Topic: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server  (Read 4937 times)

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Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« on: June 30, 2004, 11:19:31 pm »
Ladies and Gentle-beings (if any of the guys on this board are gentle...)

I am proud to present the first half of what you will need for the Litterbox 5 test server...

The Litterbox 5 shiplist / model pack installer

If you have the preview pack installed, it's removal will be necessary.  You can readily do so by going to Control Panel -> Add / Remove Programs -> Litterbox 5 Shiplist / Modelpack uninstaller

Then it's safe to install the test server shiplist.

I have ran this pack through Firesoul's model tester, and have confirmed that all models I am cloning are good and there.  Please remember that recent servers have made changes to the stock model folders, I recall RDSL made one to a Mirak ship's folder (the one that controls the Z-MDC, IIRC).  If you have not properly restored your model folders after RDSL, there will be problems.  Either repair the model folder prior to installation, or it's time for a fresh install...

It's sad that I did the repair already, but forgot exactly which folder was affected.

The installation adds about 130 mb disk space used to a purely stock SFC-OP installation.  It might be up to about 150 mb or so, depending on the system configuration...

Since I did not actually include models in this installer, I leave it up to you to populate it with models of your choice.  By default, it clones the most appropriate stock model into the new folder.  The new folders are found right off your game directory, usually (stock installation):
C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc.\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\dipmodels\models
On the folder names, most of them should be self explanatory.  One that might trip you up is the multiple CV directories.  The Stock CV directory is kept on for the CVA / SCS sized ships, while the dipmodels CV directory is for the CA-sized Carriers.

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2004, 01:56:06 am »
Thank you Julin for all your hard work on this!  I will be getting a mission pack together hopefully tomorrow and am pushing for a test server up by tomorrow night.
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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2004, 07:57:15 am »

Just a suggestion for the dip shiplist for AFTER LB5....

Tweak your ships, but base it on OP+.  A lot of people really like the OP+ with models and it would be a shame for those that just like the "plug n play" that you get with his list.

Unless he doesn't give permission of course.....hmm

Capt Jeff

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2004, 09:14:48 am »

Just a suggestion for the dip shiplist for AFTER LB5....

Tweak your ships, but base it on OP+.  A lot of people really like the OP+ with models and it would be a shame for those that just like the "plug n play" that you get with his list.

Unless he doesn't give permission of course.....hmm

OP+ is "stock" these days . . .
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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2004, 09:45:07 am »

Just a suggestion for the dip shiplist for AFTER LB5....

Tweak your ships, but base it on OP+.  A lot of people really like the OP+ with models and it would be a shame for those that just like the "plug n play" that you get with his list.

Unless he doesn't give permission of course.....hmm

OP+ is "stock" these days . . .

Yep, stock on GSA play more or less.

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2004, 10:07:14 am »
So for this to work I'm going to have to uninstall op3.3?

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2004, 10:13:08 am »
So for this to work I'm going to have to uninstall op3.3?

No, but I would re-name the shiplist and fighterlist "OP+ shiplist"  "OP+ Ftrlist", then install the LB5 mod.  You can then leave OP+ installed, and not mess with your OP+ models... ;)

Once LB5 is over, just uninstall LB5 and change the "OP+" lists back to their original name...
Capt Jeff

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2004, 10:22:20 am »
Thanks for the quick answer, that is what i thought , just wanted comfirmation.

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2004, 04:24:15 pm »
Thanks for the quick answer, that is what i thought , just wanted comfirmation.

Set up and use the SFCOP mod chooser Strat made.  It's slick as... well you know

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2004, 04:34:26 pm »
Does the DIP Shiplist point to the OP+ models?

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2004, 05:04:48 pm »
The DIP Shiplist was made from OP+3.0.  What we did was remove ships that were not used in dyna play, then reformulated BPVs, and then Julin made a installer that copies your current model folders and makes new ones in a separate DIPModel Folder.  This allows you to put the models of your choice in the respective folders if you want.
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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2004, 06:15:17 pm »
Thanks Julin.

Will uninstall OP+3.3 (can always reinstall later for GSA games) and load this one.

One possible suggestion, can the "Litterbox5Shiplist" installer start to be named with a verison number (i.e. 1.0, 1.1, etc) so we'll know if we have the latest/greatest?  If not, no biggie.  Just an idea.

Thanks again.  Now to find the test server ... "HEY FLUF!" ;)

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2004, 07:04:41 pm »
1.  Your OP+ installation is safe with this installation.  The installer backs up whatever shiplist you have current at the time of installation and replaces it as part of the un-installation.

