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Topic: LITTERBOX 5 "TIMELINES"  (Read 8828 times)

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Offline Fluf

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« on: July 04, 2004, 06:12:44 pm »

Litterbox 5 General Information

Litterbox 5 will be and OP and SFC3 Campaign running on separate servers, but with exactly the same maps. 

It will be a 3 week campaign. Starting date will be Monday July 5th at 8PM EST.


A Scientist in the 2263 era has made a device, which was the precurrsor of the Genisis Device that is affecting the Timelines of space, causing the fabric of time space to be torn apart.  The effect is resources from the early timeline are being sucked through time space "portals" into the future, which are creating planets in the future.  In other words, asteroid fields or protoplanet matter is being sucked through time to form worlds in the future. This is causing a slow drawing of resources in the past to the future, which then affects the future timeline.


The key VCs will be taking exact points on each map in the D2 and D3, which will simulate placing "Time Anchors" at these focal points and closing the "holes" in time and space.  I will be doing DB edits on the races econs during certain periods to show the effects of this phenomena.  So the more of these "focal points" (VCs) you take, the better your economy will be.  Also taking these focal points away from your enemies, will cause their econ to suffer.  So you can save your econ and destroy your enemies by working together on both maps.

On OP, you must take the blackhole hexes that are surrounded by asteroid fields. This is the anomoly that is sucking the matter into the future and draining your resources. The closer these Blackholes are to your empire, the more econ you will lose.

On SFC3- You must take all planets that are not in your origninal space that match these blackhole hexes.

This includes Cardassian, Ferengi and Pirate Space.  The closer these planets are to your empire, the more econ you will lose.

Taking a "focal point" near and enemies space and preventing them from taking these hexes on both maps will go in your favor, as your enemy will lose economic resourses.



Player kill VCs:

All Kills are to be posted on the Kill Thread on Battleclinic.  Take screenshots of all VC kills for verification if needed.

Orion Pirates: 20VCs for killing the following Classes Only : Carrier, Dreadnaught and Battleship A listing of these ships will be posted on the Kill thread.

SFC3 = 20 pts for all Battleships or SuperBattlships.  Listing will be posted on the Kill thread.


Orion Pirates - ALLIANCE = Federation/Gorn/Klingon/Lyran vs COALITION= Romulan/ISC/Mirak/Hydran

SFC3 - ALLIANCE=Federation(Gorn)/Klingon(Lyran) vs COALITION=Romulan(ISC)/Mirdan(Mirak/Hydran)

We will be using the Litterbox forums on Battleclinic.  Go to www.battleclinic.com and register with the site.

All Downloads with be on Battleclinic, just go to the download section and go to "all" You must be registered with Battleclinic in order to get the downloads.

FOR OP/D2: Download the LB5.shiplist installer. Install on a clean copy of OP patched to 2552.

FOR SFC3: Download the Litterbox 5 Full Installer 187.99MBs and install on a clean install of SFC3 patched up to the 531 build. 

If you already have the Battlezone 2nd Voyage mod and BZ2 Patch.  Simply download the BZ2 LB5 patch and install that overtop the Battlezone Mod and you are good to go.


All rules will be posted on the Battleclinic site when you go to the Rules for the Campaign. After you have read the rules, simple click at the bottom of the page whether you want to fly Alliance or Coaltion and then click on "I agree to these rules".  This will automatically sign you up for the proper forums.  This is the only reason the  registration is being used.  If you intend to fly both server, you must stay on one side or the other. You cannot fly Alliance on one server, and Coalition on the other.

Basic Rules for both servers:

Both servers will be Line of Supply based servers.  You can attack any hex in the neutral zone or enemy empires (2deep for enemy) and turn it neutral, but you may not flip it to your races hex unless you have a line of supply that can be traced to your homeworld. This LOS can be traced thru allied space. 

You may not attack more than 2 hexes deep into enemy space. Deepstrikes are allowed only 2 hexes deep.

Bases are destroyable on both campaigns.

You may not place any base next to and already existing base.  All placed bases must have one hex separating them.

