Topic: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...  (Read 8076 times)

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2004, 03:23:36 pm »
I'm with Terradhynne on this one, the Enterprise era-aesthetic isn't bad in and of itself, but doing dodgy rip-offs of existing ships is what I have probs with, I remember reading the thread where that pic originated and most everyone agreed it was just Enterprise bits stuck to a recoloured TMP Enterprise Why can't people do original designs using the Enterprise style, like the Intrepid and that other one from Azati Prime (fans call it the Iceland) original at least in their form and not just a rehash of an existing ship.

Model's pretty good quality Mudd.

To each his own...i just want it because i think it looks neat in itself.
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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2004, 03:28:47 pm »
Email away, Desty!

Thanks a zillion ...  ;D

I, Mudd.

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2004, 04:57:06 pm »
Hi, I don't usually like TOS ships, but this is excellent. !!! (maybe because it is more like ent era)
If ppl don't like it, try changing the registry. I have the impresion that the die-hard TOS fan always flame if it isn't "canon" and maybe they will be a little more open minded if you don't use the sacred 1701 registry.

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2004, 05:36:01 pm »
Hi, I don't usually like TOS ships, but this is excellent. !!! (maybe because it is more like ent era)
If ppl don't like it, try changing the registry. I have the impresion that the die-hard TOS fan always flame if it isn't "canon" and maybe they will be a little more open minded if you don't use the sacred 1701 registry.


I'm most definitely a TOS fan - always have been, always will be. I have looked at this with the Vulcan philosophy of IDIC .  8)

With as few starships that were actually on screen during TOS, how would anyone know whether or not there were different design philosophies? (Back at Taldren, Atra had a thread of a similar theme ...)  :-

I, Mudd.

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2004, 05:42:01 pm »
I'm with Terradhynne on this one, the Enterprise era-aesthetic isn't bad in and of itself, but doing dodgy rip-offs of existing ships is what I have probs with, I remember reading the thread where that pic originated and most everyone agreed it was just Enterprise bits stuck to a recoloured TMP Enterprise Why can't people do original designs using the Enterprise style, like the Intrepid and that other one from Azati Prime (fans call it the Iceland) original at least in their form and not just a rehash of an existing ship.

I like the original much better to tell you the truth, but there is nothing wrong with updating (backdating?) an already-seen starship to follow a developemental path. I (and I assure you many) have always wondered what the Constitution would look like with an NX-01 lineage. Now we know, and I think it looks pretty awesome.
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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2004, 09:52:15 pm »
Yikes! This is quite a job, I,Mudd. You'll have to allow me a bit of time to work on this, there's a lot of polies that needs choppins!. Nice mesh, though.  :)
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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2004, 08:02:30 am »
I like the original much better to tell you the truth, but there is nothing wrong with updating (backdating?) an already-seen starship to follow a developemental path. I (and I assure you many) have always wondered what the Constitution would look like with an NX-01 lineage. Now we know, and I think it looks pretty awesome.

Well personally I think we knew when Anduril did the Phoenix, or whoever did the high-poly version of it before that. This isn't the TOS Enterprise re-imagined for the NX-01 era, it's the saucer and nacelles of the NX-01 strapped to the sec-hull of the Enterprise class which is recoloured and with an oldy-stylee deflector on the front. Re-imagining a design doesn't mean kitbashing other ships into it's shape, it means actually coming up with a unique design that looks like a cross between the two original design philosophies. Anduril's Phoenix is a good example of that, Bernd Schneider's Hercules class is a good example of things going the other way round - NX-01 design with Pre-TOS styling, pic for those who've not seen it:

The pic at the top of this thread is just another kitbash that can be made in five minutes in a paint package, No offense if you like it but I just wanted to point out that there are people who've done far better renditions of a cross-over of Ent-era with TOS.
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Offline jayvt3

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2004, 08:59:26 am »
:carmen:sez>  Schweeeeet!  I didn't like the style of the NX-01 when it first came out but like a good ol' case of fungal infection it grew on me and I got used to the smell.
I don't remember all the hoopla it caused in the Taldren forum, maybe it was because all the people who complained did not contribute anything worth a damn in the way of advice, helpful critiques or even a model that looked half way decent to the forum.
Hey Mudd you get that baby ready and I'll take her for a spin.  The only thing I don't like is the name on the neck. Just alittle to cheesy for me.

