Topic: A final thought on Taldren  (Read 34778 times)

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Offline KBF-Crim

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  • Crim,son of Rus'l
Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #60 on: July 02, 2004, 12:41:16 pm »
02 Patch fixes in by the KhoroMag patching team: James King and Dutch Blomenkamp
1)  Damage allocation fixed.
2)  Added option to allow game host to specify hidden race and/or BPV in multiplayer ship select screen.
3)  Weapon hardpoint user interface enhanced to show individual slot status.
4)  Destroyed hardpoint slots now lose their charge and cannot hold a charge.
5)  Mines now detonate if your actual speed is fast enough to trigger them.
6)  Mines now arm instantly if the ship that dropped them is destroyed.
7)  AMD now correctly does 1d6 damage against weapon-type shuttles (SS, SP, WW, GAS).
8)  AMD12 repair cost lowered to 4 (SFB value).
9)  EM in a multiplayer game now properly updates attack shift on all computers.
10) EM voice no longer plays if user cancels EM countdown.
11) ECM now affects seeking weapons properly.
12) Fighters can no longer dock with their mothership if they are being held in a tractor lock.
13) Fighters no longer receive disruptor feedback at Range 0.
14) Fighter fusion corrected - can no longer fire at Range 3 (2.99 max).
15) Fighter photon corrected - can no longer fire at Range 5 (4.99 max).
16) Fighters now carry the correct number of missiles based on the ftrlist.txt file.
17) Suicide shuttle launch now properly voids a wild weasel.
18) Double-clicking to make multiple shuttles of the same type simultaneously is prohibited.
19) Shuttle conversions no longer remain on-screen when the 'd' key is used to slide panel away.
20) WW launch now properly updates the attack shift on all computers.
21) WW corrected to generate 6 ECM (was 12).
22) WW speed has been reduced to 6 (was 12).
23) Defensive shift now shows proper value when a WW is valid.
24) Defensive tractor hotkey now works properly when tractor system is damaged.
25) Ship explosions corrected: Damage < 10 is Range 0, otherwise explosion is Range 1.
26) Film filename longer than 70 characters no longer causes a crash in the film room.
27) Ships with 32 or 64 marines no longer mysteriously lose a marine 7 seconds into the simulation.
28) Each PPD pulse is now a separate volley.
29) PPD stops firing if target moves out of firing range.
30) Damage for each PPD pulse is now calculated when the pulse hits, not when the user fired it.
31) PPD damage versus fighter groups has been fixed.
32) Missile racks no longer lose a missile at startup.
33) Space dock now works correctly with missile racks having more than one standard reload (like DroG-2).
34) Missiles cannot slip past an active Radius 0 ESG at high speeds any more.
35) ESG now triggers active mines to explode.  ESG absorbs what it can, remainder hits ship.
36) ESG no longer does more damage than its maximum when firing up and targets are in the radius.
37) ESG no longer hits ships on your team that were captured from other teams.
38) ESG power request corrected for multiple ESG hardpoints.
39) ESG ring radius corrected to be consistent with other direct-fire weapons.
40) ESG ring is now drawn at the exact outer edge of the damage radius.
41) ESG ring is now drawn at the correct size on all computers in multiplayer and film playbacks.
42) ESG field now drops if the hardpoint is destroyed.
43) ESG now hits enemy Wild Weasels and Probes in the ring.
44) Shield reinforcement effect on enveloping plasma and hellbore feedback corrected.
45) Phaser damage against incoming plasma has been corrected.
46) Plasma D auto-firing mechanism will no longer fire more than one Plasma D at a time at an incoming        target.
47) Plasma D launcher firing rate increased.
48) Normal hellbores no longer do any feedback damage (no myopic zone in SFB).
49) Overloaded hellbore feedback damage now only occurs if the weapon hits its target.
50) Films from previous versions cannot be played with
51) Various HET Breakdown fixes:
    -Probes can no longer fire during a breakdown.
    -T-bombs can no longer be placed during a breakdown.
    -Hit and runs no longer function during a breakdown.
    -Defensive tractors no longer function during a breakdown.
    -Point defense is now disabled during a breakdown.
    -AMD and Plasma D are now disabled during a breakdown.
    -Shuttles and fighters cannot be launched during breakdown.
    -Fighters cannot be retrieved during breakdown.
    -ESG field drops when a breakdown occurs.
    -Erratic Maneuvers cannot be used during a breakdown.
    -Emergency stop cannot be used during a breakdown.
    -Maximum speed restored properly if ship does not completely stop.
51) Phaser damage to Plasma is now 4 points of damage reduces plasma strength by one.
52) Fast missile speed reduce to 32.
53) Pseudo plasma recharge time has been reduced.
54) Photon Proximity hit chances changes as follows: 9-12(83%), 13-30(66.7%) and 31-55(33.3% NO Change)
55) ESG vs Hellbore interaction added.
56) F12 screenshot limit imposed - 1 shot limit every 5 seconds - to help prevent cheating.
57) Hitting Shift-ScrollLock during red alert will save many of your ship's settings which are applied on     any future red alert.  (Data stored in Assets/WeaponGroups/WQSB.ini)
58) Fast Repair Bug fixed; each weapon slot must be at 50% health to operate.
59) Multiplayer (GameSpy/Dyna) networking code optimized; effects of lag should be reduced.
60) Plasma I defensive firing made smarter.
61) Phaser-G hardpoint charging status indicator fixed.
62) Phaser-G multiple-slot hardpoints can now fire all shots.
63) Phaser-G point defense fixed to count shots correctly.
64) If ADD shot at a shuttle, it would only shoot once then completely disable PD vs.the shuttle.
65) EM and WW launch now void any active ESG field.
66) ESG now delivers correct damage to kill fighters (previously some ESG energy was wasted).
67) Single fighter group no longer drops multiple ESG rings unless energy expenditure warrants it.
68) Mine detonation on ESG ring when user changed radius UI control fixed.
69) Tractor hold, grab, then switch to repel now drops tractor hold.
70) Tractor charging and switching hold/repel, repel/hold now resets tractor capacitor.
71) F12 Screenshot file write made asynchronous (meaning faster).
72) Phaser slots that are destroyed now recycle their ready state.
73) Mirv warheads would not loose track of cloaked vessels - fixed.
74) Adjusted MIRV loadouts.
75) PhG does not honor shift-Z "fire all" command - fixed.
76) Normal Hellbore holding cost reduced to 2.5 points from 3.
77) Ships that are tractored can no longer initiate cloak.
78) Damaged fighters now take time to repair/replace.
79) Shield repair rate has been reduce to approximately 3/4 of previous value.
80) OrionOrion not being recorded in database - fixed.
81) Pseudo Fighters no longer regenerate PPTs.

