Unless you replace them manually, yep.
Here's the deal. OP+ has their models in a different (OPPLUS\MODELS) location than stock Taldren.
Firesoul is barely pulling any models from the stock folders anymore.
In the interests of size and time, I have not created a models-containing pack. If I do create a models pack for the DIP Model system, I'll probably go with "theme sets", like a Fleetdock 13 / War Refit Spacedock / Destiny Nova set of SFB ships, or a modification of the old P81/Atrahasis D2 model pack. Maybe even adapt the OP+ models...
Either that, or we might change the shiplist to work directly with the OP+ model folders. That is a decision that needs to be made by the whole committee though...
Until then, I am sorry that the model pack is not exactly what you were hoping for. If you want, I'll zip up and send you a copy of my Fleetdock 13 Gorn model selection, both stock and DIP-models. I haven't quite gotten around to making sure their the proper SFB models yet, but it should be a little better than the Swingline fleet...