Heh ... I haven't sat in a captain's chair in two years and I can still make people wet the bed.

Frankly I don't know what's changed about the D2. Seems not a lot has changed. You've got the same problem, just in different wrapping. The game mechanics are fuxxored so you have to draft a nice thick rule to address the shortcomings of the game mechanics. Like any law, such a rule is drafted by committee and anything drafted by committee is by definition cumbersome and byzantine.
I've gotten spoiled by the other games I play now. D2 rules were set up to deal with real or preceived deficiencies in the game mechanics. The games I play now lack bugs and have a company that actively patches them so the rules are more "conduct" based (i.e. you must Role Play on this server or no swearing etc). In my humble opinion, what hurt the Dynaverse is it was free, so there was no incentive for Taldren to get the game into a playable form.
I see some old schoolers out there. They will tell you that nothing got the Dynaverse buzzing like when The Black Mist crew showed up. And it wasn't all "droning" or "deepstriking". Lafin and I and Capt. Jeff and I fought some damn tight PvP battles. I can remember one with Laflin where he came and tracked me down while I was messing around in the backfield there and we slugged it out for 30 minutes or more.
Yeah, if you got beat by me or Squiggy or other Black Mist guys, more than likely we'd tractor your ship and tow you off the map. It was just our style. And you could count on us to Self Destruct our ships if some game bug saved them from destruction and we got beat. Same for guys like Laflin and Jeff.
PvP came with the deep strike raid. When one hex went red in an ocean of green hexes, believe me everyone knew who it was and they call came running as fast as they could to get a piece of me and my Troopers. Believe it or not, we had a code of honor. We fought our way in and we fought our way out. If you watched the overview map, you could see us taking missions and lowering the DVs of hexes as we went in. If we got drafted, we fought. Sometimes we won and got away, sometimes we came home on our shields, but we never rolled over even if it meant taking our lowly G2Cs up against a DNH.
That was the POINT of a deep strike raid. It made the enemy move to where you wanted them to be instead of where they wanted to be. That, ladies and gentlemen, is called "strategy".
Yeah that's right. I flew the G2C on deepstrike raids. If you don't think that takes a little skill, try it out sometime. And I flew CLs and CVAs or whatever else tickled my fancy. Versitility was the hallmark of all my Troopers no matter what race they played.
Back in CW6 some of the most intense PvP you could ever want happened around a planet that Toten nicknamed "The Alamo". The whole server tottered back and forth for weeks in that area.
CW6 is where Moggy coined the phrase "Gorn Cheese Fleet" and went around with a flotilla of PFs that would darken the skies. No one cried over it. And he was strictly a hunter killer unit. He would go about hunting down enemy players and blowing them up. No one had to force PvP. It happened in the normal course of campaigning.
Heh ... and who could forget the LAN games we had during server crashes. If you think my Black Mist boys couldn't go head to head, you obviously never played them in one of those.
And in case you forgot, I was the guy that flew all the races and posted his findings about each ship and race he flew.
I left because of the shiplist crap. That was a world class cluster f##k.
Point being that I'm proud that when I logged in and everyone saw my name on the list of active captains, their ears perked up. They might not have liked what I did, but me and my boys made everyone sit up and pay attention and that made it exciting for everyone. While I was stealing your planets and bases, it might have sucked, but when it was over, if you fended us off or not, you had to look back and say, "those were some good times." It gave the game a lot of color and if nothing else, people turned up to stand in line for a chance to get a bite out of me and my guys. You knew we were out there, you just didn't know where, but you knew we'd turn up eventually and you'd have to deal with us.
If me and my guys made those memories for folks by being merely "hex chewers" then so be it. What's missing isn't more or less rules. What's missing is style and flair.
But that's just this old space pirate's opinion and I never expect everyone to agree with me. I could be wrong after all. I'm just here to have fun. Hope you enjoy the ride too.

Captain Sockfoot
Commanding the IKV Wendol
Klingon Imperial Navy, Deep Space Fleet
The 69th Space Cavalry, The Black Mist
Order of the Wendigo
Night is falling and the Mist is settling on the field, so be warned. Sleep with one eye open, young ones, for I am the Thief of Lyra and I and my troopers stalk the eternal night of space. We're coming soon to a homeworld near you.

P.S. Squiggy sucks.