02 Patch fixes in

1) Bug when fleeing on mission, decreases hex defense value -fixed
2) Ghosting of characters ("you are already logged on") should be fixed.
3) Killing of AI characters wasn't removing ships - fixed
4) Fixed mission not completing.
5) Fixed Singleplayer campaign crash after viewing map
6) Disabled the ESC during Dynaverse tactical, now only available if you fly off the map.
7) Single campaign crashes when exiting - fixed.
8) Player now cannot move while being drafted in dynaverse.
9) Multiplayer timing improved.
10) Metaverse game speed not always set (if they go into skirmish, then meta) - fixed.
11) We now handle directplay error DPERR_INVALIDPLAYER properly which had led to crashes in some scripts.
12) We now handle DPERR_CONNECTIONLOST properly, that had kept humans from matching up.
13) Mission AI ships are now deleted after mission (slowdown bug)
14) Changes to the ISC and Pirate political matrix.
15) Security cheat where players could log on to a dynaverse server without checks and then log on to a secure server - fixed.
16) Human to human matches under dynaverse were not always reporting the battles properly - fixed.
17) 0 Battery causing crash when opening fleet control panel - fixed.
18) Plasma D able to fire at cloaked ships - fixed.
19) Scatterpacks now void Wild Weasels.
20) Maximum range disruptors range was incorrect.  Reduced damage from 2 to 1 - fixed.
21) Scripts not able to set store items correctly on startup - fixed.
22) Batteries not recharging correctly - fixed.
23) Erratic Manuevers generating excessive ECM - fixed.
24) Defensive Plasma not firing at all targets if chosen target is fighter group - fixed.
25) A single admin shuttle can drop 6 ESGs - fixed.
26) Bug fixed where program would crash if you looked at the vessel library before joining a Dynaverse server, after creating a fresh character.
27) Map not centered on player at start of play - fixed.
28) Phaser 3 and G firing Point Defense at range 3 (too far) - fixed.
29) Range 0 ESG missing drones - fixed.
30) ESG cycle time has changed to 1.5 turns after firing.
31) AMD to hit % too effective - fixed (KM).
32) AMD alwasys destroying WW, Scatterpack and Suicide Shuttles in one hit - fixed (KM).
33) AMD not affected by EM - fixed (KM).
34) Gorn race ships too weak - increased hull strength.
35) CD key in use message error - fixed.
36) High drone control ships (advanced era) causing crash - fixed.
37) Scan progress indicator not working - fixed.
38) Running when ambush causing a change of hex ownership - fixed.
39) WW, Scatterpack and Suicide Shuttles not taking enough damage - fixed (KM).
40) User name field for logging onto Dynaverse larger for email addresses.
41) Plasma holding costs reduced slightly R(4), S(2.33), G(1.5).
42) AMD and Plasma D not firing at SS and Scatterpacks - fixed
43) Ph2 range table corrections (KM).
44) WW speed has been reduced to 6 (was 12).
45) Each PPD pulse is now a separate volley (KM).
46) PPD stops firing if target moves out of firing range (KM).
47) Damage for each PPD pulse is now calculated when the pulse hits, not when the user fired it (KM).
48) Normal photon feedback damage has been reduced to 2 (was 4, same as overload).
49) Disruptor feedback Range 0 - Normal changed from 0 to 1, overloaded from 4 to 2.
50) Lowered repair time of Phaser 3s, Phaser G, ADD12 and Tractors.
51) Increased repair time of  Phaser G2 and Phaser 4.
52) Crash upon exiting game - fixed.

