'm having similar trouble with Netscape 7.1 - doesn't matter how many times I uninstall, reinstall and re-enable java, Netscape refuses to acknowledge its existance... personally I grow more and more weary of java's supposed platform independence...
IE picks up sun's jre install no prob... myself if I need to use a java applet I load up IE.. kind of a pain but there it is...
but if you want to see applets written for the jre 1.3. you'll need to uninstall the jre 2 and install 1.3.1, arg - that was where sun lost me, no backward compatibility, I imagine thousands of applets out there are now obsolete and may never be re-written for the very reason I refuse to deal with it.
I only have sun's java installed now so I can use DbVisualiser, but java apps on windows seem to be hideous resource hogs....