. . . something has been lost over the years...
- 3 Drone ship fleets
- 20 Players in battlships
- PvP being meaningless in the strategic arena
- The patrol bug
- Un-realstic cheesy deepstriking
- Un-realisitc running away while caught cheesiliy deep-striking
yeah, we lost a lot 
Well 3 drone fleets there were, but only with slow drones we never got mediums, and no whined about them.
No one had BBs, though some had DNs, KDF-Kang for one
Patrol bug nobody misses
"Unrealistic" deep striking? well if you can have "realism" including faster than light ships in a game, nothing wrong with DSing, in fact it was fun as you had to watch your behind.
"Unrealistic running away" well unless you hadn't noticed space is Big I mean REAL BIG, and not like Kansas at all
PvP being meaningless?? dunno how you work that one out it was if anything more meaningful than the slugfest we have now.
2000 players trying to play on a server with 150 limit was a pain (if you couldn't get on) and waiting 18 hours in my TZ for Artic to reboot was a pain. Was it fun, hell yes, had more fun there than most other servers, and there was one community not the schism of 3 we have now, that helped a lot. There was "rotting fur" as well, but we all worked to fix that. When leaders wanted to work stuff out they flew there ships to designated hexes and had a meeting in game, which was kind of cool, no MSN then.
Guess you had to be there

Some hated it, but more loved it, I did.