(KM) Indicates bug fixed by KhoroMag patching team.


So you'll note....there are TWO kinds of fixes...things fixed for EAW by Kworomang and ported over....AND things DF fixed....

Offline KBF-Crim

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  • Crim,son of Rus'l
Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #61 on: July 02, 2004, 12:42:53 pm »
DAMN...these list are so long they exeed the charactor limit!...

Read me for EAW:


Star Trek Starfleet Command(R) Volume II: Empires at War(TM)
Patch Readme File
28 October 2002

WARNING: *If you have a modded ship list, this patch will replace it*

   To create an account on GameSpy for the first time to get on
   Dynaverse II: you enter your email address, a password, a nickname,
   and press the button "Create New Account" on the Dynaverse II Login
   screen.  Or enter information from an existing GameSpy account.
   Then press "Login"!

01 Table of Contents
01  Table of Contents
02  Patch Changes
03  Installation Instructions
04  System Requirements
05  Copy Protection
06  Manual
07  Default HotKey List
08  Taunts
09  Known Issues
10  Trouble Shooting
11  Bonus Files
12  Technical Support
13  Technical Support (UK)
14  Legal Stuff

02 Patch features and fixes in by the KhoroMag patching team

1 General instability in - fixed.
1 Dyna SQL Compatibility with MySQL 3.23.52 and MyODBC 3.51.03 - fixed.
2 SQL political tensions bug - fixed.
3 Disappearing fighter/shuttle icons bug - fixed.
4 Launching shuttles or fighters now voids any WW.
5 AMD damage being multiplied by number of players in a multi game - fixed.
6 Point defense phasers firing at objects out of arc - fixed.

02 Patch features and fixes in by the KhoroMag patching team

New Features

1)Erratic maneuvers now fires instantly, requires 1 turn to recharge (like OP).
2)Hitting Shift-ScrollLock during red alert will save many of your ship's settings which are applied on any future red alert.  (Data stored in Assets/WeaponGroups/WQSB.ini)
3)Code recompiled with optimization for speed instead of size.
4)Fighter repair, rearm, and regeneration changed:
**Maximum fighters regenerated is equal to 1/2 of the ship's deck crew.
**Rearming and repair/regeneration occurs at the same time.
**Rearming costs 1/2 turn per fighter in the squad at the time it docks.
**Repair costs up to a full turn to repair any damage to the damaged fighter.
**Regeneration costs 1 turn per fighter.
**Repair and Regeneration cost is combined.
**The maximum time is therefore the maximum of repair/regen or rearming.
**The user interface shows two progress bars however they are identical and this unfortunately cannot be changed without artwork changes.  Therefore you will not be able to see the individual repair/regen and rearming progress.

