Well the answer to that is still yes and no..
For the better part of this past year I have been hit with 3 Virus in which the only easy way to fix the issue was to do a complete reformat. Got to love the LovSan Virus

As for the Robotech ships, I up-loaded a bunch of them to this site before the last virus did me about a month ago.
www.robotechtc.comAs for hte Marduk Mothership, she for the most part is done... its very simple and very low poly...althought I would like to do a better mesh and texture job on her at some point.
currently I am debating on switching gears and start modeling some stargate ships and then see about doing a stargate mod for SFC3. The Robotech Mod for sfc3 is just not do able..those ships carry way to many weapons including missiles which are not in the game and are so long it does a number on the game engine.