The disengagment rule is in effect for both servers.  You must leave the hex for 10 turns if you disengage, and 5 turns if you are destroyed.
Any player disputes are to be handled by the RMs and ARMs only. No posts in general chat or the forums are allowed.


ORION PIRATES - You may fly only 1 ship per pilot. No fleets.  Players are allowed to fly any ship they

want up to the Heavy Battlecruiser Class. After that the following restrictions apply:

ONly 2 Carrier Class allowed on the map at any time
Only 2 Dreadnaught Class allowed on the map at any time
Only 1 Battleship Class allowed on the map at any time.

Players may switch with other players as they want.  It is advised to sell your ship if you are going to log off so that other players may switch and when you log on there wont be a problem if there are more then the alloted ships allowed.


Only 3 Battleships are allowed on the map at anytime.
Only 1 Super Battleship is allowed on the map at anytime.  The SBBs are the Galaxy X, Q'Vak, Reman Warbird, and the Omen.

VOICE CHAT We are using Teamspeak at centraleast.tmspk.com:9238
(  I have a Litterbox Room set up with Alliance/Coaltion with separate D2 and D3 channels.

ACKKNOWLEDGEMENTS:  Xenocorp, Battleclinic, Dynaverse.Net, The "DIP" Guys, The Battlezone 2 team! Julin for doing the LB5 OP installer. Rota for doing the LB5 installers on SFC3. And Cueball for doing my forums, registration, downloads and rules on Battleclinic. And to all the modelers who did all these great ships in the community, and the scriptors who make the game what it is.  Oh and KOTH Kortez for just putting up with me.



Have fun! Play both servers if you can.  I think you will enjoy this.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2004, 11:10:50 pm by Fluf »
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Offline Bonk

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« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2004, 06:41:13 pm »
Any reason in particular we need to register at another website just to download files... (boy the dial-up folks are gonna love this... ;))  Somebody locked in that PHPnuke/SMF box?

I've asked for an activation e-mail six times now and still have not recieved one, its been at least 10 minutes...
(I took my grumpy pills today...)

Thanks for activating the account for me Cue... either lycos wont accept it or your mailer daemon is down...

LB5 OP shiplist

I take it we're on stock missions then? <rubs hands evilly...>
« Last Edit: July 04, 2004, 07:08:39 pm by Bonk »

Offline Grim

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« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2004, 07:03:20 pm »
Personally i have had major probs downloading from battleclinc where the downloads have stopped, is there no alternative to getting the downloads from there?

What time is this start in GMT, i'm guessing early in the morning?

Is there going to be an alliance/coalition section on battleclinic forums, also mentioning the voice communications to be used?
« Last Edit: July 04, 2004, 07:10:02 pm by Grim »

Offline Hexx

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« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2004, 07:05:29 pm »
Ooooohhh my brain hurts.

Need Romulan RM to figure stuff out and tell me where to take my ship to be destroyed.

That is all.
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

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« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2004, 07:13:36 pm »
Fly hydran/mirdan whatever its called, Hexx i promise i wont t-bomb ya... much ;D
« Last Edit: July 04, 2004, 07:15:08 pm by Grim »

Offline MrCue

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« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2004, 07:17:11 pm »
Your welcome, what PHPNuke box are you on about?

Offline Bonk

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« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2004, 07:35:13 pm »
Code: [Select]
Your welcome, what PHPNuke box are you on about?
I see no PHPnuke, just SMF - it strikes as much the same only newer and more advanced. I was referring to being locked into a PHPnuke/SMF "box" - as in not thinking outside it... not an actual box on the page.

I was just being cranky figuring your're locked into a SMF "box" (which strikes me as a pretty simliarly formulaic restrictive premade website, again not to be ungrateful, I appreciate all the effort on the new forums here which are quite nice).

When starting out scripting in PHP i tended to look for and download other peoples scripts, I came across the PHPnuke stuff when designing the inital framed webpage for "The Wheel" (the predecessor of my current PHP webmap) it just gave me the willes in terms of its restriciveness (PHPnuke) that is - this SMF rig strikes me much the same way... I was a fan of phpbb in the past as I could tuck it away as apart of the website unobtrusively but have found lately there is no use and its kind of silly to incorporate it into the webmap, which already utilises the authenticated gamespy accounts in the server db anyway...

lol, there you have a rather long answer to a short question, but I thought it important to qualify my opinion so as not to offend.