Patch Fixes

0)Client game film recording is working again.
1)Fast Repair Bug fixed; all repairable hardpoint slots must be at 50% health to operate.
2)Fixed repair time of multiple slot hardpoints to match the number of weapons in them.
3)Fighter control icons will no longer disappear unexpectedly.
4)Direct-fire fighter weapons are now ready to fire first shot after 8 impulses, and can fire one shot per turn after that (except disruptors which are 2 shots per turn).
5)Heavy PF weapons are now ready to fire after 8 impulses, and follow regular charging rules after that.
6)Fighter minimum speed set to 20.
7)Shield reinforcement is no longer applied to downed shields when taking damage. 
8)Dynaverse 2 patrol missions no longer award a win to players who disengage.
9)Spare parts standard and maximum values in Dynaverse 2 space dock fixed.
10)Starbases destroyed during a battle are now removed from the Dynaverse 2 map. 
11)Saved game difficulty is now enforced when reading in a single-player campaign. 
12)Unfinished repairs are now completed automatically at the end of a mission.
13)Unused shuttles are now converted back to admin shuttles at the end of a mission, including recovery of resources used to create them.
14)Damage to the damage control system no longer affects repair times, since damage control itself is an unrepairable system.
15)Multiplayer (GameSpy/Dyna) networking tuned; effects of lag may be reduced.
16)Hellbore charging cost reduced to 2.5/turn, holding cost is also 2.5.
17)Volley cycle (mizia) interval changed from 1/20 turn to 1/32 turn [true impulse].
18)Overlapping PPD shots no longer cause too many volley cycles (mizia).
19)Plasma I defensive firing made smarter (like Plasma D in last patch).
20)Proximity photon to-hit table change: 83%/67%/33%.
21)Phaser-G hardpoint charging status indicator fixed.
22)Phaser-G multiple-slot hardpoints can now fire all shots.
23)Phaser-G point defense fixed to count shots correctly.
24)Phaser-G now honors shift-Z "fire all" command.
25)Phaser-G can now be fired if there is just 0.25 energy in the capacitor (previously 1.00 was required but it only used 0.25).
26)Phaser capacitor no longer loses charge when a phaser slot is destroyed.
27)Phaser slots that are destroyed now recycle their ready state.
28)Phaser point defense no longer shoots as Plasma D.
29)Plasma D, Plasma I, phaser point defense, and ADD systems will no longer waste shots on dead things that just haven't disappeared yet.
30)Plasma D and Plasma I will no longer waste multiple shots at the same target.
31)Plasma D reload time increased from 1 turn to 1.33 turns.
32)User-made plasma race ships with ADD hardpoints now fire ADD rounds instead of Plasma D shots from the ADD hardpoint.
33)Plasma D and ADD hardpoints now correctly show offline state in display.
34)Shotgun plasma capacity now based on current setting of weapon, not the hardpoint type.
35)Shotgun plasma no longer wastes unnecessary shots on fighter groups.
36)Shotgun plasma no longer fires more than one plasma at a regular ship.
37)If ADD shot at a shuttle, it would only shoot once then completely disable itself vs. the shuttle.
38)ADD damage versus shuttles and fighters was incorrect; [0..5] fixed to [1..6]
39)ADD12 reload time is now 2 turns instead of 1.
40)HET attempt during EM lowers success rate by 16%.
41)EM and WW launch now void any active ESG field.
42)ESG now delivers correct damage to kill fighters (previously some ESG energy was wasted).
43)Single fighter group no longer drops multiple ESG rings unless energy expenditure warrants it.
44)Mine detonation on ESG ring when user changed radius UI control fixed.
45)Hydran UI for ESG panel (multiplayer only) fixed (buttons were messed up).
46)ESG radius indicator is no longer drawn if the ESG cannot fire (destroyed hardpoint).
47)ESG capacitor and hardpoint now lose charge/ready state when destroyed.
48)ESG field that is 'warming up' will no longer cause drones to miss a Lyran target.
49)Cloak can no longer be engaged while being tractored.
50)Tractor lock on a cloaked ship negates the range doubling effect.
51)Switching from hold to repel now drops tractor hold.
52)Switching from hold to repel, or repel to hold now resets tractor capacitor.
53)When the tractor system is destroyed it will no longer charge holding cost because the capacitor is emptied automatically..
54)Speed 11 changed from 5 seconds/turn to 10 seconds/turn.
55)Assault shuttles now require 4 marines to create, and subtract none on impact.
56)Removed debug code that wrote to "EWdump.txt" on every single phaser fire.
57)Plasma I restricted to one shot per firing ship per turn, when firing at starship sized targets (non fighter, PF).
58)Plasma holding costs reduced as follows (first number is normal, second is eneveloping) R(4/5), S(2/4), G (1/2.5).
59)Shield regeneration due to labs, lowered slightly.
60)BPV adjusted upward for Missile G ships.
61)Escort ships received a BPV increase.
62)BPV increase for Plasma I torps removed.
63)Docking "weak" fighters will no longer transform them into stronger variety (i.e. Hornet.I magically becoming Wasp.III)
64)Launching fighters now voids WW.
65)Disengaging in Dynaverse assault missions (Planety, starbase, etc.) gives leaving player a defeat.
66)ESG vs Hellbore interaction re-added.
67)Cannot complete mission "Dropping the Hammer" - fixed.

