Topic: I have OP, Now what?  (Read 5281 times)

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Offline Bisquik

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I have OP, Now what?
« on: July 11, 2004, 02:28:19 am »
Hey Guys,
I just installed OP and patched it up (2552). Now what? I tried to log onto a few servers, but they all seem to need special files. Are there any servers that don't need special files (such as the BattleZone server for EAW)?

Are there certain files, while not official, should be used (e.g. OP+3.3)?

Someone mentioned a file that would make the EAW missions compatible with OP. Where can I find this?


PS. BTW, finally got EAW to work too... not sure how though... Thanks again for your help with that.
PPS. Who runs the BattleZone server for EAW? They should shrink the map... for the amount of people that play on it, the campaign takes forever to complete.
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Offline Cleaven

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2004, 02:49:56 am »
There are probably half a dozen fan sites that bring all those files together, but sadly I can't recite them because I am lazy and never look further than, not because it's necessarily better but because I went there first. Sometimes there will be special sites put up for servers and then I have to go looking a little further.

Not sure I can be bothered, but as you are the Doc, can you run an AI standard patrol in 2 minutes in a KRC? If so, there is no problem and I am utterly wrong. If you cannot, then the KRC is a worse ship for AI missions than ones I know can.

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2004, 03:34:46 am »    this site...   uhm oh yes... (is it net or .com or .org?    Well one of the three)
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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2004, 08:56:42 am »
If you are interested in playing on LitterBox5 here is the download and install link:

LitterBox5 Install Program
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Offline Bisquik

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2004, 11:25:51 am »
What is Litterbox about? I noticed that it had the most players on it when I was checking out the servers. When I read the directions it said (I think...) it was a campaign with SFC-OP and SCF3. I don't own SFC3. Can I still play, or will people want to boot me?  ::)

Do people that play on Litterbox come here to cooridinate their activity in the game?

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Offline Bonk

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2004, 11:56:42 am »
Check the LITTERBOX 5 "TIMELINES" thread for more info... (you don't have to play on the SFC3 server too, it is just running concurrently with related victory conditions)

The race coordination forums for this server are on , register there to get race info and report VCs etc... (though not mandatory). is normally used for this purpose but battleclinic is kindly doing the job for this server.

You'll have to misbehave pretty badly to get booted, we need all the new players we can get... (hey, we put up with the likes of Dizzy and Hexx, so I'm sure you'll be fine! ;))

And, welcome aboard!

P.S. I run the Gravity Well and SFB-OP servers (links to files in the server description or on the webmaps linked). I run these servers for testing new ideas and for "fun" servers between major campaigns.

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2004, 02:39:34 pm »
Thanks Bonk. I downloaded and installed the Litterbox files. I joined the Federation. You should see my name on the server later on tonight.

I was looking at SFC-OP. Now for me to jump onto that server, do I have to have a clean install on the game with your files (wiping out the litterbox files)? Or do the litterbox files work for both?

Thanks again,
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Offline drb

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2004, 03:17:59 pm »
Hello Bisquik,

  First, welcome to the dyna, I hope you enjoy the game and the forums.
Now for me to jump onto that server, do I have to have a clean install on the game with your files (wiping out the litterbox files)? Or do the litterbox files work for both?
  The short answer is no.
  The long answer could best be provided by others members, however I'll try to be brief.
Most downlosds (dls) are provided to players through links found on these or the other sites mentioned above in the form of installers. At the end of the server you can un-install either by means of a shortcut in your All Programmes list, or in some cases in Add/Remove programmes.

  I do recommend making a copy of the patched, stock game somewhere on your hard drive.

 Good luck have fun and take care,


Offline Bonk

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2004, 03:30:35 pm »
There is an uninstaller in your OP installation folder called "dipmodelremover.exe" that should restore your OP installation to stock from the LB5 shiplist installer. (a fresh install is not necessary) Also there is a folder in your OP installation called "dipmodels\backup" that has whatever shiplist and strings files were present when LB5 was installed. (If you want to temporarliy swap them manually)
As drb mentioned, most mods have a shortcut to the uninstaller on the start menu or in the control panel add/remove programs dialog. The uninstallers will restore whatever files that were present when the mod was installed. Just keep track of which mods you have installed - I generally only run one at a time, uninstall the mod, then install others.

