Topic: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?  (Read 4396 times)

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Offline jualdeaux

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Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« on: July 12, 2004, 06:44:11 am »
I am getting ready to sell a comparatively expensive guitar and thought that I would ask and see if anyone has any thoughts on what to do, what not to do, or just best practices.

Oh, here is the add I was planning on using.

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Offline IndyShark

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2004, 09:36:30 am »
I have not sold anything, but I have purchased quite a few things. I would suggest that you;

1. Put a reserve price in so you get at least what you want for it.
2. Let the auction run six or seven days
3. Be sure to put it in the right catagory so people can find it (spelling counts!)

Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2004, 01:37:54 pm »
I have not sold anything, but I have purchased quite a few things. I would suggest that you;

1. Put a reserve price in so you get at least what you want for it.
2. Let the auction run six or seven days
3. Be sure to put it in the right catagory so people can find it (spelling counts!)

1. I'v ealrady decided o the reserve price and a starting bid price.
2. I plan on at least a 7-day auction.
3. I do plan on spelling the "category" correctly. ;)

Oh, and thanks for the input.:)
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

Offline The Bar-Abbas Anomaly

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2004, 03:53:45 pm »
I have not sold anything, but I have purchased quite a few things. I would suggest that you;

1. Put a reserve price in so you get at least what you want for it.
2. Let the auction run six or seven days
3. Be sure to put it in the right catagory so people can find it (spelling counts!)

I'd disagree with this....  Find out how much similar items have sold for (Advanced search - Completed auctions) and decide if you'd be happy with selling in that range.  If not, don't bother listing it at all.  It won't sell if you put in a reserve price significantly above the average.

Put your item up for bid, use the 'Bold' feature listing for the extra $0.25 and maybe throw a buck at the 'List in Gallery'.  Make sure you have three or four nice pictures to go along with it.  Maybe list it in two catagories if it fits really well in both. 

Choose a very low starting price - About 10% of the value that the other similar items have sold for in the past.  Skip the reserve.  This will attract bidders and generate interest.  People are more likely to bid on an item that they think others like.  Then just let the market forces do their job; it'll sell for what it's worth.
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Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2004, 04:03:09 pm »
I have already done the similiar items search ans saw one go for just under $3000 and it didn't have all the original stuff with it. I just don't want it to be a slow week and let someone take it for peanuts so I am going to keep the reserve. I won't however make the reserve at the $3000 mark as that would just put people off when no one makes the reserve. I will tkae the advice about the bold and the List in Gallery though. Thanks.
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.


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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2004, 04:26:33 pm »
I agree, skip the reserve. It scares off a lot of would-be bidders.

See how the bidding is in the last few hours. You can always cancel the bids and end your auction if it's not where you want it to be.

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2004, 07:58:19 pm »
Hmm, I'd make ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE it's easy to find.  If other items are going for the price range you would want your item to sell for, not only list it correctly, but make sure that those who would look for it can find it.  Ebay is notorious for supplying really expensive items for cheap simply because someone didn't word it right, didn't spell right, didn't list it right, OR didn't make it so that searches for the item would turn it up easily.

Also, include how you will package and send it.  For example, I never bid on anything that doesn't explicitly state it will ship internationally, states that it can accept checks or money orders (via international money orders or such) or that don't have details on shipping and such.
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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2004, 11:09:34 pm »
I agree, skip the reserve. It scares off a lot of would-be bidders.

See how the bidding is in the last few hours. You can always cancel the bids and end your auction if it's not where you want it to be.

You might want to look up the info on ending auctions early. Im not sure, but I think you can only end an auction if there are no bids, reserve hasnt been met, and/or is within the the time commitment (12 or 24 hours before auction ends.

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Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2004, 05:20:20 am »
Should you sell it for what you want (I know your price range), use a bonded escrow to exchange the money/guitar...there have been scams and I would hate to see anyone get cheated like that.

Good Luck,

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul

Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2004, 04:43:34 pm »
OKay, you have brought up three good questions. shipping, money orders and escrow.

I am willing to ship it anywhere, as stated in the add, but how exactly should I do that? UPS, FEDEX? Which one is the better choice?

As for money orders, are there special international money orders or just the regular kind that I can get at my local bank? How do I know what kind to trust or which to specify?

I have heard of that famous Powerbook scam and do not want any part of that kind of thing. If I should make, or receive an offer to try something like that, how do I set it up and who would I set it up with?

Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2004, 05:21:33 pm »
Go to and look mentions escrow and buyer/seller protection.

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul

Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2004, 07:09:42 pm »
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2004, 08:19:04 pm »
Get insurance for whatever you ship. Make sure you have payment verified before sending out.

Pictures! LOTS OF PICTURES! close ups too! Front/back/top/bottom/etc.

It shows the condition of the item.

"Sex is a lot like pizza.  If you're not careful you can blister your tongue". -Dracho

Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2004, 09:49:01 pm »
Get insurance for whatever you ship. Make sure you have payment verified before sending out.

Pictures! LOTS OF PICTURES! close ups too! Front/back/top/bottom/etc.

It shows the condition of the item.

I had planned on the insurance and payment before shipping anyway as any other than that would be stupid and asking for trouble. Did you click the link to the add? is that enough pictures?
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2004, 06:22:22 am »
Good! :)

"Sex is a lot like pizza.  If you're not careful you can blister your tongue". -Dracho


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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2004, 01:11:05 pm »
I agree, skip the reserve. It scares off a lot of would-be bidders.

See how the bidding is in the last few hours. You can always cancel the bids and end your auction if it's not where you want it to be.