02 Patch fixes in by the KhoroMag patching team
1)  Damage allocation fixed.
2)  Added option to allow game host to specify hidden race and/or BPV in multiplayer ship select screen.
3)  Weapon hardpoint user interface enhanced to show individual slot status.
4)  Destroyed hardpoint slots now lose their charge and cannot hold a charge.
5)  Mines now detonate if your actual speed is fast enough to trigger them.
6)  Mines now arm instantly if the ship that dropped them is destroyed.
7)  ADD effectiveness was too high and has been corrected (die roll was off by 1).
8)  ADD effectiveness is now reduced when EM is used (add 1 to die roll).
9)  ADD now correctly does 1d6 damage against weapon-type shuttles (SS, SP, WW, GAS).
10) ADD12 repair cost lowered to 4 (SFB value).
11) EM in a multiplayer game now properly updates attack shift on all computers.
12) EM voice no longer plays if user cancels EM countdown.
13) ECM now affects seeking weapons properly.
14) Fighters can no longer dock with their mothership if they are being held in a tractor lock.
15) Fighters no longer receive disruptor feedback at Range 0.
16) Fighter fusion corrected - can no longer fire at Range 3 (2.99 max).
17) Fighter photon corrected - can no longer fire at Range 5 (4.99 max).
18) Fighters now carry the correct number of missiles based on the ftrlist.txt file.
19) All weapon shuttles now require 6 internals to kill (previously only 1 internal).
20) Suicide shuttle launch now properly voids a wild weasel.
21) Double-clicking to make multiple shuttles of the same type simultaneously is prohibited.
22) Shuttle conversions no longer remain on-screen when the 'd' key is used to slide panel away.
23) WW launch now properly updates the attack shift on all computers.
24) WW corrected to generate 6 ECM (was 12).
25) WW speed has been reduced to 6 (was 12).
26) Defensive shift now shows proper value when a WW is valid.
27) Defensive tractor hotkey now works properly when tractor system is damaged.
28) Ship explosions corrected: Damage < 10 is Range 0, otherwise explosion is Range 1.
29) Film filename longer than 70 characters no longer causes a crash in the film room.
30) Ships with 32 or 64 marines no longer mysteriously lose a marine 7 seconds into the simulation.
31) Each PPD pulse is now a separate volley.
32) PPD stops firing if target moves out of firing range.
33) Damage for each PPD pulse is now calculated when the pulse hits, not when the user fired it.
34) PPD damage versus fighter groups has been fixed.
35) Missile racks no longer lose a missile at startup.
36) Space dock now works correctly with missile racks having more than one standard reload (like DroG-2).
37) missiles cannot slip past an active Radius 0 ESG at high speeds any more.
38) ESG now triggers active mines to explode.  ESG absorbs what it can, remainder hits ship.
39) ESG no longer does more damage than its maximum when firing up and targets are in the radius.
40) ESG no longer hits ships on your team that were captured from other teams.
41) ESG power request corrected for multiple ESG hardpoints.
42) ESG ring radius corrected to be consistent with other direct-fire weapons.
43) ESG ring is now drawn at the exact outer edge of the damage radius.
44) ESG ring is now drawn at the correct size on all computers in multiplayer and film playbacks.
45) ESG field now drops if the hardpoint is destroyed.
46) ESG now hits enemy Wild Weasels and Probes in the ring.
47) Shield reinforcement effect on enveloping plasma and hellbore feedback corrected.
48) Phaser damage against incoming plasma has been corrected.
49) Plasma D auto-firing mechanism will no longer fire more than one Plasma D at a time at an incoming target.
50) Plasma D launcher firing rate increased.
51) Normal photon feedback damage has been reduced to 2 (was 4, same as overload).
52) Normal hellbores no longer do any feedback damage (no myopic zone in SFB).
53) Overloaded hellbore feedback damage now only occurs if the weapon hits its target.
54) Ph3 repair cost lowered from 3 to 2 (SFB value).
55) PhG repair cost lowered from 10 to 6 (SFB value).
56) Ph2 range table corrections: 16-29 -> 16-30; 30-51.5 -> 31-50
57) Disruptor feedback Range 0 - Normal changed from 0 to 1, overloaded from 4 to 2.
58) Films from previous versions cannot be played with
59) Various HET Breakdown fixes:
    -Probes can no longer fire during a breakdown.
    -T-bombs can no longer be placed during a breakdown.
    -Hit and runs no longer function during a breakdown.
    -Defensive tractors no longer function during a breakdown.
    -Point defense is now disabled during a breakdown.
    -ADD and Plasma D are now disabled during a breakdown.
    -Shuttles and fighters cannot be launched during breakdown.
    -Fighters cannot be retrieved during breakdown.
    -ESG field drops when a breakdown occurs.
    -Erratic Maneuvers cannot be used during a breakdown.
    -Emergency stop cannot be used during a breakdown.
    -Maximum speed restored properly if ship does not completely stop.
60) Phaser damage to Plasma is now 4 points of damage reduces plasma strength by one.
61) Fast missile speed reduce to 32.
62) Pseudo plasma recharge time has been reduced.
63) Plasma holding costs reduced slightly R(4), S(2.33), G(1.5).

