Ladies and Gentle-beings (if any of the guys on this board are gentle...)
I am proud to present the first half of what you will need for the Litterbox 5 test server...
The Litterbox 5 shiplist / model pack installerIf you have the preview pack installed, it's removal will be necessary. You can readily do so by going to Control Panel -> Add / Remove Programs -> Litterbox 5 Shiplist / Modelpack uninstaller
Then it's safe to install the test server shiplist.
I have ran this pack through Firesoul's model tester, and have confirmed that all models I am cloning are good and there. Please remember that recent servers have made changes to the stock model folders, I recall RDSL made one to a Mirak ship's folder (the one that controls the Z-MDC, IIRC). If you have not properly restored your model folders after RDSL, there will be problems. Either repair the model folder prior to installation, or it's time for a fresh install...
It's sad that I did the repair already, but forgot exactly which folder was affected.
The installation adds about 130 mb disk space used to a purely stock SFC-OP installation. It might be up to about 150 mb or so, depending on the system configuration...
Since I did not actually include models in this installer, I leave it up to you to populate it with models of your choice. By default, it clones the most appropriate stock model into the new folder. The new folders are found right off your game directory, usually (stock installation):
C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc.\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\dipmodels\models
On the folder names, most of them should be self explanatory. One that might trip you up is the multiple CV directories. The Stock CV directory is kept on for the CVA / SCS sized ships, while the dipmodels CV directory is for the CA-sized Carriers.