You might want to look up the info on ending auctions early. Im not sure, but I think you can only end an auction if there are no bids, reserve hasnt been met, and/or is within the the time commitment (12 or 24 hours before auction ends.

If you cancel all the bids, then there are no bids on the item.  :)

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2004, 04:32:18 pm »
I'd also watch out for low feedback people...some of them bid a price up, then don't pay off..

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2004, 08:23:49 am »
Hey...did you finally put it up for bid?  Or are you getting like me, and would regret selling any guitar?  My regret was letting my dad talk me into selling my 60's Gibson hollow body so I could by my 12 string (I love the 12 string, but dad didn't understand that each guitar is unique (niether does my wife, I just sneak them in and gradually introduce them  :o))

I've looked on E-Bay and haven't seen anything in your price range, so I was just wondering.

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul

Offline S'Raek

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2004, 08:44:02 am »

I don't believe that is the same one jualdeau is selling but it is a comparable as it is the same one and signed by Joe.  And the seller is looking for a pretty penny for the thing too. 

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Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2004, 08:50:24 am »
I didn't think that was him, since it's in PA and he's from OH, and I think he lives closer to Daytom than Pittsburg.  Thanks tho'

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2004, 11:11:23 am »
the only stuff i sold to a high price was dragon warrior 4 for the old nes, because it rare old and verry good, but in a way a reserve price is good cause you will not be forece to let it go to a low price, but its also bad cause some buyer won't bid because of it, so dont put a too low price to start and if there was a way to authenticate the signe on the guitar that would help. and as the sayd use bold font to show it and place a lot of pic on the auction.

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2004, 12:51:14 pm »
I didn't think that was him, since it's in PA and he's from OH, and I think he lives closer to Daytom than Pittsburg.  Thanks tho'


Cap'n, actually I know that isn't jualdeaux since he is my brother.  :)  I am sorry I should have been more clear in my last post.  I was mainly just interested in the fact that it was the same guitar (or at least I think it is, I am guitar ignorant) and the seller put a very high reserve on it. 

Veritas vos Liberabit -- Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis

Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2004, 04:05:34 pm »
WOW! That one went for $4500. I wonder if I should go for a bit higher buy it now price as that is how that one seemed to go. It was nice to see one up for sale just recently as that gives me a good idea of the market price. And no. That one wasn't mine. As you said mike, I am having trouble convincing myself to actually put it up for sale. Even when I know I have to, I still haven't made that step. When I got it, I told myself that I would never sell it. Now that I got it autographed, after having it for 6 years, I am even more reluctant. I"m so pathetic. :)

I may get myself to put it up tomorrow. I'll let you know.
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2004, 05:39:35 pm »
WOW! That one went for $4500. I wonder if I should go for a bit higher buy it now price as that is how that one seemed to go. It was nice to see one up for sale just recently as that gives me a good idea of the market price. And no. That one wasn't mine. As you said mike, I am having trouble convincing myself to actually put it up for sale. Even when I know I have to, I still haven't made that step. When I got it, I told myself that I would never sell it. Now that I got it autographed, after having it for 6 years, I am even more reluctant. I"m so pathetic. :)

I may get myself to put it up tomorrow. I'll let you know.

The guy who bought it has a '0' feedback rating.... He's never bought or sold on eBay before.  It wouldn't surprise me if this item shows up for sale again in a week.

Not a given, but I won't be surprised....

I still recommend that you skip the reserve and let the market pay what it's worth.  Plan your auction to end when most people will be available to look at it.  (i.e., not 4am EST on a Sunday....)

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Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2004, 07:16:08 pm »
I had that same thought on the '0' feedback rating. Shoot, I've only bought once and never sold on ebay and I'm hoping that people don't think I'm a nut.

Hey, once I've put it up for sale, could I get you all to give me some positive feedback! ;);)
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2004, 10:16:12 pm »
I'll give you positive feedback..but if I win the lottery, I'll buy the guitar (like that'll happen..the lottery)...but's tough giving up a dream..I know I'll never play like those guys, but at home, through my amp, I can dream...10 years from now, when Joe's 58 and I'm 59 (he's 6 months younger than me) could have an icon of an era...

Best of luck..

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2004, 10:36:46 pm »
I had that same thought on the '0' feedback rating. Shoot, I've only bought once and never sold on ebay and I'm hoping that people don't think I'm a nut.

Hey, once I've put it up for sale, could I get you all to give me some positive feedback! ;);)

Hey, everybody who uses eBay makes their first bid or sale sometime....  But this guy's first bid is a buy-it-now on a $4500 guitar...?

Makes me go HHHhhhmmmmm......
Alpha Dog is in the HOUSE!!!  (But he needs to go out...)

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2004, 10:46:55 pm »
I know, everyone starts at 0...but 4500 bucks..I hope it was escrowed...

I know the temptation tho' (as Mike sneaks a new guitar into his forest, hoping his wife won't notice for a couple of weeks, when he can say "Honey, it's been on that stand for ages!")

Yes, I've been caught......

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul


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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2004, 12:20:47 pm »
You can only give feedback to someone if you have completed a transaction with them on e-bay. So no "padding".

Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2004, 12:24:28 pm »
You can only give feedback to someone if you have completed a transaction with them on e-bay. So no "padding".

Too bad, but I was just kidding anyway.
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2004, 05:55:05 am »
O.K.  Here it is, a Gibson...$50,000  and there's a bid...

What can I say

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul

Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2004, 01:02:19 pm »
That sold for $50,000 and it had one of the shortest descriptions I've ever seen. :)
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Has anyone sold a higher priced item on eBay?
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2004, 01:10:57 pm »
What I want to know is that the deal goes through...

that's a high priced guitar...

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul