I won't even try to sort out your AOL bugs, sorry but that is your own little He|| that you are going to have to sort out on your own.

As for the monitor, lets start with the basics. Check the cable connectors and see if there is a bent pin somewhere. Make sure the monitor cable is properly secured to the video card. Also check to make sure that the monitor's power cord is plugged in all the way. Some people take the time to clean the dust out of their machine while they are reformatting and reloading their machine. These types of problems can come up while cleaning.
Next go into Device Manager and see if there are any red " X " or yellow " !" anywhere on the list. If there are then post them in your next post. Some motherboards require drivers to be loaded
prior to any video, audio, network etc drivers. If your motherboard requires this then try and remember if the motherboard drivers were loaded
before card drivers were loaded. If not than you may need to reformat and reload your system again. There are ways around this but these work a rounds are not as safe.
If you don't see anything unusual in the Device Manager and you loaded the motherboard drivers in the correct order or your motherboard does not use them, than take a look at the video drivers. Right-click out on the open desktop and left-click properties. Next click the "Settings" tab then click the "Advanced" button. Look and see if you have a monitor driver installed on your system. If not than you may need to download and install a monitor driver for your monitor if you don't already have one. If the monitor driver is installed then check the refresh rate. I'm not sure what settings you have but the refresh rate maybe out of sync with your monitor. If that doesn't work then I would suggest installing the video driver and then reinstalling the latest video driver for your video card. Obviously you will want to download the latest driver before installing the old video drivers, but you would be surprised how many people I've seen do that.

I'll stop here and see if any of the above can narrow the issue down for you. I or someone else can go from there once you respond. Hope this helps.