Remember when Games where fun?
I'm writing this partly as a Cathartic Exercise, and Partly as A Review on One persons Inside View of Forums, Games, and Most of All Friendship there In.
My Name is Stephen, and I went by the Name Sirgod for years. Over the last few Years, I've been Asked to Moderate, Test, and Help out On Many Various Games, and companies. My Favorite, and Like a First Love, has always been Taldren. Is that Geeky? Yes It is, But IT's also a Passion that Can consume a person If not Carefull.
Taldren has Recently closed there Doors, and with It a Part of My life that I Respected Very Much. The True Horror is what happened afterwords. Rumors Ran rampent, Former Employees Had words, and Long term Friendships Where almost lost Forever. Thankfully The Community was very close, and Responded to the Forums Being shut down, By Many offers to Host there own. To this end, I have even more respect for my friends there.
What Hurt the Most, was seeing the Developers at each other. It was always Civil, But the Underlying anger was there across the Board. Having known many of them, I was Torn, felt Like I had to choose sides...
This was not an Unusual Situation for me though, I had been a Moderator for them for quite some time, and Even Before That, I tried to be helpfull in my endeavors. I can recall my first post on an Old Interplay Board. It was also the first Forum I had Joined with the Idea of being a part of the game as a whole. I was scared to death. With a name like Sirgod, It has the Ability of ticking off people. I was lucky, I had used that name in AD&D Gaming Groups since the 70's, and It had been a running joke for along time. As It was, The Developers where also Fans, and took an intrest in my views. I can only thank them for that, and for there Friendship over the Years.
Things changed though, both Politicly, and Internally. One Poster, whom I consider a Very good Friend, Led me Back to Christianity. More Helped my family over a rash of bad Medical Problems, and also a Death in my family. The Friendship and the Love I felt for them Overpassed the Games that they Produced. Even today, I see the Stragglers hanging on to the same Relationships that we formed over many a Battle.
Friendships are still being made everyday, and Debate is also had. What made Taldren Unique was not the games, But the reaching out to discuss Taboo topics on a game forum. Erik allowed us to Discuss Politics, Religion, Children, Life, Science, Commercialism, etc. He did this in a Manner where we could always learn something. The Games where secondary to the Family we had made, at least for me. I still played in Dynaverse campaings, But the People where the real fun. I've seen Groups of People who would never Seem to be friends, Travel to each others homes. They share there Pain, and Happiness with each other, and Even A Rolling Pin or two to the head sometimes.
Like the Topic states, remember when Games where Fun? I sure do, But the People are what made It so. For that, I thank everyone of you For allowing me into this small part of the world, and For the Fun I've had.
Here's to the Next 10-20 years of Community.