Topic: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC  (Read 5788 times)

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Offline KAT MRess

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Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« on: June 30, 2004, 09:41:48 pm »
When we last left our intrepid adventurers...

Ah t' heck with it, read up.
AKA: Goose

KAT Patriarch (retired)
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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2004, 01:06:01 pm »
The author of this story and his editor regret to inform that no story posts will be made over the weekend of July 1st to the 5th.

Trek Con in Toronto and we are working as ...(GULP) .....

RED SHIRTS!!!!?????


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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2004, 09:00:53 pm »
His red shirt is mine when he gets back!!!!!


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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2004, 10:09:00 pm »
His red shirt is mine when he gets back!!!!!

But is it the one that the Guests sign??


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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2004, 05:57:41 am »
His red shirt is mine when he gets back!!!!!

But is it the one that the Guests sign??

Too bad!!! LOL!!!

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2004, 08:55:53 am »
Don't worry, Kim. You'll git to read about how you save my butt in the next upcoming installment of The Star's End Bar: Quest for the Guardian of Eternity, coming to a forum near you ;)

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2004, 09:01:02 am »
Umm. I know my part was very smalll, but why was my name omitted from the web version? I was the Dock Master on Kimberly's ship at the beginning...

Just wondering...
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2004, 09:09:07 am »
If it makes ya feel any better, Pesty, I'll see If'n I can work ya into mine ;)

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2004, 08:16:23 pm »
  I think Goose needs to finesh it off but then again LeRoy 2 better than 1.This would keep Kim busy and happy.

Offline KAT MRess

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2004, 09:58:06 am »
The room is dark.

The faint sound of jiggling keys is heard out side the door. After a few minutes, the rattle of a poorly aimed key on the metal of the lock is heard. After several attempts, a "click" is heard.

Slowly the door opens, and in staggers a very disheveled and unkempt figure. A hand aimlessly pats at the wall beside the door and eventually the overhead lights turns on. The figure winces from the sudden glare of light. It is a tall man that has not shaved for several days. There are bags under the eyes and the hair is uncombed.

It is wearing combat boots, black pants, a radio belt with a headset over the top of the head lke a telephone operator and a VERY distinctive Red shirt (complete with target on the back). It moves slowly toward the desk and eases gently into the plush chair.

After several minutes, just when it seemd the figure has fallen asleep, a hand extends and touched the console on the desk. beep The radio slips off the head and over the arm of the chair, dangling above the floor like bait to the bored cat that has wandered in as well.

The eyes are forced open to look at the console...

"Damn I've got some catching up to do."
AKA: Goose

KAT Patriarch (retired)
Chugra Kabal (retired)
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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2004, 06:07:16 pm »
The room is dark.

The faint sound of jiggling keys is heard out side the door. After a few minutes, the rattle of a poorly aimed key on the metal of the lock is heard. After several attempts, a "click" is heard.

Slowly the door opens, and in staggers a very disheveled and unkempt figure. A hand aimlessly pats at the wall beside the door and eventually the overhead lights turns on. The figure winces from the sudden glare of light. It is a tall man that has not shaved for several days. There are bags under the eyes and the hair is uncombed.

It is wearing combat boots, black pants, a radio belt with a headset over the top of the head lke a telephone operator and a VERY distinctive Red shirt (complete with target on the back). It moves slowly toward the desk and eases gently into the plush chair.

After several minutes, just when it seemd the figure has fallen asleep, a hand extends and touched the console on the desk. beep The radio slips off the head and over the arm of the chair, dangling above the floor like bait to the bored cat that has wandered in as well.

The eyes are forced open to look at the console...

"Damn I've got some catching up to do."


I thought you were writing the story and that I had lost track of where you were.

Now I see that you were writing about you.  Poor baby.... all tuckered out and such.

<pulls out ruby red rolling pin>



Seriously, get some rest.

Mail your shirt to me.

And a signed pic of Picard,

then we'll call it even.

Offline KAT MRess

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2004, 11:47:54 am »

Seriously, get some rest.

Working on it.


Mail your shirt to me.

EEewwww, do you want it washed first? I wore for almost 3 days...


And a signed pic of Picard,

Sorry, wrong convention, he wasn't at ours. Thats SFX.

This one was Toronto Trek, North America largest FAN run convention.

Which reminds me, Patterson was supposed to be there but wasn't.

Anyhow, on with the story...

As they approached the gates they could see a smaller door set within them. Obviously it was to allow common traffic. It was just off to the right of the centre of the door with a little button near the locked handle. Rolling paused before she pressed the button.

After a minute or two she pressed it again. The sound of a bolt being slid back was heard.

A smaller unnoticed panel opened in the upper part of the door and a face appeared. Rolling was bit unprepared for this face. It was covered in dark fur and had a distinctive feline shape to it. But what was most noticeable about it was the eyepatch that covered the right eye.

?Who rang that bell?!?

?We did.? came the chorus of answers.

?Can?t you read??

?Read what?? asked Dogmatix.

?The notice.?

?What notice?? said the Julins.

?The one on the door.? The face leaned out to gesture to the side.  ?It?s as plain as the patch on my? oh.? The face disappeared and after a moment an arm came through the window and hung a sign to the side. The arm then disappeared and the window closed.

Everyone looked at the sign.

?Bell out of order. Please knock.?
AKA: Goose

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Offline KAT MRess

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2004, 06:53:11 pm »
Umm. I know my part was very smalll, but why was my name omitted from the web version? I was the Dock Master on Kimberly's ship at the beginning...

