Early in the installation process, back when I was testing on a purely stock install, I measured an 130 MB increase in the size of the SFC game folder.
I've added a folder or 2 since then, and now I'm testing directly into my main play folder, as I prefer to test live instead of under sanitized conditions. Unfortunately, that style won't let me gauge properly the actual increase, since I am a fan of TOS / SFB ships instead of the TMP style that comes with the game. I don't think I'm adding more than 150-200 mb on to a purely stock install.
All that from just a bit over 300k of installer... Nice to see the 56k-ers aren't having a problem (or waiting a day) to get onto the test server, eh?
Have you installed the package? Go to <game>/dipmodels/models and count the folders in there. That's all the ships (and PFs) that I've added. I've got to write a readme with the whole model list spelled out one of these days... Though, off the top of my head, I think each race got enouugh folders so between stock and DIPmodels they got about 14-15 model folders each. Primary goal was to get a folder for FF, FFB, DD, DW, CL, CW, CA, NCA, BCH, DN, BB, CVL, CV, CVA, TUG, LTT. Rommies got a 2nd (Starhawk) PF folder, and the LDR got a lot more folders, including their PF. I've even started expanding the Pirate selection...