I'm playing on LB5 when not working on my servers at the moment, all the action is there. (I'll keep an eye out for ya, I'm flying Klingon as Wkaah... ;)) Glad to hear you're interested in the SFB-OP server but to keep things simple you may just want to wait till LB5 is over, it will still be there and I'll still be working on it... Though swapping out mods is not that difficult once you get the hang of it.

There is also a shiplist swapper you may find handy, Strat's SFC:OP Mod Chooser Tool, though I have not used it myself...

P.S. in order to see the D2 servers, don't forget to update your according to: Attention: Please Read, this is important!, if you havent already...
« Last Edit: July 11, 2004, 07:41:50 pm by Bonk »

Offline Bisquik

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2004, 08:47:14 pm »
Thanks again Bonk, and thanks drb.
I'm up and running.  :)

I saw the litterbox uninstall in my add/remove programs utility. That should be fine. I seem to be getting the hand of it.

One last thing (I hope!):
Should I install OP+3.3 ship models, or is that included with the litterbox file?
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Offline Age

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2004, 09:22:45 pm »
Hey Guys,
I just installed OP and patched it up (2552). Now what? I tried to log onto a few servers, but they all seem to need special files. Are there any servers that don't need special files (such as the BattleZone server for EAW)?

Are there certain files, while not official, should be used (e.g. OP+3.3)?

Someone mentioned a file that would make the EAW missions compatible with OP. Where can I find this?


PS. BTW, finally got EAW to work too... not sure how though... Thanks again for your help with that.
PPS. Who runs the BattleZone server for EAW? They should shrink the map... for the amount of people that play on it, the campaign takes forever to complete.
I asked you not to do this yet.To play the game as I am still waiting to hear from Pestalence when he puts his V2.0 Enhancement Pack in hear.The bad news is that you will have to do this all over again uinstall OP delete game folder.Then install Op and say no to game spy and direct x.Then you will Download the Enhancement Pack it as all the patches in it as well as OP+3.3 and don't use the mod chooser.I am sorry to say this put I would of waited if I were you.I was wanting to prevent you from just downloading the Enhancement Pack right on your game now.If you do this it will corrupt the game.

Offline Bonk

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2004, 10:20:54 pm »
One last thing (I hope!):
Should I install OP+3.3 ship models, or is that included with the litterbox file?

OP+ is not required for LB5 and is a seperate installer (dont install over LB5 - but the reverse is ok).

Offline Bonk

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2004, 10:24:36 pm »
Hey Guys,
I just installed OP and patched it up (2552). Now what? I tried to log onto a few servers, but they all seem to need special files. Are there any servers that don't need special files (such as the BattleZone server for EAW)?

Are there certain files, while not official, should be used (e.g. OP+3.3)?

Someone mentioned a file that would make the EAW missions compatible with OP. Where can I find this?


PS. BTW, finally got EAW to work too... not sure how though... Thanks again for your help with that.
PPS. Who runs the BattleZone server for EAW? They should shrink the map... for the amount of people that play on it, the campaign takes forever to complete.
I asked you not to do this yet.To play the game as I am still waiting to hear from Pestalence when he puts his V2.0 Enhancement Pack in hear.The bad news is that you will have to do this all over again uinstall OP delete game folder.Then install Op and say no to game spy and direct x.Then you will Download the Enhancement Pack it as all the patches in it as well as OP+3.3 and don't use the mod chooser.I am sorry to say this put I would of waited if I were you.I was wanting to prevent you from just downloading the Enhancement Pack right on your game now.If you do this it will corrupt the game.

Age, get off that trip man, Ive been swapping various mods on the same single OP install for over two years now, no corruption - explain that! (not to be mean, but thats the truth of it, know what you're doing and you'll be fine).

The enahancement pack is fine but not necessary, and it does not include all mods - for good reasons.

Offline Bisquik

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2004, 10:52:52 pm »
It wouldn't be too much of a problem to reinstall everything. I just wanted to start playing.
I saved your message about how to install it Age. Thanks.
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Offline Cleaven

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2004, 11:38:05 pm »
It wouldn't be too much of a problem to reinstall everything. I just wanted to start playing.
I saved your message about how to install it Age. Thanks.

Yep, make a duplicate install CD and write the CD key in different places so you can't lose it. Deleting and reinstalling is character building. makes you remember what all those ini file changes are that you made. (Space dust anybody?)

Not sure I can be bothered, but as you are the Doc, can you run an AI standard patrol in 2 minutes in a KRC? If so, there is no problem and I am utterly wrong. If you cannot, then the KRC is a worse ship for AI missions than ones I know can.