So keep up the good work Mudd and don't worry about what others say and if somebody gives you any sh*t just gimme their addie.  I gots me a brand new woood chipper. :2gun: :2gun:

Offline Kaenyne

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2004, 09:37:21 am »
Jayvt3, you trip me out.   :D

And to I, Mudd: I think she's a fine looking ship, no matter what. I'll certainly be taking her out of dydock for a more than a three-hour tour.
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Offline battlestar001

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2004, 04:28:13 pm »
Shes a fantastic looking ship and it would be a pleasure to give her a drive. Just a reminder to those who think TOS rules. The Enterprise had more than one refit. This could be a orginal Connie class Under Captian April (Or whoever the first captian of the ship was) and then it gets painted white for Pike  (For some strange resion) The Enterprise was rebuilt in TMP with new Warp Engines or y couldent it have happened b4 with the class? ::)  :-\

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2004, 04:33:58 pm »
why o why some pepole don't respect the past

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Offline Desty Nova

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2004, 12:40:06 am »
Just a reminder to those who think TOS rules. The Enterprise had more than one refit. This could be a orginal Connie class Under Captian April (Or whoever the first captian of the ship was) and then it gets painted white for Pike  (For some strange resion) The Enterprise was rebuilt in TMP with new Warp Engines or y couldent it have happened b4 with the class? ::)  :-\

Dude, that's not a refit. It's a completely different size for starters. And refitting that to heavy cruiser specs would be tantamount to melting it down completely and starting over from scratch. Kinda defeats the point of a refit.

But then, that's how I feel about the Connie/Ent-A as well...
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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2004, 12:51:14 am »
I think this design is awsome.  The Connie style has always been awsome.  I don't think of this NX-style as a Connie refit, but as a rival ship design.  What does Starfleet do when it needs a new ship?  Do they just build one or do they accept bids.  This ship could also be a Pre-TOS Connie prototype.
I personally love the original series.  "Balance of Terror" is my all time favorite episode.
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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2004, 04:14:09 am »
I think this design is awsome.  The Connie style has always been awsome.  I don't think of this NX-style as a Connie refit, but as a rival ship design.  What does Starfleet do when it needs a new ship?  Do they just build one or do they accept bids.  This ship could also be a Pre-TOS Connie prototype.
I personally love the original series.  "Balance of Terror" is my all time favorite episode.

It gets my vote, too. It's the first episode where they portray an alen as more than a plotdevice.
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Offline I, Mudd

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2004, 10:38:46 am »
Okay, here's the deal:

I've rebuilt the mesh to more playable stats, as Desty is having a hard enough time juggling his own projects. Personally, I'm not so attached to this project to do new textures for her. See below for pic/download:

If anyone wants to retexture her, have at it, but  the underside of the saucer may need remapping, as I was just lazy.  :-\

Enjoy ...

I, Mudd.

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2004, 10:55:59 am »
I take it you lifted the textures from the pic....good man.  always works for me.

who came up and made that pic origionaly?

Offline Kaenyne

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2004, 10:59:11 am »
Swordsman is gonna be a happy camper.
Great job, I, Mudd! I'll be getting my copy tonight. Thanks for all your effort!
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Offline battlestar001

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2004, 12:49:54 pm »
She looks great. Wasent the Enterprise after she was refitted larger? hmmmmmmmm. Great work d/l now, lol

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2004, 04:11:11 pm »
can I get the hihg end version?  Also, I just noticed that planet mudd seems to be missing the tos pytor class.

Mudd, if you see this I want a mod file format. Can't send a reply to hotmail without everything crashing.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2004, 06:14:39 am by Starforce2 »

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Re: OMG, someone's gotta do this ship...
« Reply #39 on: July 16, 2004, 09:08:37 am »
Swordsman is gonna be a happy camper.
Great job, I, Mudd! I'll be getting my copy tonight. Thanks for all your effort!

Indeed I am, especially because I'm looking at her in Modelviewer right now and she's top notch. Thanks for the excellent addition, Mudd.
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