Offline KBF-Crim

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  • Crim,son of Rus'l
Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #62 on: July 02, 2004, 12:44:00 pm »

02 Patch fixes in

1) Bug when fleeing on mission, decreases hex defense value -fixed
2) Ghosting of characters ("you are already logged on") should be fixed.
3) Killing of AI characters wasn't removing ships - fixed
4) Fixed mission not completing.
5) Fixed Singleplayer campaign crash after viewing map
6) Disabled the ESC during Dynaverse tactical, now only available if you fly off the map.
7) Converted chat and directory listing system from to Gamespy.  Chat is VASTLY improved.
8) Single campaign crashes when exiting - fixed.
9) Player now cannot move while being drafted in dynaverse.
10) Multiplayer timing improved.
11) Metaverse game speed not always set (if they go into skirmish, then meta) - fixed.
12) We now handle directplay error DPERR_INVALIDPLAYER properly which had led to crashes in some scripts.
13) We now handle DPERR_CONNECTIONLOST properly, that had kept humans from matching up.
14) Mission AI ships are now deleted after mission (slowdown bug)
15) Changes to the ISC and Pirate political matrix.
16) Security cheat where players could log on to a dynaverse server without checks and then log on to a secure server - fixed.
17) Human to human matches under dynaverse were not always reporting the battles properly - fixed.
18) Germans can now connect and play on dynaverse servers.
19) 0 Battery causing crash when opening fleet control panel - fixed.
20) Plasma D able to fire at cloaked ships - fixed.
21) Scatterpacks now void Wild Weasels.
22) Maximum range disruptors range was incorrect.  Reduced damage from 2 to 1 - fixed.
23) Scripts not able to set store items correctly on startup - fixed.
24) Batteries not recharging correctly - fixed.
25) Battery meter now reads in units of energy (use to read in fraction of total).
26) Erratic Manuevers generating excessive ECM - fixed.
27) Implemented Defensive Shift indicator.
28) Defensive Plama not firing at all targets if chosen target is fighter group - fixed.
29) User name field for logging onto Dynaverse larger for email addresses.
30) A single admin shuttle can drop 6 ESGs - fixed.
31) Bug fixed where program would crash if you looked at the vessel library before joining a Dynaverse server, after creating a fresh character.
32) Map not centered on player at start of play - fixed.
33) Phaser 3 and G firing Point Defense at range 3 (too far) - fixed.
34) Range 0 ESG missing missiles - fixed.
35) ESG cycle time has been reduce by 1/2 turn after field drops.
36) Plasma S hold cost reduced from 3.0 to 2.66.

02 Patch fixes in

Tactical Fixes and Feature Additions

1) Free missile bug
2) Camera bug
3) Some ships unable to generate 6 points of ECM
4) Switch to wingman, can't fire at selected target
5) "T" stops cycling target list
6) Spare part limit increased for single-player
7) Multiplayer 2nd and 3rd ship supply bug
8) ISC fighter UI crash bug
9) Cloak sound missing in multiplayer
10) Icon for fighters disappearing
11) PPD will no longer hit out of arc
12) H&R raids effectiveness bug fixed
13) Missile type UI readout UI bug
14) Splash damage bug on PPD. Note: PPD never does alt damage only splash.
15 ) Plasma Torpedo bug (should fire for a brief time after destroyed) fixed
16 ) Plasma Torpedoes natural ECCM +3 bonus fixed
17) Ship performing erratic maneuvers create 4 points of ECM
18) Ai not firing a slow moving ships
19) Fleet Control UI buttons reversed
20) 1 point shield bug
21) Shuttle slowdown to dock bug (Shuttles/Fighters )
22) Partial cloak after flash bug
23) Fighters do not have proper ECM/ECCM
24) AMDs able to fire while cloaked
25) AMD could fire while WW is present - fixed
26) Unable to spectate after disengaging in multiplayer
27) Fest ships not random
28) Transporter icon overlap
29) Thief in the night (ISC) hailing bug
30) UI hellbore not showing charge
31) Photon torpedoes are able to erase a 1 shift of EW
32) Delay time for firing of ESG has been halved


1) Special shuttles no longer used by AI at Captain level.
2) HETS no longer used by AI at Captain level.
3) Defensive officer no longer used by AI at Captain level.
4) Click on a fighter group and its icon will flash
5) Use of Transporters now violates wild weasel
6) Firing of probes now violates wild weasel
7) Plasma I now has no Pseudo Plasma
8) Fighter/Shuttle Harass mode
9) Implemented Plasma D rack (Defensive only)
10) ISC have many new variants to cover the different refit periods of their ships

Dynaverse II

Is up and working.

Additional chat commands for Dynaverse II

* list:  Lists out the chat channels available preface with a ( ) if you are
not joined and (*) if you are.
* join [ name ] : Joins a chat channel ( example: "/join federation" )
* leave [ name ] : Leaves a chat channel ( example: /leave General" )
* /afk will make you away from keyboard
*/w (name) will whisper to person

Note - Yes, it is possible to Leave your current chat channel ad not have
any incomming chat.

More info on security for server operators:

Start Security:
32bit CRC security is included with this release.