Offline Soreyes

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« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2004, 08:13:13 pm »
Guess I'll wait around for awhile untill I get a response from Battleclinic ::)  oh well back to Freelancer

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« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2004, 08:16:14 pm »
Guess I'll wait around for awhile untill I get a response from Battleclinic ::)  oh well back to Freelancer

I got an immediate email back (less then 1 minute) ... Try checking again.

Offline Grim

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« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2004, 08:17:05 pm »
Guess I'll wait around for awhile untill I get a response from Battleclinic ::)  oh well back to Freelancer

Soreyes bud what server do you play on? i got it installed myself. ;D

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« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2004, 08:32:36 pm »
Well Grim I'm doing the single player thing right now. its been quiet awhile since I played this game ;D  GOD J'inn would love to fly through the Detroit "garbage" fields :banghead: :2gun: ;D

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Offline Soreyes

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« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2004, 08:41:14 pm »
Guess I'll wait around for awhile until I get a response from Battleclinic ::)  oh well back to Freelancer

I got an immediate email back (less then 1 minute) ... Try checking again.

Oh well battle Clinic don't like me ???  45 min and still waiting

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Offline Bonk

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« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2004, 09:07:17 pm »
Guess I'll wait around for awhile until I get a response from Battleclinic ::)  oh well back to Freelancer

I got an immediate email back (less then 1 minute) ... Try checking again.

Oh well battle Clinic don't like me ???  45 min and still waiting

I still haven't gotten the email verification either (about a dozen requests..) but MrCue kindly activated the account for me - perhaps he could do the same for you...(PM him on it maybe?)

Are you on lycos mail? (that was the account I used and it never recieved any of the activation emails...)

If you are just looking for the OP files check the link in my post above.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2004, 09:09:37 pm by Bonk »

Offline Fluf

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« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2004, 10:04:40 pm »
Frey said he would mirror the downloads too.   Ill post links as soon as we get that done.
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« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2004, 10:23:10 pm »
Yea!!!!  Finally got in there ;D
OK I have the Shiplist Download.  Now as I can figure out with all the post and repost ;D
1. Clean Reload of Op
2. Add Patch
3. Add OP 3.3 with models
4. Add LB5 Shiplist
5. Make sure I have changed the Server addresses in the Meta Assets File
6. Sign on the server and be prepared to be blown up again and again ;D


[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Green

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« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2004, 10:24:35 pm »
We will be using the Litterbox forums on Battleclinic.  Go to www.battleclinic.com and register with the site.

Signed up for it Fluf.  But I don't see a LB5 alliance or coalition forum.  Any help?  

Offline FPF-Jem

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« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2004, 10:29:11 pm »
After Signing up for either Alliance or Coalition then the proper sub-forum should now be visible and accesible in the LB5 forum
Capt. Jem

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« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2004, 10:31:54 pm »
After Signing up for either Alliance or Coalition then the proper sub-forum should now be visible and accesible in the LB5 forum

well unless he did not pick one :lol:
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« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2004, 10:40:45 pm »
After Signing up for either Alliance or Coalition then the proper sub-forum should now be visible and accesible in the LB5 forum

well unless he did not pick one :lol:

Ummmm I was just there, and there is nothing to point you in the right Direction to sign up for eather Alliance or Coalition ???

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« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2004, 10:44:21 pm »
After Signing up for either Alliance or Coalition then the proper sub-forum should now be visible and accesible in the LB5 forum

well unless he did not pick one :lol:

Ummmm I was just there, and there is nothing to point you in the right Direction to sign up for eather Alliance or Coalition ???

Try scrolling down the rules page...Well we know who dont bother to read them now ;D
XenoCorp Fleet Operations
ISC Race Moderator

See Wade,See Wade post like an arse,See Wade get banned.
Dont be a Wade!

