Topic: A TNG Fed no name yet  (Read 1555 times)

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A TNG Fed no name yet
« on: June 30, 2004, 11:56:19 pm »
Still in progress, saucer needs work for 1 thing. Suggestions welcome though, any and all.  I think the side profile is ok. But something is off with the saucer, besides the stretched textures.

Pics updated
« Last Edit: July 01, 2004, 02:03:48 am by red_green »

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Re: A TNG Fed no name yet
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2004, 02:15:26 am »
bump- updated pics, the mesh is a bit better. Want to say Happy 4yh of July to my fellow Americans. I'll be thinking of our troops in the Middle East. I will be away till after the holiday. If your not an American, have a happy 4th anyway.  ;D  See you on the flipside.

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Re: A TNG Fed no name yet
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2004, 02:25:18 am »
hmm How about the Diatom class... (for those of you  who remember biology, or marien biology, you will understand this).
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Re: A TNG Fed no name yet
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2004, 07:15:00 am »
Great work as usual Red,this one looks alot like the Bradberry Class from Mackies site.Not one of my favorite designs so I'm not sure what to make of this one.What role do you see this ship in ?

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Re: A TNG Fed no name yet
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2004, 09:10:27 am »
Great work as usual Red,this one looks alot like the Bradberry Class from Mackies site.Not one of my favorite designs so I'm not sure what to make of this one.What role do you see this ship in ?

MP your very kind.   :)  Unless I can improve on this, its role well be to go to the recycle bin.  Where no ship has gone before :P

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Re: A TNG Fed no name yet
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2004, 08:06:29 pm »
lol, nah - don't send it there!

Just a few thoughts/questions on the actual design itself....
What were your thoughts when you were designing the nacelles, i agree it does remind me of the Bradbury - just wondered if there was a "reason" for why the nacelles look so flat?
I'm not knocking it, it's just nice to have a fantasy justification for some of the major design elements in the model :)

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Re: A TNG Fed no name yet
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2004, 02:27:34 am »
lol, nah - don't send it there!

Just a few thoughts/questions on the actual design itself....
What were your thoughts when you were designing the nacelles, i agree it does remind me of the Bradbury - just wondered if there was a "reason" for why the nacelles look so flat?
I'm not knocking it, it's just nice to have a fantasy justification for some of the major design elements in the model :)

Hmm well I was going to make the nacel take up more of the strut. Then I can claim that even though the nacels are slim, they have the same volume as any other for the same class ship. The slim design allows it to go at higher warp without tearing the fabric of space in heavily used ship corridors.

I want to keep tweaking it so it looks a bit less like the Bradbury. One major difference is that the Bradbury has 2 secondary hulls, while this ship has no secondary hulls. Instead the nacels are mounted within the struts.  Since the ship has only a main hull, it would likely be a DD or CL class. Perhaps a prototype to test before mass producing a larger

The nacel is divided into a main part and then several sperate cells in back. They can be turned on or off.  They would all be in use in a combat situation for power usage purposes and emergency speed. However in areas where the Space fabric is deteriated some cells would be shut down , so as to do less harm. This is to conform to new guidelines concerning the conservation of space act mandating that Nacel effiencny be increased to 98.75% by the year 2405.

There you go-but in reality, this will be on the back burner as I got to finish the ROK mod.
I would like to say that this ship is influenced by Lance's design of the Bradbury. Which he did in 1996 IIRC. I was i,pressed by that design. I thought it innovative back then. This ship is based off that, I see it as a possible progression of Bradbury. Though would like to consider it a new class. The saucer textures were based off of Hobbes Diligent.
Another TNG ship design that impressed me alot.

Thanks for the interest. Still awake?  ;D

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Re: A TNG Fed no name yet
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2004, 04:55:08 am »
Reposition the narcells one up and one underneath and you have a TNG Akula refit.  ;) Just a thought

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