Topic: How do you delete Direct X ?  (Read 4224 times)

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How do you delete Direct X ?
« on: July 04, 2004, 05:42:52 am »
 I just noticed reading one of the posts i was suposed to delete Direct X 9b and reinstall it after the last patch.
 The only problem i have is i cant seem to find it. :-[ Can one of you guys please help me? :)
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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2004, 09:11:58 am »
OK.. there are 3 answers to what you are asking.. let me do the simple and most common and easiest and safest way first.

just download and reinstall Direct X 9.0b on top ov what you already have.. this will corrrect any problems in your system's Direct X.

Answer #2, you can download the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Beta and get the most recent Direct X 9 version available.. Direct X 9.0c

Answer # 3, if you really want to uninstall Direct X 9 and take the chance of irrepurably messing up your system, you can locate a program called DirectX Buster. It will completely srtip Direct X off of your system and reboot your machine.. you first need to make sure that you have a Redistributable Direct X 9.ob copy on your system (non downloadable type) before attempting Direct X buster.. and as soon as your system starts back up, install Direct X 9.0b.... If you are going to do this, I would also recommend tha you use the Direct X 9.0b SDK to ensure that you get all the Direct X files needed for your system and to make sure it is the August update version of the Direct X 9.0b SDK (or earlier version of Direct X 9.0b SDK with the August Update overlaid on top of it)... now your system may lock up during this process which will mean a total format and reinstall of the OS.. do this method is the most least recommended of the 3 steps listed and is a do at your own risk type of thing.

now out of my personal recommendations.. if you don't mind Beta Software.. XP Service Pack 2 is extremely stable and it dows fix a lot of Windows XP problems and contains a new version of Direct X called Direct X 9.0c... XP Service Pack 2 will technically take XP Home Edition and turn it into XP Pro (although some screens will still state XP Hoe, you will have XP Pro components installed.. thus being effectively running XP Pro Service Pack 2)...

If you are not comfortable and don't want to use a Beta on the Service Pack, then I recommend just downloading Direct X 9.0b again or Direct X 9.0b SDK August 2003 update and let them install (use Retail Direct X from the SDK setup)..

Hope that this helps.

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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2004, 09:40:19 am »
 Thanks Pestilence!! :) You are the man!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I should have told you i already have win XP pro.

 I'm going to try DXc and see how it works, Thank you so much i did not have a clue what to do. :) :) :)

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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2004, 08:06:36 pm »
Once updated forward, the only way to go back is reformat. MS says this in the d/l.



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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2004, 08:18:28 pm »
 Thanks WT. :)

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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2004, 09:10:05 am »
Actually, WT is incorrect concerning XP Service Pack 2 Beta Release Candidate 2 (XP SP2 RC2).

If you download the Full Network Install of XP SP 2, During install it will give you 3 ways to restore your system back to XP SP 1 if you encounter problems.

#1) System Restore.. so long as you do not remove the Restore Point that XP SP2 RC2 creates during install.. you can use the restore point and be reverted back to XP SP 1 without problem.

#2) XP SP2 RC2 also makes an entry into your Add/Remove Programs which will allow you to uninstall it reverting you back to XP SP 1.

#3) XP SP2 RC2 will also make a physival backup of all windows files changed during it's install.. this way if you have a problem with System Restore or Add/Remove programs, you can manually replace all XP Sp 1 files back into windows in their proper location to revert your machine back.

Finally, when XP SP2 RC 2 becomes Official this month, XP SP2 RC2 can be updated to the Official version.. this is all stated in the Networking Install readme of XP SP2 RC2.

P.S. the networking install of XP Sp 2 is over 200 MB, where the simple install for casual users is only 100 MB.. I recommend everyone to use the Networking install at this time to get the full benifit of XP SP2 RC2.

Hope that this helps.
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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2004, 10:38:03 am »
 :o My brain hurts. :lol: Thanks Pestalence. :) :)

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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2004, 10:42:40 am »
Or if you are running XP,just do a repair install it will set the OS back to the first install state and leave all the other proggies alone.
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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2004, 12:32:05 pm »
Actually, WT is incorrect concerning XP Service Pack 2 Beta Release Candidate 2 (XP SP2 RC2).

If you download the Full Network Install of XP SP 2, During install it will give you 3 ways to restore your system back to XP SP 1 if you encounter problems.

#1) System Restore.. so long as you do not remove the Restore Point that XP SP2 RC2 creates during install.. you can use the restore point and be reverted back to XP SP 1 without problem.

#2) XP SP2 RC2 also makes an entry into your Add/Remove Programs which will allow you to uninstall it reverting you back to XP SP 1.

