Topic: Elite mod team joins ST/SFC Modding Community forums @ STGD  (Read 1110 times)

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Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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The team at the Elite fleet has joined our forums -- ST/SFC MOdding Community.

Elite-Kaos and the group at Elite fleet bring vast experiance and a new style for GameSpy.

This is the first-ever SFC3 mod made for GameSpy Arcade.


Welcome to the ELITE 711 mod
Starfleet Command 3

This mod for Star Fleet Command 3is for Game Spy Arcade and it brings to gether all of the ships used in mods throughout the life of the game. Designed for quick-loading I hope to bring the Dynaverse and GSA community closer by giving them a mod that allows players to fly any ship they choose instead of the few GSA players are mianly used too. At the same time the Dynaverse player will find the ship he loves from the campaigns he flys in, everyone wins.

All of the ships include the notes from the original Designers and credit must be given to them for allowing there work to be used. No ship designs have been alter and in a few case a ship may appear to be duplicated, this is due to a vastly different refit used within the mod it came from.

New graphics enhance the visual look and feel of the game, richer weapons and explosions and hope fully some new sounds too (no promise on that one yet).

Way back when Pelican's Dominion Wars mod was in it 1.1 encarnation I became aware of mods and the fun they can bring to a game. I was very impressed by what I saw too the point where I contacted the author to congratulate him. Curious as to how he had managed to do so many things with the game I started to look into how this was done....

So 8 months later the first ever Kaos mod was release under the build 500 patch. I had by this time decided that any mod I made would not be a Dynaverse mod but rather one for the Game Spy community, kind of a half way house of mods, designed to bring some ships from Dyna mods to players that didnt even realise they existed.

The second Kaos mod has been the cause of much debate and posting between Taldren and myself. Due to some files which I had included, Taldren had to "remind" me about some aspects of the law which could have become very expensive (is that ok Mr.Lawyer?). The STGD had become a mirror for this version of the mod and I was very please to have there support during this time. As a single player the corporate might of Taldren and Activision are scarey, with the best voice in the community behind you its not that bad. Well all things eventually get resolved and this situation was no different. I removed the mod from general release.

After this I made the 3rd Kaos mod an extension to Pelican's Dominion Wars as this was the only way to use the new build 531 engine, however I was unhappy with this piggy back arrangement and I soon became convinced that a new stand alone mod was required.

During this time I lost the entire collection of ships that I had collected. Mortified I posted the news on several forums and low and behold once again I recieved overwhelming support from mod makers and players all wanting to help me rebuild my collection.


Now after many months of work, tweaking ships, creating core entries and sleepless nights I have done it. 711 ships that load in 30 seconds via gamespy. I will be ready for this mod to be tested within the next couple of weeks, I figure there will be work left to do before final release but I need the help. It has got to the stage where one man cannot be the judge of all things and its time for the players to tell me how to improve things.

To this end I would like anyone interested in being a tester for me to get intouch with me and I can make arrangements to get the files to you.

I will get the ship list by race formatted into a document so that people can see what to expect although with testing this could change. I will also make the new enhanced graphics pack available for trial aswell.

On a closing note for this post I would like to pay tribute to all of the people that have made or tried to make a mod. I now know what is involved and I salute you for undertaking the task. To those who have achived Dynaverse servers for there campaigns, qapla' you have helped keep this game alive and inspired the imaginations of us all, Gene would be proud.



Welcome Elite. May the wind be at your back.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."