Topic: Why there will never be an SFC4  (Read 24887 times)

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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Why there will never be an SFC4
« Reply #220 on: July 02, 2004, 04:12:06 pm »
Didn't the Kzinti appear in the animated series and  Trek literature prior to becoming part of SFB?

Offline B_Phelps

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Re: Why there will never be an SFC4
« Reply #221 on: July 02, 2004, 04:28:58 pm »
Mainly because they were afraid of a copyright law suit.  From the Author of the Man/Kazin War series.

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Why there will never be an SFC4
« Reply #222 on: July 02, 2004, 05:18:55 pm »
Show me any startrek film or series where klingons had drones.
the gorn werent a very apparent race. as matter of fact they were almost obliterated if not for kirk
I say if the game was based on the series then only 4 of the races would be in any game
fed kliink rom vulcan
later eras
fed klink rom vulcan dominion cardassian ferengi borg
thats not to many

Actually, despite how much people like the Borg, they really shouldn't be a playable they were far enough away, that the most they could ever muster to send against ANYONE else was a single cube...

If you include the Borg you might as well include the Hirogen, and a whole slew of others...
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Re: Why there will never be an SFC4
« Reply #223 on: July 02, 2004, 05:53:38 pm »
   I believe with good instincts that Viacom and Paramount are now in the Drivers seat when it come to a knew SFC game.They had more to say in making of SFC3 than the rest.

Offline Merlinfmct87

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Re: Why there will never be an SFC4
« Reply #224 on: July 02, 2004, 06:31:16 pm »

Anyhow, why condemn SFB for improving on trek?

Oh My, that is a quote to remember!!!!

Thanks much!

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Re: Why there will never be an SFC4
« Reply #225 on: July 02, 2004, 08:41:02 pm »
I'm bored, so I might as well chime in my opinion on this dead horse.

I do not own any SFB materials (other than the Cadet version or whatever it's called that came with SFC), have never even looked at them in fact. I'm not overly into Tabletop Wargaming either, I'm simply an average gamer (well... not quite perhaps, I prefer RTS's over FPS, only own a single FPS which isn't quite average of your typical gamer nowadays).

I do have all of the SFC titles (including SFC1 Gold) and of them, I must say I vastly prefer 1, 2, and OP to 3.
There's just so much more to do, more races, more weapons, more systems, more singleplayer campaigns (very important to me as I don't really play on-line very much),  more ships, just more.

3 just didn't have as much to do. While you could argue that 3 has more ships because of the ability to refit your current ship to something else, it just didn't seem the same, I can change my phaser types all day long and the ship just doesn't seem any different, and I really miss my T-bombs.

AV could have been handled better in my opinion, or perhaps cut out all together. Combat also was disappointing, the fact that if your ship gets caught by a ship with more room for a larger tractor there's didly all you can do to get out is annoying.

As far as the campaign went, it was not bad but too short and too rushed. I really disliked getting moved around the map with no time in-between. The campaigns from the older games were just as interesting and lasted longer as well.

There are certainly things I like about 3, they've mostly been mentioned already by others, the things like bringing the Officers back from SFC1, some of the D3 features, reverse is handy, not sure about warp can't decide if it's benefits outweigh its disadvantages, hidden cloak.

So to sum up, I've never played SFB, am not in the least interested in ever playing SFB, and wish SFC3 was based off SFB rather than what it is just from playing the previous games that were based on SFB.

Of course this is all my humble opinion and I'm sure others will disagree, I can understand, and to be honest, being able to play the previous titles is good enough for me, I have what I want (well... as close to what I'm ever going to get most likely at least) so I won't begrudge those who got what they wanted in SFC3.
Capt. Jem

Offline Merlinfmct87

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Re: Why there will never be an SFC4
« Reply #226 on: July 03, 2004, 04:01:04 am »
I'm bored, so I might as well chime in my opinion on this dead horse.

I do not own any SFB materials (other than the Cadet version or whatever it's called that came with SFC), have never even looked at them in fact. I'm not overly into Tabletop Wargaming either, I'm simply an average gamer (well... not quite perhaps, I prefer RTS's over FPS, only own a single FPS which isn't quite average of your typical gamer nowadays).

I do have all of the SFC titles (including SFC1 Gold) and of them, I must say I vastly prefer 1, 2, and OP to 3.
There's just so much more to do, more races, more weapons, more systems, more singleplayer campaigns (very important to me as I don't really play on-line very much),  more ships, just more.

3 just didn't have as much to do. While you could argue that 3 has more ships because of the ability to refit your current ship to something else, it just didn't seem the same, I can change my phaser types all day long and the ship just doesn't seem any different, and I really miss my T-bombs.

AV could have been handled better in my opinion, or perhaps cut out all together. Combat also was disappointing, the fact that if your ship gets caught by a ship with more room for a larger tractor there's didly all you can do to get out is annoying.

As far as the campaign went, it was not bad but too short and too rushed. I really disliked getting moved around the map with no time in-between. The campaigns from the older games were just as interesting and lasted longer as well.

There are certainly things I like about 3, they've mostly been mentioned already by others, the things like bringing the Officers back from SFC1, some of the D3 features, reverse is handy, not sure about warp can't decide if it's benefits outweigh its disadvantages, hidden cloak.

So to sum up, I've never played SFB, am not in the least interested in ever playing SFB, and wish SFC3 was based off SFB rather than what it is just from playing the previous games that were based on SFB.

Of course this is all my humble opinion and I'm sure others will disagree, I can understand, and to be honest, being able to play the previous titles is good enough for me, I have what I want (well... as close to what I'm ever going to get most likely at least) so I won't begrudge those who got what they wanted in SFC3.

Learned the Heart's Filthy Lesson from Joshua Watcher.

The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world own shame.
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