Hmm, I'll be one of the odd ones out here. I think it's rather disgusting how some of these games bring things out. Take the GTA series. If I said, I find it fun to steal someone's car, maybe yours, beat up your father with a baseball bat, shoot your house windows up, and beat up people on the street, rob the local bar, and kill a few cops...just for kicks...
Some of you probably would be on your phones trying to get the FBI after me...however if I then add, it's just in a video game...this makes it all right?
I personally have never played the GTA series, my parents do not allow me to, and my relatives actually respect their wishes. Since that time when I was first barred, I have gotten older, and also if I so desired probably able to buy the game...however, perhaps it's how I was raised, but when I saw how someone was playing it, there was a morbid fascination, the sort that makes you sick thinking about it. My friend said it was fun...I found it rather stomach turning.
I think there IS a lot to be said about what we watch and see and practice determines how we feel about something. I think a lot of those raised who are allowed to play these vile games have no problems with violence, in fact it desensitizes them to such things. When one is desensitized, they won't think it has bad if they ever deliberate about doing it themselves.
Now I have to admit, I DO play violent games (Max Payne comes to mind), but typically most games make you out to be fighting for something good and right...even if it's because of mistaken identity. Playing a criminal and doing criminal things, and seeing that as cool. Perhaps one could blame parents, and I DO think a majority of the blame lies in parents, but what of those parents that don't care WHAT happens to their children.
I think there should be regulations on such things. Perhaps it's a difference of culture in what I see as acceptable and what is not. Adults can have the freedom to express things, and perhaps do things. I still think it's influential and desensitizes them, however, I think such an effect is magnified several MANY times on children. I see how my reaction is so different than others because I wasn't exposed to such stuff, and when seeing it, see how disgusting it really is.
Think about what you are saying. You are saying, yes, you approve of selling something to a child that simulates sex, murder, crime, stealing, and lawlessness. Is that what you REALLY want?
Perhaps this is why there's such a difference of understanding between the US and the rest of the world. Desensitized by it's media, the US doesn't think twice about some of the stuff it's exporting, or the tastelessness of some of the items it deems important to culture, whilst everyplace else, these things turn people's stomachs and make us wonder, what the heck are they thinking over there!