Cool! ...what's a Vudar?
Ok, everyone, open you Hymnals to the Module P6, Section R17:
The Vudar Enclave
The Vudar are a hamanoid race, taler and thinner than Terrans with oversized eyes and a pale green complection. Rather than evolving from primates, they are decended from a line of gecko-like reptiles. Their eyes have a clear inner eyelid which affords them protection while swimming. This eyelid also allows them to wet their lenses without seeming to blink. This gives offworlders the impression that they are always 'staring at you.'
Although decended from carnivors, the Vudar are generaally peaceful and acidemic. They rival the Vulcansfor their scientific achievements, and their products are a prized comodity in the Klingon Empire (of which the Vudar spent more than a century as a subjectworld, producing nearly 10% of the Empire's impules engines). The Vudar seldom, however, serve on Klingon starships due tio their need for ionizing radiation which would be hazerdousl for the remainder of the crew.
Vudar is located in the souternmost part of the Klingon Empire, right up agianst the Galactic Barrier. A weakness in this barrier (called "the Hole") allows some dangerous radiation to 'leak' into the space around Vudar. Although the atmosphere protects the planet itself (alibeit not to a level comfortable enough for a Klingon occupation force), Vudar scientests were forced to developseveral defensive technologies before they could begi serious space travel. Because of this, the Vudar are the Glaaxy's formost experts on ion and impulse technology 9or at least
they think so.
Here ends the reading of
The Rules of SFB.
The radiation mentioned above kept the Klingons from just occupying the area aroung Vudarand keeping thesae tricksy little lizards under wraps. Instead they were forced to (unprecidented for Klingons) allow the Vudar to build and man ships of their own design to police the area around their homeworld. The Vudar were allowed to buildships of DD size to deal with pirates and space monsters.
The radiation also had an unexpected side effect that the Vudar capitalized on- it made scanning their territory to keep an accurate count on the number of their ships impossible. Also, there were dead zones that the klingonscould not read at all, and the Vudar used these areas to build a fleet of cruiser-sized ships to head their growing 'police force.'
When the Klingons were facing ruination at the end of the General war and could not stand up to even a mild revolt, the well prepared Vudar struck. In a lightening action, they siezed several parsecs of territory from both the weakened Klingon Emipire and the Hydran Kingdom, which was yet to get all three legs back firmly on the ground. In a matter of weeks, the Vudar had occupied the entirity of thefringe area radiation zone and had begun to colonize planets outside their system.
Neither the Klingons nor the Hydrans currently possess the power to bottle them back up, and the Vudar seem poised to take a larger role in Galactic affairs.