To use:

Create a directory off of the assests directory for the server platform
called "ValidatedClientFiles".  Any files placed in this directory will be
CRC check on the client.  The StarFleet.exe file and any script files *can*
be placed in this directory for checking.  You do *not* have to place the
executable or any script file in the directory.  When the server platform
starts, you will see a debug message go by "VALIDATING for these files:"
followed by the list of files checked.

Clients that do not have the files checked-for, or clients that do not have
the correct version of the checked-for files will not be allowed on that
server and will recieve a dialog containing a server-operator defined
message (in, a list of incompatible files and reasons why each
file is not compatible.

End Security

02 Patch fixes in
1) AMD is now H&Rable
2) AMD can be turned on and off.
3) Romulans can use cloaking device without game going out of sync.
4) campaign game will not slow downafter long periods of play
5) Normal disruptors no longer cause feedback damage.
6) Long Wait Period At Start Of Multiplayer Game
7) There are reports of players having their ships turn into Neutral status in the campaign
8) You can no longer get credit for taking parts off your ship. (stripping bug)
9) multiple phaser Gs were not firing all shots when  mounted on single hardpoint.
10) Battery will not give you free power when turned off.
11) You can no longer tractor multiple targets
12) Downloaded Plasma F's now take 2 turns to load.
13) You can now break tractor with equal amount of energy
14) Cloaked ships may deploy wild weasels
15) All Allied ships AI are always set to smartest level.
16) Probes now cost 1 pt to charge.
17) beaming spare parts requiers a transporter.
18) Stopping a repair no longer fixes the weapon.
19) Overloaded Hellbores no fire to range 8
20) Hitting Esc or Back button in setup screen (on Mplayer) no longer kicks you back to the lobby.

02 Patch fixes in
1) Plasma I's no longer do double damage in defensive mode.
2) Disabled viewing replay's in the metaverse, you can watch all movies in the
3) Film room.
4) Fixed fighters and shuttles in space being lost at end of Mission.
5) Fixed "attacking target ship" message appearing when trying to tractor a ship with an active decoy shuttle.
6) In single player campaign the correct briefing maps are now being displayed.
7) Voodoo textures are in and replaced.
8) Engine rumble has been fixed.
9) Watchdog Ultility for user servers is availble.
10) Many Mission updates
11) Planets no longer appear on players team.
11) Last but not least, Dynaverse II is availble for Open Beta.

02 Patch fixes in
1) MPlayer backing out of the vessel library during ship selectio no longer exits the game.
2) The freqency of multiplayer games having slot issues, if multiple clients join in at the same time has been reduced.
3) The film room re-enterance crash bug has been fixed.
4) Skirmish mode now allows the player to select for the full five opponents instead of four.  Plus minor skirmish areas fixes.
5) Hot keys F6,F7, and F8 now properly switch between your fleet.
6) Clients jumping into a game while the Host is selecting AI opponents no longer freezes up Host.
7) Mines in nebulas will no longer be removed from stores if the player attempts to lay them (mines can not be layed in nebula).

03 Installation Instructions

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #63 on: July 02, 2004, 12:47:52 pm »
So basicly...

A negatively oriented personality will see these lists as a sign of failure....for even having to fix so much...

A positively oriented personality will see these lists as a sign of success...for having the commitment to even fix so much...


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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #64 on: July 02, 2004, 01:00:05 pm »
Well said, Crimmy!

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #65 on: July 02, 2004, 01:04:30 pm »
> Hmm, some people apparantly weren't around for the release of NWN...

If your refering to me, I was keeping tabs on nwn almost 2 yrs before it came out.

> 1) The OS uninstallation bug...not many had it...but then those that did...

thats a nick picking issue that what, a handful of people ad and was addressed in the first or second patch.

> 2) The problems it had with a few 3d cards...

ati driver issue, blame ati

> 3) The problems it had in not running period off of certain CDRoms...

again a small group of people, and was addressed in short time via a patch to turn off securerom

> 4) OS problems of all sorts...

I dont recall any 'os problems' details please?

> In fact, NWN was a disaster upon release...

Thats quite a exeragation. While there were bugs, as expected the game was PLAYABLE from start to finish out of the box. Server was a bit unstable but by the first or second patch got much better. And I might add by the time the 6 month period of its release rolled around 3 or 4 major patches were released.

> Bioware just had more power to convince atari to let up on the CD protections (a massive cause of many of the problems), and more power to patch than Taldren did for SFC in general...

So thats  get-out-of-jail card for taldren? I dont think thats any reason to not hold them accountable and shift all the blame to someone else. I find it humorous reading some of these posts that taldren can do no wrong and the entire world was against them apparently... Not stating your posts like that but a general observation.

> Nice post...but from one gamer to fair...

