you sure why harry was here tul? i wouldnt go putting words into his mouth.
and by the way, yes - there were examples of ships getting "refitted" or "thrown" into battle during just about every conflict. in ww2 just after pearl and before midway the lexington had severe battle damage from coral sea and was in dry dock. she was sent out to midway and had to make repairs during the trip.. there are other examples.. but that shouldnt be what this is about.
and sorry victor, but there are a lot of us who want TREK games - not just somthing with a trek label slapped on the side of it. does it have to be perfect? nope. sfc proved that. it was close, but not trek and it worked for a good time. bridge commander could have scored better as well.. they were soo close..
what is important is good game play which is based in a trek environment. at least that is what i believe.
The Lexington was not being refitted. It was having battle damage repaired. I can't think of any ships in WW2 that were sent out to sea in the middle of a refit to fight a battle. Some were launched early, or had their design changed during construction. And refits were also often associated with role changes too.
Ooops, yes Yorktown. Stupid mistake.
Interesting discussion. I'm an ex navy logistic officer so this kind of thing gets my interest. Just to let you know how repair/refit is currently organized in the Navy there are three basic level:
1) Operational - Simple maintenance and repairs...
2) Intermediate - Repair of large complex components available in BIG ship like carrier done in-house...
3) Depot - The complete rebuilding or refit of a ship or weapon system (like an aircraft).
I would rather think that futuristic repair, upgrade and refit would not follow the curent naval or technological paradigm. One difference is that a shipyard in the future, based in space (the most logical place for refits), would most likely be able to be moved around.
So "location" in and of itself might not be a factor. Two other factors would probably remain somewhat similar or perhaps even constant and that would be availability of supply and protection of the facility. Raw materials would be no problem since there is plenty in space and in and around other celestial bodies but technological components would have to be shipped off planet or from base to base from behind the lines. A third factor would be advancements in industrial technology, metallurgy and the like. I could see how "transporter" technology could be converted to industrial uses. Whole sections of a hull could be transported in place, and melecularily bonded without welding. Weapons systems with pre specified "coordinates" could be swapped out rather quickly as part of a "kit" with little left to do but "O" level linkage, calibration and testing.
An offshoot to this might be the invention of industrial constructive transporters that would just need raw materials and compnent data to reproduce the needed technology WITHOUT going being "on planet" or coming from a specialized facility. This might be likely I think. You could have a transport "hold" a component's "pattern", millions of components, in memory for future use and use whatever is needed on the other end to reconstruct the component.
But I think I'll post my ideas elsewhere for I think we are getting off topic.
Anyway about Paramount all I can say is "wait and see". Trek games have a bad history and part of the problem is that Trek is not entirely science fiction, there is a certain amount of "canon" that goes into it. People make Trek games for pre-established audiences that have certain "expectations". These expectations aren't always met.
No doubt Harry's appearence is just a probe to find out what those expectations are.
Fine. But I can tell you what they really are and they will probably not be met because SFB/SFC/andTrek are legally blocked... So any effort to create a tatical and strategic game that features starships in combat might just crumble once more into "fan mining" and expectation exploitation. Paramount already showed us how they conceived such a game in SC3 and the reaction byu the community appears to have been ambivalent. Part of the problem with creating games as spinoffs from popular culture is that job one to the DEVs is to satisfy those expectations. Creativity, originality, and deapth sometimes, more often than not, take a back seat.
Anyway the best I can offer is "wait and see". If Harry was entry level just seven years ago perhaps he has some ideas that might surprise us, now that he has a some grass growing under his feet.