Topic: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII  (Read 4962 times)

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Re: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2004, 09:44:30 pm »
Ohhhhh. Pssst. Stay away from Wicked Zombie. He is slightly ... ummmm. Disturbed. ;D



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline markyd

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Re: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2004, 01:43:12 am »
lol thanks WT ;D

Right guys here is where I am at.... I load the model into LIGHTWAVE but I want to convert it to sfcIII right.. So when I click export... and try to export it as .3ds or anything else for that matter it tells me it is unable to export anything over 3 vertices.. hmm any ideas guys..

Oh and I can now import the model directly into 3ds as a LWO flle using the plugin... it all apears.. I can convert it ino a mesh... save it as 3ds... but if I try to render the ship it crashes... I know I dont need to render but If I am geting this problem early on then I forsee problem in the future..

Guys your help is appreciated.. and I have only been able to get this far with your help.. thank you very mutch ;D

Offline Terradyhne

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Re: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2004, 04:30:58 am »
the render crashing problem could be the PCX texture-files don't know if max supports them and those original KA meshes are as low poly as the SFC models only that the KA models have the break mesh in the main model and that make them higher poly

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Offline markyd

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Re: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2004, 08:32:41 am »
Thanks Terradyne... as I feared.... That is just the start... no matter what I do to it it will eventually crash in max... I just need to export it out of Lightwave as a 3ds file i am thinking... but I get that vertices problem... "unable to export anything over three vertices.."

Lightwave users... any help here... I have never touched it before... prefer 3ds max.. but need a bit of help here ???

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Re: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2004, 10:11:44 am »
Thanks for your help guys.. I have now done it... Pain in the arse.. easy when you know how though eh.... thanks again.. as I said b4.. once the ships have been converted they will be available to anybody who wants them on the STGD shipyards......

Peace OUT!!!!!!!! ;D

p.s.         dont go their anytime soon... I can see this taking a while.. its very time consuming... ;)

Offline DookeyKing

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Re: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2004, 10:32:37 am »
Max can't display .pcx files, but I've never had a crash because of them.  Easy enough to convert .pcx to .bmp anyway.  Keep on plugging away MarkyD.


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Re: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2004, 12:39:16 pm »
thanks man..

I intend on placing the 20 bloody pcx files into one 1024x1024 bmp.. I want to work on the textures of each ship too and improve them but keep their classy look by not messing around too mutch...

I will concentrate first on converting them.. Then Improvments will start once the ships are all converted!!!!! ;D

Offline KtHyla

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Re: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2004, 11:49:18 am »
Eep! Been a while since I've been here! BCSF, sorry I haven't gotten back to you re DarkDrone's screenies, been pretty busy between RD and my regualr life. I was thinking it might be easier if I just make stripped-down models available (ie: no damamge model), of which should help in converting. I've also had a request for a model simply for rendering, so this may be a worthwhile endeavour for other reasons too. Anyhow, a few answers:

Textures: KA runs on a very ancient engine, of which was rather old when it was used in SFA. It uses an older version of LW for it's models (5.6 to be exact) of which doesn't support UV texturing, of which sometimes requires us to get rather creative in projecting onto some surfaces. Also due to the age of the engine, KA only supports 24-bit testures up to 256x256, of which is why we wind up using multiple textures over large surfaces, to keep a higher level of detail in the absense of larger textures.

Damage Model: Although it's beautiful once a model's done, KA's ginsu system is complex and I haven't heard of a single KA modder that actually likes working on the damage model. It essentially uses an identical model to the standard one for the ship, just with transparancy textures to knock holes in the hull, plus some inner objects to represent busted up decks and such. Since this essentially would double the point value of each ship, the ginsu model is very often loaded along with the original model and the points are combined, making the final game model all the more complex. For LW users this isn't too big a chore to get rid of, make sure you're in "Polygon" mode and hit "w". 5.6 users will see a green flyout at the bottom of the menu to select individual surfaces, and LW7 will see a "Surf" entry 3rd from the bottom, click the arrow to the right to access the surface list. All surfaces with the word "BROKEN" after the first 2 numbers are part of the damage model and can be disposed of, so select all of these and delete them.

Lightmaps: I have a tutorial that explains KA textures, the second page contains the lightmap codes if anyone needs a reference guide:

3-Verticies Error: This means that the polygons on the model need to be broken down so each has no more than 3 verticies. I very often leave co-planar polys that have more than 3 points as is to simplify construction. My plugin also doesn't seem to like single-point polys, of which KA uses as well, these could be erased since I presume that SFC requires a different setup for it's pointlights and weapons.

KA Mod Repository: John Addison is still setting up our Downloads Section, of which should contain virtually every KA mod ever made. It's become imparative as of late, since many modders have gone beyond the Rim and the only place to get some of their works is from other players who happen to have their mods on their harddrives.

Stock KA Ships: like BCSF said, don't bother going to the work of converting them, unless there's a design you really like and it hasn't been replaced by a modder yet. SFC1's models were far more accurate than KA's.

Hope this helps... ;)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2004, 12:09:33 pm by KtHyla »

Offline markyd

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Re: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2004, 12:50:26 pm »
LOL this was a while ago.......

I ended up just replicating the meshes in the end it was mutch easyer and cleaner to texture... thanks anyway!

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Re: Converting Klingon Academy Ships to SFCIII
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2004, 02:49:55 pm »
ive managed to import, clean up and export freespace 1&2 models properly so i believe i just might be able to work with KA ones as well... hence, i quess ill try with some custom one... :)
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