Topic: ROK mod preview  (Read 1477 times)

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Offline Red_Green

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ROK mod preview
« on: June 30, 2004, 05:24:29 pm »
Here are the pirate ships.

Looking at them from left to right/top to bottom

Ship1  Stock RaceY orange version Class: FF
Ship2  Stock RaceY orange version Class: DD
Ship3  Retex of Taldrens pcl from OP by myself Class: CL
Ship4  Kitbash of Race Y by myself Class: CL
Ship5 Nihydron  by Queball, ported to SFC OP by DarkMatrix, converted to SFC3 with damage maps by me Class: CL for purposes of the mod

Ship6 Kitbash of Race Y by me  Class: CA
Ship7 Kitbash of Race Y by me Class: BC
Ship8 Retex of Taldren's pndn from OP by myself Class: DN

note- I remapped both of Taldrens OP pirate ships onto 1 map instead of the 3-4 stock maps. They were retextured using the textures for SFC3's Rakeillian Cruiser 

Extra special thanks to Queball fro permission to include his Nihydron. The ship I highlighted with a green square around it. Simply the best of this lot so far. I am neglecting the Feds for now due to the time it takes to add em in. Want to get the mod out and see how it goes over. I can update the Feds later or people caan just swap out the Stock Feds with there favorites. For purposes of this mod I prefer ships using 2-3 maps as it cuts load time down as compared to ships that use a dozen or more maps. I have found ships that take longer than 3 minutes to load on my computer. So trying to avoid that to make this mod available to more people.

More updates to follow.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2004, 06:01:56 pm by red_green »

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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2004, 05:48:05 pm »
Here are the Lyrans, all original designs and exclusive to this mod. The DN was named by Arcanum. Thanks for coming up with Smilodon. Though when opponents see it, they might not be smiling.

From left to right/top to bottom, these are there classes: F, FF, DD, CL, CA, BC version1, BC version2 and DN.
There all named but you see those in the mod.

Next up are the Hydrans  :o

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Offline Red_Green

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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2004, 06:20:08 pm »
Here are the Hydrans for good measure. These are available now over at the STCD shipyards.

Removed pic to save bandwidth
« Last Edit: July 05, 2004, 06:02:39 pm by red_green »

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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2004, 06:23:46 pm »
I love unorthodox designs :)
Sweet job mate :)
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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2004, 02:45:02 pm »
Thought I'd  point out there will be more than just new ships in this mod. Here is a list of mod contributors.

Let me know of amy spelling errors/typos

Contibutor     MOD type

Karnak           EEK missions
Toasty           Wallpaper/backgrounds
Queball           Nihydron ship
Darkmatrix       SFC port of Nihydron
Cozbo             Supplied list of names for mod name. I decided on Rise of Kingdoms
Arcanum         Named Smilodon Lyran DN
red_green       Ships, textures, story backgrounds and mod compilation and specs

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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2004, 03:01:57 pm »
Another reason why I'm sorry I don't have SFC3. :(

Great work, those ships look awesome!! :)
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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2004, 03:30:27 pm »
Looking good...
Which races will be the playable ones? Or how are they grupped.?


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Offline Red_Green

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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2004, 05:41:05 pm »
Looking good...
Which races will be the playable ones? Or how are they grupped.?



What I did is replaced the Klingons with Hydrans, Replaced Romulans with Lyrans and replaced Borg with Pirates.
I left the Feds alone. Now some would say why replace when I could have just added? I did so for a couple reasons.  There are some new weapon textures and the OP Lyran/Hydran/Pirate sounds and voices replace the SFC3 stock sound/voices. I thought it might be odd to have Klingons firing purple weapons and sounding like Hydrans. I should point out though that no stock models will be overwritten.

The initial release will be this way. However If people request it,I may have an alternate shiplist to unlock the Romulans and Klingons.  Though I might make it so you have to email me to get the alternate shiplist. I might do that because I released a mini mod once before and only got 1 reply as to how it was balanced or how to improve it. The more feedback I get the better I can adjust/balance the mod.

Just for example of how the Lyrans(now in the Romulan slot) will play different then a Romulan ship. The Lyrans do not have cloaks, they do have stronger shields and primary weapons with 240 degree arcs. Heavy weapons with 180 degree arcs. They do not have plasma. Instead their heavy weapons are shield inversion beam, and mytronic beams. Their disruptors have been nerfed a bit to compensate for the large weapn arcs.

The pirates get light, med and heavy plasma, K torps for heavies. Cutting beams for primary with new textures.
The Hydrans keep the stock Klink weapons with new texture for disruptor. They lose K-photons to the Pirates

What I am doing with the cloak is making it unrefittable. Meaning you can't add a cloak to a ship. However,all 4 races will have cloaked versions of ships availablr to buy. Though the highest class with  cloak available will be the CL. For the Feds, the cloaked ship version will be the Defiant.

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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2004, 02:11:47 pm »
As I get further along. I am definitely thinking this well be a race replacement mod. In addition to Hydran/Pirate/Lyran sounds, voices, music. I now have the shipnames and officer names from SFC1 transfered in.

I noticed there are a number of mods with new updates coming out. They always add in races to the slots. So thought I would replace instead, if people prefer 2 or more races per slot, they can always use another mod. I just like the feel of 1 race per slot and want to give the Hydrans/Lyrans there due.

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Offline Red_Green

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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2004, 05:10:47 pm »
Update on progress

Ok I am making big changes to ship handling. Making it so the ships will gain no significant speed if you build with no shields. Don't like the idea of ships going at speed 60.

Also am making the ships turn rate slower across the board. This also means that all ship classes will bank less.
This is being done based on feedback I have gotten.

The other news is while I am almost done. I now have to convert for build 534. Not yet sure how much extra work that will be. I still might be ready for release in a couple weeks. This mod alters just about everything in game spec wise. Though the Feds are almost unchanged except for ship handling. The other 3 slots are all redone. With weapons even being swapped between slots. Only 2 weapon textures are changed at this time.
All slots except Fed get completely new races and ships. Shields and armour have been increased by apro 50%.

All weapon health. power health et al;;; has been increased to match the borg slot.  Soon I will began modifying the stock sun and making sure everything is backed up before I load the new patch.

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Offline Red_Green

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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2004, 01:08:29 am »
This is being released for patch 531 as 534 won't load on my machine. Like anyone really cares  ::)

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Re: ROK mod preview
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2004, 03:10:00 pm »
I  tried to stay away form here but only managed for 3 days.   :P
I got tired of working out this, to the point of burn out even after like 3-4 months about. But am so close that I just gotta finish it. So I played it for quite a bit, more fun than modding it.  :)   Thought I was done but want to add or change a few items. Actually 24 items, made a list.

Definitely sticking to the patch 531 as no idea why 534 won't load on my system. Anyway 534 doesn't fix too may things. Some of what it fixed is just preference items, like how often the AI uses HET. I prefer how it uses it in 531 anyway.

Once released I won't even be looking at this mod for a while, though it should be very polished when it is released. I even going so far as to make the time the computer takes to manage the game while in the map area go faster.
The 531 patched version will hang 1-2 minutes trying to update news, ship movement and officers on my machine.

Just like to point out though that once released if you like it except for maybe the ships are to slow for your preference. I could tell you how to mod it so they are faster or even send an alternate spec file. However, how you express your viewpoint will way heavily into whether I bother to respond to you at all. Not trying to sound like a jerk, but I can be one, comes from years of practice  ;D

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