Funny... I didn't think the cats knew how to read....
Thought they could only press the buttons that are marked 'drone' and 'ESG'. 
From a limited tour in Kzinti starcruisers, I never, I mean
never saw a "launch drone" button.
Their weapons console took some deciphering, but I found only 3 labels.
From a nice long mental (telepathic) conversation (comeon, I wasn't really probing an active duty KATs mind, it was a one-sided conversation...) with their weapon officer, this is what I got:
"The Spray buttons launch our territorial marking warheads. The Spay buttons fire a focused beam of energy. The smaller ones are good for spaying enemy marking warheads, the larger ones are good for spaying ships. The Squirt button fires our heavier deterrent at enemy ships. Very effective at scolding wayward KATs..."
So, from what I saw, they don't even have cheesy "fire drone" buttons on their ships...

(and don't ask me what the neuter button does on a Kzinti starcruiser. Once they found out I knew, I was lucky to get out of there alive...)