Not bad for a 1st attempt!!
Hell, pretty good for a whole lot of attempts for that matter,lol.
Thanks Sandman
I only wish my first ship looked that good
Very nicely done
Whats the polygon?
Thanks Joker Polygon Count is nice and low 320!!!!
excellent, I am amazed that is your first ship 
Yeah... I only started 2 months ago.. I will improve im sure... TY
Nice to see new talent cropping up! I love seeing new non-federation ships, well done. What are you going to make next?
Hmmm their is a though what shall I do next... here is my plan.. make a box... extrude some wings and go from their!!!

very good first attempt 
keep up the good work.
Thanks kane
Very nice model. And too be honest, your texturing style is superior too my models in my opinion. Very good first attempt model.
Thanks Magnum..
Just Like to say thanks for the feedback guys.. its appreciated..
I will get back to the drawing board and see what I can dream up