#3) XP SP2 RC2 will also make a physival backup of all windows files changed during it's install.. this way if you have a problem with System Restore or Add/Remove programs, you can manually replace all XP Sp 1 files back into windows in their proper location to revert your machine back.

Finally, when XP SP2 RC 2 becomes Official this month, XP SP2 RC2 can be updated to the Official version.. this is all stated in the Networking Install readme of XP SP2 RC2.

P.S. the networking install of XP Sp 2 is over 200 MB, where the simple install for casual users is only 100 MB.. I recommend everyone to use the Networking install at this time to get the full benifit of XP SP2 RC2.

Hope that this helps.


It's easier to reformat. We aren't all rocket scientists, Pesty.



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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2004, 12:54:04 pm »
:o My brain hurts. :lol: Thanks Pestalence. :) :)
How come you need to do this in the first place?How come you need to delete your direct X?What exactly is your problem and what is it affecting?


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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2004, 05:36:03 pm »
 I was having random game crashes and game lock ups. I read in one of the posta that you supposed to reinsall Direct X after the patch. I had no idea how to go about this.

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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2004, 10:10:15 am »
I was having random game crashes and game lock ups. I read in one of the posta that you supposed to reinsall Direct X after the patch. I had no idea how to go about this.


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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2004, 11:38:18 am »
You can also use the system restore function to go back to a time before you installed Directx 9.0b, but then you'll lose anything installed since then, also.
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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2004, 02:20:13 pm »
I was having random game crashes and game lock ups. I read in one of the posta that you supposed to reinsall Direct X after the patch. I had no idea how to go about this.
That is not the way I did though.I installed Direct X and then patched up.

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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2004, 03:40:53 pm »

For he is who would slay grendel!

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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2004, 09:47:11 am »
Actually, WT is incorrect concerning XP Service Pack 2 Beta Release Candidate 2 (XP SP2 RC2).

If you download the Full Network Install of XP SP 2, During install it will give you 3 ways to restore your system back to XP SP 1 if you encounter problems.

#1) System Restore.. so long as you do not remove the Restore Point that XP SP2 RC2 creates during install.. you can use the restore point and be reverted back to XP SP 1 without problem.

#2) XP SP2 RC2 also makes an entry into your Add/Remove Programs which will allow you to uninstall it reverting you back to XP SP 1.

#3) XP SP2 RC2 will also make a physival backup of all windows files changed during it's install.. this way if you have a problem with System Restore or Add/Remove programs, you can manually replace all XP Sp 1 files back into windows in their proper location to revert your machine back.

Finally, when XP SP2 RC 2 becomes Official this month, XP SP2 RC2 can be updated to the Official version.. this is all stated in the Networking Install readme of XP SP2 RC2.

P.S. the networking install of XP Sp 2 is over 200 MB, where the simple install for casual users is only 100 MB.. I recommend everyone to use the Networking install at this time to get the full benifit of XP SP2 RC2.

Hope that this helps.


It's easier to reformat. We aren't all rocket scientists, Pesty.



When does it take rocket science to figure out that if you have a problem with the Service pack 2, to go into Add/Remove programs in the control panel and find XPSP2 entry and click remove????? This by itself will revert you back to you original install version of windows (service pack 1 or 1a)...

and when does it take rocket science to go into System Restore (Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools>SystemRestore) and select the XPSP 2 restore point and click next??? This by itself will revert you back to your original windows configuration (minus any software added after XP 2 install)..

both of these methods will prevent you from having to reinstall the OS and all your other software.. for people like me who have 120 GIG on their HDD.. this is a major time saver .. especially if you have to re-acquire all updates for all programs again...

the 3rd method i mentioned is if you cleared out your Add/Remove programs AND system restore points.. but you do not want to reinstall the OS.. you can manyally move the files back to their original location...

all these methods are for people to not have to reinstall all their software.

all 3 are stand alone uninstall methods... I would first try Restore point... then if the restore point is missing or you added more software.. then Add/Remove programs is your next best backup.. the 3rd step is a last ditch effort in the event #1 and #2 are both not available...

I hope that this clears up some confusion...

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Re: How do you delete Direct X ?
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2004, 09:54:22 am »
Windows XP Service Pack 2 Release Candidate 2 direct download link

release notes on XPSP 2 RC 2

also this will effectively turn everyone's machine into XP Pro, even if you are using Home Edition.. Media Center Edition 2002 and 2004 will still function correctly since XPSP 2 only adds newer components into the OS... the only difference i have seen since i run Media Center Edition 2004 in the start up is that my system no longer has the Media Center Edition splash screen.. it just says Windows XP... as such.. all machines are having the OS upgraded into 1 standard version.. only MCE machines will keep the MCE add on and other machines will not recieve MCE components.. that about it.

anyhow, just letting you know.
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