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Unity Team modders woking on it. On the list.The KA stuff is here: http://www.stcd.sgnonline.com/kamods.htmMeantime, Firesoul has been updating EAW Klingons:Firesoul's KB-8 Combined dreadnought, Firesoul's Kitbash of Atrahasis'/Moonrakers K' T'inga, Retextured using WZ45's VoDleH textures Firesoul's KB10 Black Fleet version, Retexture using WZ45's VoDleH textures.Gorn Cobra DD, Klingon Academy Gorn Destroyer by Interplay/P81 http://www.stcd.sgnonline.com/downloads/uploads/Cobra%20DD.jpgGorn STOCK CA Retexture, Gorn CA retexture using stock Gorn textures. ==========All can be found on STGD's SFC section of EAW;http://www.stcd.sgnonline.com/sfcmods.htmNICE WORK WZ AND FIRE!<S>WaterTiger