I recently downloaded a Karreman Freighter, from Sci-fi Meshes. I contacted the creator of the model (Rick "Hobbes" Snider) and asked his permission to have a lower poly version of this model made, and he gave me the go ahead. I don't have the software or the skill to acomplish this, I was wondering if any modelers out there would be interested. Here is a copy of the e-mail he sent me:
Feel free to go ahead with a low poly version

I believe Ace has that particular mesh in the wrong section of the site.
See, the karemman freighter is NOT my design, its actually canon to Star Trek, so, you wouldn't even need to credit me for making a low poly version

Feel free to use it as a reference tho

Rick "Hobbes" Snider
If anyone interested in this project would like to e-mail him and verify this, I would be more than happy to provide his e-mail address, just send me an e-mail (e-mail address is in my profile); or you can go to Sci-fi Meshes and find his address listed there.