Offline Bonk

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2004, 11:47:39 pm »
lol - not the spacedust! Anything but the spacedust...please!

Code: [Select]
SessionName=Players Game








Entry#0=Local Area Network



(my current OP sfc.ini file)

P.S. interesting how the folders referred to by the lines:
are not present in an OP install - would be nice to see such a thought completed...
« Last Edit: July 11, 2004, 11:59:30 pm by Bonk »

Offline drb

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2004, 12:00:03 am »

Bonk says:
lol - not the spacedust! Anything but the spacedust...please!

SessionName=Players Game








Entry#0=Local Area Network



(my current OP sfc.ini file)

I'm thinking the red phone is not a bad idea after all...


Offline Strafer

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2004, 12:39:04 am »
P.S. interesting how the folders referred to by the lines:
are not present in an OP install - would be nice to see such a thought completed...

Don't ask me from where, but I know what those are for;
Devel testing work on AI and other things while the game was being worked on. No need to recompile.

I just don't remember how I know this!  :-\
Code: [Select]
Lineage II
Server                           Sieghardt           (dead)
Chars       Strafer          L24 Rogue                  L64 Hawkeye
                StrayFar       L64 Tyrant                  L51 Tyrant
                StrawFur      L37 Scavenger            L49 Bounty Hunter
                StraightFour L62 Shillen Elder         L53 Shillen Elder

Offline Age

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2004, 12:43:16 am »
Hey Guys,
I just installed OP and patched it up (2552). Now what? I tried to log onto a few servers, but they all seem to need special files. Are there any servers that don't need special files (such as the BattleZone server for EAW)?

Are there certain files, while not official, should be used (e.g. OP+3.3)?

Someone mentioned a file that would make the EAW missions compatible with OP. Where can I find this?


PS. BTW, finally got EAW to work too... not sure how though... Thanks again for your help with that.
PPS. Who runs the BattleZone server for EAW? They should shrink the map... for the amount of people that play on it, the campaign takes forever to complete.
I asked you not to do this yet.To play the game as I am still waiting to hear from Pestalence when he puts his V2.0 Enhancement Pack in hear.The bad news is that you will have to do this all over again uinstall OP delete game folder.Then install Op and say no to game spy and direct x.Then you will Download the Enhancement Pack it as all the patches in it as well as OP+3.3 and don't use the mod chooser.I am sorry to say this put I would of waited if I were you.I was wanting to prevent you from just downloading the Enhancement Pack right on your game now.If you do this it will corrupt the game.

Age, get off that trip man, Ive been swapping various mods on the same single OP install for over two years now, no corruption - explain that! (not to be mean, but thats the truth of it, know what you're doing and you'll be fine).

The enahancement pack is fine but not necessary, and it does not include all mods - for good reasons.
I will let Pestalence answer that.Who do you think I learned all from?

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2004, 01:14:43 am »
It wouldn't be too much of a problem to reinstall everything. I just wanted to start playing.
I saved your message about how to install it Age. Thanks.
To get the Enhancement Pack go to utilities the little ship below and click on it.There you will see OP Enhancement Pack V2.0 with or without high resolution models read it very carefully and familiarize your self with this site.The site is  the little ship is in the centre and it is part way down as I said read it very carefully and do as I said below.

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2004, 04:56:11 am »
Probably best to just try single player a little bit first before attempting any thing else. Then once you are a little familiar with the stock patched game, go looking at some of the multi-player options. I wouldn't leap in too quick, no matter who is shoving stuff at you.

Not sure I can be bothered, but as you are the Doc, can you run an AI standard patrol in 2 minutes in a KRC? If so, there is no problem and I am utterly wrong. If you cannot, then the KRC is a worse ship for AI missions than ones I know can.

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2004, 04:14:30 pm »
  The Enhancement Pack is for single player a well but you can play it on a dyna.You would need to download a server to play on any server so don't worry about it all the patches are in their btw.This what I meant by corrupting a game buy DL a patch on top of a patch it will corrupt the game as well as any mods.This happened to me when I put a patch on top of a patch.The best thing though is to listen to Cleaven about playing single for awhile and see what ship and Empire fits  you .They say playing Federation is easy I don't think so the plasma races are  easier to learn because they cause so match damage to other ships
  I would say the ISC is probably one of the easier of them all unless they a fighting droner ship.The ISC hates drones and has hard time dealing with lots of them.I would just get used to all the Empires and ships and try to develope some of your own tactics.I would play a few single player campaign as well.I have at least 4 or 5 going at once.I hope this helps.

