... lol I always remebered Dagger's *hit stirring activities on the boards, we used to have roaring bonfires back then, not little flames. anyway...
Have fun fighting AI, i'll play a real game.
I think you're missing Gooks point here... as I see it there used to be more emphasis on map strategy and less on tactical battles. You werent here for those old servers right? We werent fighting AI on the map by any stretch of the imagination - it was usually a tense strategic battle... more of an F&E game than an SFB game...
Back in the days of CW3,4 RT etc... I used to argue for the removal of AI from the D2 game altogether - if no enemies are logged in then there will be no battles happening - PvP only... but this can't be done without the source. I see it differently now.
I'm still kind of torn on this issue... funnily enough there is a "AllowHumanToHumanMatching" parameter in the gfs, we can set a server to AI battles only (untested I think) but not the converse... if we could, this whole discussion would be moot we could have servers with AI and servers without.... now wheres that source?

Me, I'm for a good OoB, fleets according to CnC (we're missing out on a large part of the game flying single ships IMO)
I'm not so keen on the disengagement rule as it favours nutters... I think if the disengagement rule is to be used then there HAS to be a "slot" where casual players can affect the game.
Everything Socky said above was true, and still is. Make no mistake, he was a hex muncher but an excellent PvP pilot as well.. (can't count how many times he tractored me off the map, lol... he set the standard for conduct back then, in my opinion) - and his partner in crime Squiggy too... As nutters they always had bigger ships than me, but at least I could keep coming back and trying... one of the things missed today is keen observation and strategy - those guys would never leave a key hex unattended (no running missions over them...) not so hard to do...
I played on many servers where hex munching was key, and to be honest I ended up in more PvP battles than I do with the setups on current servers... inevitably hex munching goals collide...
I think I had more to say about this... Oh yea, thanks for posting this Gook, I think it will stir some productive debate and brought back some good memories... (I may have more to say later...)