About an hour ago the microwave oven just turned itself on, apparently running a full 4 minute full power cycle. I stared at my wife, she at me, we both looked at my 5 yr old son and asked/accused "Did you touch the microwave?". I went in and pressed the OFF/CLEAR button, it kept on going so I opened the door and it stops. Close the door, it starts right back, open - stop, close -start. OK. Tried all the buttons, no change and no response, so put a big bowl of water in and let it finish the run. It did, and then the display went out, no clock, no response from hitting any button. Huh?
So there I am looking at it about a minute later and presto, turns itself back on. Same deal, 4 minute run at full power, no response from any control pad buttons. I pulled the power cord, plugged it back in about a minute later. Normally after a power failure it will display "RESET" and bring up the clock for adjusting. This time after plugging back in the control display showed all the possible character combinations at once for about 10 seconds, then "RESET" came up, then presto, right back into a full 4 minute full power cycle. WTF!!
Well now, I try the control pad, no response. Open - stop, close - start. Pull the cord again, wait 10 minutes. Plug it in, presto, right back to a full 4 minute high power run. Once it finishes the only control pad response I get is clock reset, but it only chooses the number 4 for whatever key I press; and blissfully after about a minute it starts again with a highpower 4 minute run.

Obviously its FUBAR, but now I'm curious. Is this planned obsolescence in a 6 yr old appliance? Seems a mighty dangerous way to get the message across to go forth and buy another if the previous one randomly turns on until burning down the house (damn glad we were here when this happened).
Or is this just a friggin electronic Poltergeist, happy to ruin a fairly decent Sunday morning?