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2004, 11:29:36 pm »
The file I downloaded says: "This file contains invalid data."

I downloaded: OP_Enhancement_Package_v2.0_HR_Models

What is wrong?

Also, I have played a lot of EAW over the past few months, so I may skip, or go slow on the single player mode. While also playing online.

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2004, 11:36:54 pm »
I am downloading the Low Resolution file right now (129MB). It is much larger than the High Resolution file (only 13.9MB).

What is the difference between the two?

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2004, 11:51:43 pm »
  When you downloaded it did it completly DL .I did mine with get right it is a download manager and prevents it from diconnecting from the  host server.This what might of happened and some of the data you didn't recieve.This a possiblty or simpely it might have to uploaded agian. The Difference in the low res. is it is the low res..The High res. should be 147mb and low res. 138 mb these are the ones with models of course.There are one without models but you will be only seeing the stock OP model that is out of box.

 To get right go to

  I will check the site out agian this not the one I DL it was V1.04 186.66mb big at 56K 13 hours to DL.

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2004, 12:01:31 am »
  The reason is that he could be taking his site down and up while you are in thr process of DL it.That has to be it as I just tried and is is down.This why it good to have download manager like getright it will tell you this.I will mention this to him.This for the 534 patch SFC3.

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2004, 01:14:19 am »
You are probably right. My download of the low resolution file cancelled in the middle a little while ago. I will try again tomorrow.
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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2004, 01:25:34 am »
I just tried to download the high resolution file again. It is only 14 MB.
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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2004, 02:40:13 am »
  I would wait till the weekend I know you are wanting to do this but be patient.I certianly was as it wasted my whole Sunday waiting for the Download to finesh although with getright it will allow me to do DL in chuncks or bits.I am not sure why you are getting the 14mb did you stop the DL.

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2004, 11:47:38 am »
Thanks Bonk. I downloaded and installed the Litterbox files. I joined the Federation.


Another one cut down in the prime of life!!!

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2004, 02:34:52 pm »
I just tried to download the high resolution file again. It is only 14 MB.
The reason this happening is that Pestalence has to re upload it to his site as it wasn't fully on his site.This could of had something to do when Taldren closed their doors as he may have taken it down.He say is will have it by the end of the week.I would wait till Sunday or Monday do DL this again.In the mean time you might want clean all that stuff out again yes uninstall and delete game folder.I know it is a pain but you don't want to find that something went wrong and will have to keep doing this over again.This is be on the safe side.

Hang in there guy.

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2004, 07:21:04 pm »
I will wait until the weekend to check for the file again.
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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2004, 12:34:22 pm »
  I will suggest this to you as Pestalence in putting together V2.0 agian and making up one for EAW.This may be the reason you aren't getting the full Dl as he as taken it down from his site.I suggest that you get V1.04 this is the one that I have you can get it at then click on downloads then SFCOP ,mods and there you will see V1.04 high res.with models that is what I have.
  Then after downloading this and letting it fully install you will have to into C:programs /Taldren software inc.Orion Pirates folder there is a little uninstall can  and uninstall OP+3.2 shiplist.Then to get OP+3.3 shiplist you will want to go to and look for OP+3.3 high res models and download to C:programfile/Taldrensoftware Inc.but save it to don't open it.You will have to go back into C;programfiles/Taldrensoftware and click on OP+3.3 to install it. I suggest do this untill Pestalence get the Enhancement Pack up on his site agian but like me you might not won't it while V1.04 is is installed on your system.
   There is a little red box in Taldrensoftware folder it will say shipedit click on this so that shipedit will install and there is two of them one for EAW and OP.I hope you have better luck this time with this one btw you don't have to be a member of SCFX to do any doanloads.I would like you to follow my directions to the letter.
   I would suggest agian to uninstall OP game from add and remove programs and go into C: program folders and delete Taldrenshoftware folder before doing the above.
   I hope this all works out there for you 
« Last Edit: July 19, 2004, 12:00:41 am by Age »


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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2004, 08:34:33 pm »
Ya know, I was just thinking what would happen if you put a Rolling Pin with Bisquik.  <snicker>

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Re: I have OP, Now what?
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2004, 12:02:30 am »
Ya know, I was just thinking what would happen if you put a Rolling Pin with Bisquik.  <snicker>
I could use some Karma Kimberly thank you Kimberly