Just wondering...

Absolutely right Pesty, my apologies.

I inadvertently posted the first draft and not the finished one. It has been corrected.
AKA: Goose

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Offline KAT MRess

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2004, 08:10:17 am »
Knock, knock The face reappeared.

?Well now that more like it. Now, state your business.?

Rolling rolled her eyes.

?We want to see the Admin.?

?The Admin??

?The Admin of SFC.?

?Oh, that Admin.? The furry face paused. ?No can do.?

?What do you mean no?? Rolling was starting to get annoyed with this surprising familiar creature. ?We came all this way to see him.?

?No one sees the admin of SFC. I?ve never seen him.?

Rolling heaved an exasperated breath. ?If no one sees him, how do you know he exists??

His mouth opened as if to speak, then shut, then opened again, then shut with a puzzled one eyed expression. ?Because, he? I? you see? Oh, you?re wasting my time.?

Rolling realized he was about to shut the window again. ?No wait, you don?t understand. The Tracey Admin sent me.?

The window was almost shut, when it stopped. It opened again and the face popped out.

?The Tracey Admin??

?She gave me the Ruby Red Rolling Pin.? And she held it up.

?Wellllll, bless my Katnip. Why didn?t you say so! That a Hydran of a different colour!?
AKA: Goose

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2004, 01:27:38 am »
Thread hijack

M'ress, have you sent out an E-mail to the KATS informing all about the new forums both here and the KAT/KOTH site?  If not I'm going to rig your paintball gun to misfire and turn you a nice Patriarch pink  ;D

Sorry to hijack this thread but I knew you would be sure to read it here. 

Offline KAT MRess

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2004, 07:55:28 am »
All right Chuut, how did you get a hold of my paintball gun.

It jammed up right before the last big battle of the day!

No I have not posted an E-mail as I cannot get into the KAT/Koth boards myself. Can you have Kortez look at my account? Do any Kzin read the Mirak forums? I've posted there about these issues.

I've also been offline at home for the past couple of weeks while I redo my basement. It's finished now so I should be able to get back online the next couple of nights.

BTW: the paintball was fun. It was us (32 Blue's Crew) vs. them (124 of everyone else).

SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT. FYI for those who want to know who Blue Crew is:

That's 4 to 1 odds. In the morning, we had control of the entire field with just about eveyone in the dead zone. In the afternoon they got their act together and started to use better tactics and thumped us.

The final score:




Yes, 0!

It was our puropose to not score any missions or objectives. Our sole purpose was to disrupt the other team. "No leadership roles, just aggressive paintball warriors."

So who really won?

Who cares, everyone had fun.
AKA: Goose

KAT Patriarch (retired)
Chugra Kabal (retired)
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Offline KAT MRess

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2004, 08:00:26 am »
The window clicked shut and the smaller door opened.

Inside was a small courtyard that was sparsely decorated. It was obviously a reception area for anyone coming into the city, a small foyer before entering the city proper. They filed in through the door to gather in this area. As J?inn stepped through, the doorman held out his arm and blocked the way. He scrutinized the Kzin with his one good eye.

?Don?t I know you?? ha asked. J?inn was extremely nervous.

?Nope, never been here before.? He replied, not looking at the doorman and shuffling behind the Julins.

?Still,? the doormans voice took on an old, breathy,  almost creaky quality, ?I never forget a facccce.? He stared at J?inn.

?Nope never been here before. That?s my story and I?m sticking to it.?

After a moment the doorman stopped staring and motioned toward the inner door.

Slowly it opened to reveal the main street through the city. If the skyline was staggering, the street was downright breathtaking.

Again the various purples provided a palette of palpable pandemonium (thpbt! type that 3 times fast!). The building were all different sizes with no two alike. Contrasts and blends abounded so that no one colour or design dominated. And yet they all complimented each other so the whole seemed almost incomplete without the others. Even the store fronts, landings, and porches and balconies were all decorated to match and yet be distinct.

The people moved to and fro, busy with their own business. They were not bipeds like our intrepid band. They were tripeds. 3 arms, 3 legs, 3 eyes, 3 ears. There even seemed to be 3 sexes. All of them coloured purple like the city around them. However, like the city, no two were alike. Different shades and even different patterns of the shades made everyone different so that even they blended with the city itself to form a moving almost poetic mass of colour. The only thing they all semmed to have in common were the smiles.

Everyone seemed happy.

?I never realized that there were so many shades of purple.? Thought Rolling, as she took in the view.

A carriage came into view, being pulled by a massive triped who, very UNlike the others was yellow.

?What is that?? J?inn blurted out as he neared them.

?Why that my friends,? replied the doorman ?Is a Hydran of a different colour! You've heard about him have you not?"
AKA: Goose

KAT Patriarch (retired)
Chugra Kabal (retired)
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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2004, 04:12:12 pm »

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2004, 04:43:17 pm »
   I am going to have get caught up on this again as I see Goose changed his name like a few others have.I guess he starting off from where he left off.Thanks now I will find out who the Wizard is going to be.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Stars End Bar: The Admin of SFC
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2004, 06:51:26 am »
posted your querry to Kortez on KAT/KOTH

saw it on D2 but figured Kortez had already fixed it.....

As for the paintball gun......

Did you think I couldn't arrange for things like that to happen?

tsk tsk