2.  I've created the model pack because our shiplist is based off an OP+ 3.0 derivative (Storm Season II's shiplist), and plans call for the shiplist to be updated to the current OP+ pack once we've got the formula fully straightened out.  As Firesoul has made significant changes to his model packs since 3.0, it is believed that the old shiplist is not compatable with his current models.  I could make a model-using installation or 2 as time goes on, however, I believe half the fun of having expanded model folders is poking around the Modeler's board, picking expansion / replacement shps based on personal preference (and I know my preference isn't the same as everyone else's around here), and putting them in.  Have some fun finding your own replacement shps...

3.  I'll be changing the name as time goes on, hopefully I'll only need to make one more installer, and that should be the all-in-one final installer...  If there are interm changes, I'll figure something out, hopefully it's the NSIS installer's patching system so we don't need to do multiple long installs...

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2004, 01:38:53 am »

Reason being, he changed folder names. So if I want to play LB5, those folders wont be compatible unless you have changed 3.0 model folder specs to 3.3 and therefore, all those cool models he has included into his 3.3 D/L will be dumped. :(

So what is the story here?

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2004, 03:19:14 am »
For a complete idiot at these things like myself, what exactly do I do from a clean install and 2552 patch.

Please give idiots guide with pointers to places to DL stuff and orde it is to be done. Thankyou in advance

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2004, 03:31:58 am »
Gook,  just download the installer anywhere so you can find it, desktop works.  Double click on it and make sure its going to your Taldren Software Directory and it will install everything for you.  When its done, you will see it has made a separate DIPModels folder in your OP folder.  In there, you can replace models as you wish if you want.

Dizzy, although this is based on FS's OP+3.0, it is not intended to work with any of his models or his install package for 3.0 or 3.3.  We removed alot of ships that are never used.  This was basically the SS2 shiplist and we have modified it.  FS has done some fine work, but OP+ is not a true Dyna shiplist, and was never intended to be.  Its more of a GSA shiplist.  This shiplist and installer gives the player the option of switching out models for the classes he/she would like to use.
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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2004, 05:59:03 am »
This shiplist and installer gives the player the option of switching out models for the classes he/she would like to use.


And you are also saying it isnt model folder compatible with 3.3? As in the shiplist pointers go to the same folders and model names, etc... I dont care if you cut some ships, but does the geometry match?

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2004, 07:47:46 am »
This shiplist and installer gives the player the option of switching out models for the classes he/she would like to use.


And you are also saying it isnt model folder compatible with 3.3? As in the shiplist pointers go to the same folders and model names, etc... I dont care if you cut some ships, but does the geometry match?

In a word:  NO.

At the time we started this project, Storm Season II had recently completed.  We believed that it was a stable D2 modified shiplist from which to base our works from.

As time went on, Firesoul continued his independent work on OP+.  SS2's shiplist is an OP+ 3.0 derivative, and we're up to 3.3 now.

When we asked him about the model folders somewhere around the 3.1 -> 3.2 change, he advised us that there would be major changes to the model folders.  Instead of having to spend hours identifying the ships according to his shiplist, then re-doing the models in our shiplist, we decided to go with the system we have now.  This system is a derivative / expansion of my work on LB4, which, other than a few mis-classed ships, was more-or-less universally accepted at the time.

Once we have the formula locked in, we could theoretically apply it to whatever shiplist we want, whether OP+, GW, RDSL, you name it, we can apply it.  As a design decision, we've chosen to keep on the SS2-based list till we're 100% happy with it.  Of course, this being the first test, we're nowhere near that point...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2004, 07:50:07 am »
This shiplist and installer gives the player the option of switching out models for the classes he/she would like to use.


And you are also saying it isnt model folder compatible with 3.3? As in the shiplist pointers go to the same folders and model names, etc... I dont care if you cut some ships, but does the geometry match?

Dizzy is right, the model name for a lot of ships are differnt on OP+ 3.3 from 3.0.   
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack installer for test server
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2004, 07:52:34 am »
This shiplist and installer gives the player the option of switching out models for the classes he/she would like to use.


And you are also saying it isnt model folder compatible with 3.3? As in the shiplist pointers go to the same folders and model names, etc... I dont care if you cut some ships, but does the geometry match?

Dizzy is right, the model name for a lot of ships are differnt on OP+ 3.3 from 3.0.   

Doh!!  Just checked the list.   it will be fine!!

Serves me right for listening to Dizzy . . .
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .