part was that I was back playing with two of my 'brothers,' and that wily ol' Kat, Gook, was there, too.

Going back to the dwindled player base with its new list of rules and this download/that download .. it was just too hard to do.  Don't get me wrong, I loved SFC.  Recalling the capture of Lyra in CW5, the Rainbow Trail to Earth in CW3 .. the defense of the ISC/Gorn border in CW6 (and yes, the Hydran taking of Vulcan in the same campaign .. loved seeing that), facing Dogmatix in my F-BCF in CW2 .. I miss those days big time.

I don't know what point I was trying to make, or if I even had one.  I guess I just thought I'd share my story and say 'Hi' to the old gang. :)

PS.  Hey Laffy, you need a wingman for that? ;)

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #115 on: July 16, 2004, 06:33:00 am »
Sockfoot is a noob who radars4tehwin!!!!!!one1!!!!!11!

Squiggy....You "whipper-snapper"     ;D

You better be taking good care of my CVA.... :P

Good to see ya Bud !!


How bout we set up an old time server like before and you all come back to play it.... ;)
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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #116 on: July 16, 2004, 06:41:56 am »
Hey Socky, Squiggy, Kor.....  Nice to see you guys.

And Sockfoot, there are still troopers out there wreaking havoc where their enemies (or even their allies on Teamspeak) least expect them.    ;D
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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #117 on: July 16, 2004, 06:56:26 am »
Please fill in some standard response to one tooting his own horn in response to Sookfoot.  I'm too lazy to articulate my nausea.

Whatever, obtuse negativity for its own sake impresses no one.

Offline Max Power

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #118 on: July 16, 2004, 07:30:22 am »
Oy, first Socky, now Squiggy. Who next? Brezgonne? Dagger? Gow?
How's the land of little chairs Squiggy?

We can do without Dagger thank you. Must have been a uprising at the school, hehe...

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Re: Socky's campaign guide VERY LONG
« Reply #119 on: July 16, 2004, 07:30:31 am »
Hey all ... Thought I'd pop my head in here since it seems to be 'Old Folks' week. ;)

Anyway, I'm not going to say I'm for this or for that - I don't play anymore, so I really don't have a say.

I left the game because two of my good friends left (Sock and Squig), my loyal friend and wingmate left (Gow), and my leader and mentor had to scale back his time in-game (Dogmatix).  Not that there weren't still plenty of good folks in the game, but these guys were part of our solid group and without them .. I could definitely feel the hole left behind.  Add to that, our numbers were on the decline.  Not to mention the whole fubar'd shiplist project...

Anyway, Squiggy and Sock found a game they liked that allowed for not just 30, 60, or even 100 people to play together ... this game allowed for 1000's to interact with each other in some form or another.  I tried it out and liked it instantly.  The best part was that I was back playing with two of my 'brothers,' and that wily ol' Kat, Gook, was there, too.

Going back to the dwindled player base with its new list of rules and this download/that download .. it was just too hard to do.  Don't get me wrong, I loved SFC.  Recalling the capture of Lyra in CW5, the Rainbow Trail to Earth in CW3 .. the defense of the ISC/Gorn border in CW6 (and yes, the Hydran taking of Vulcan in the same campaign .. loved seeing that), facing Dogmatix in my F-BCF in CW2 .. I miss those days big time.

I don't know what point I was trying to make, or if I even had one.  I guess I just thought I'd share my story and say 'Hi' to the old gang. :)

PS.  Hey Laffy, you need a wingman for that? ;)

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