Hmm, Well...
I was one of those that had a problem with NWN in that it deposed a computer...could I verify it was NWN...other than hearing others (very few, but you know) complain of it, no...because all evidence was erased in the processs!
I had two computers that it went kaput on (AMD Athlons at 1.8 gigs, 512 MB RAM, ATI AIW 7500's, 80 gig and 100 gig Har Drives, 40x CD/RW) and it wasnt' because they were behind the curve (though I am an Nvidia fan and could attribute it to the ATI cards...which some did, many would call Bioware evil from the run in with ATI in the release). I'd boot it up and just got a black screen on those when the game was released up until patch 1.21, and the instance recurred on patch 1.27 on until SoA came out for those.
I had another computer with the jerky and no shiny water on. Most of these were not unknown, and many attributed them to ATI cards, or older systems...seeing my systems were top of the line at that time...
On the otherhand...just to counter the interesting item...SFC1 ran out of the box for me, AND I've NEVER had a problem running release I believe is 1.0 remarkably...
In otherwords...just because one has never had problems...shows arrogance to remark that this means there were very few problems for others on the game's release.
Take Dominion Wars...very buggy game. I didn't have problems, but I would rank it as one of the buggier releases.
Bioware does keep making patches...BUT
It's because they have not been court ordered to stop and legally bound not to...
It's also because they have the money to spend on it they have work...
Taldren continued to supply patches...and even put in a system to continue putting out patches for some of the SFC games when they didn't had other work they were trying to get done...
I like Bioware...but I don't let my fanboi'ness hide the truth of things. I am glad that Bioware has gotten NWN to work better, but they weren't the best in the campaign with the first release (you DO remember all the complaints about the official campaign...don't you)...the best thing NWN is good for is because one can create their own material and their own modules and adventures from it...I love it for that.