One could say the same about your comments. If you want to nit pick then yes you'll find issues in every pc game launch, nwn or otherwise. That wasnt my issue as thats expected. The point you made about nwn were, as a whole very minor. It shipped with EVERY major componet promised and worked out of the box. Neither can be said about the sfc series.

What I said was not nitpicking, it was fact overall.

From your response it is obvious you are either

#1 A rabid fanboi with no way to objectively look at things...

#2 You weren't there on the launch

#3 You didn't see the abuse the tech support guys got (course you probably wouldn't see that unless you had connections to Bioware...but nonetheless).

For comparisons...

Pool of Radiance, one of the buggiest games up until that point...had 25,000 posts within the first 24 hours in its tech support forums and with all the problems it had.

NWN had 12,000 some odd posts in it's tech support forums with such troubles, from not running, to destroying computers...

compared to a quarter of that in it's other forums...

I can only surmise you hadn't seen many game launches prior to that...whilst I cannot say I know how many posts went into interplay's or Taldren's forums on release of SFC 2, as far as Star Trek games (known to be buggy), RPG games, and RTS games, NWN is on par for one of the worst releases...didn't beat POR2, but it was one of the worst releases.  Not due to Bioware...but Atari.

The thing is, it seems that you hold one company accountable for items that with another company you are more than ready to look over...

Which actually sounds rather absurd...

I'm just pointing out what you are...

I am also a pretty strong Bioware fan, even get along with some of people there...

And I enjoy NWN...but you are wrong in the assumptions...

As far as shipping with everything as promised...

I see you don't run linux...

Yes, that was answered to the linux crowd shortly...but then was the dynaverse...

What I'm pointing out is that you are holding different standards for one company than you are for another...either hold it for all of them...or stop whining...

The thing is, both of them learned things from those experiences...Taldren learned something in how to negotiate with their distributors, Bioware learned that making D&D games whilst mixed in between Hasbro and Atari might not be their most fulfilling experience and they might want to work on other things...Both however, dealt more with problems with their distributors than themselves.

However, you ARE wrong on why Taldren closed it's in very wrong it seems when trying to tie it to SFC.

Oh, and I never saw Derek eat dirt...not that I'd want him to.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2004, 01:08:23 pm by Dash Jones »
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #66 on: July 02, 2004, 01:20:32 pm »
54) Photon Proximity hit chances changes as follows: 9-12(83%), 13-30(66.7%) and 31-55(33.3% NO Change)

Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline AgentSloan

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #67 on: July 02, 2004, 01:21:21 pm »
> Hmm, some people apparantly weren't around for the release of NWN...

If your refering to me, I was keeping tabs on nwn almost 2 yrs before it came out.

> 1) The OS uninstallation bug...not many had it...but then those that did...

thats a nick picking issue that what, a handful of people ad and was addressed in the first or second patch.

> 2) The problems it had with a few 3d cards...

ati driver issue, blame ati

> 3) The problems it had in not running period off of certain CDRoms...

again a small group of people, and was addressed in short time via a patch to turn off securerom

> 4) OS problems of all sorts...

I dont recall any 'os problems' details please?

> In fact, NWN was a disaster upon release...

Thats quite a exeragation. While there were bugs, as expected the game was PLAYABLE from start to finish out of the box. Server was a bit unstable but by the first or second patch got much better. And I might add by the time the 6 month period of its release rolled around 3 or 4 major patches were released.

> Bioware just had more power to convince atari to let up on the CD protections (a massive cause of many of the problems), and more power to patch than Taldren did for SFC in general...

So thats  get-out-of-jail card for taldren? I dont think thats any reason to not hold them accountable and shift all the blame to someone else. I find it humorous reading some of these posts that taldren can do no wrong and the entire world was against them apparently... Not stating your posts like that but a general observation.

> Nice post...but from one gamer to fair...

One could say the same about your comments. If you want to nit pick then yes you'll find issues in every pc game launch, nwn or otherwise. That wasnt my issue as thats expected. The point you made about nwn were, as a whole very minor. It shipped with EVERY major componet promised and worked out of the box. Neither can be said about the sfc series.


If you hate the game so much,
why are you here?


Offline Harlequin

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #68 on: July 02, 2004, 02:52:53 pm »
So basicly...

A negatively oriented personality will see these lists as a sign of failure....for even having to fix so much...

A positively oriented personality will see these lists as a sign of success...for having the commitment to even fix so much...

I already said I didnt buy or play OP so your point is moot.

Lets talk about sfc2 proper and how it still crashes and has issues.

All that shows me is they put more effort into a expansion to make more money off of the people then fix their existing products.

Offline Harlequin

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #69 on: July 02, 2004, 03:04:51 pm »
> What I said was not nitpicking, it was fact overall.

I disgaree. You dont see me crying about how much damage this missle did or how that ship is unbalanced. Those kind of things we not my concern and I would consider nit picking on sfc. What you brought up I consider the same kind of thing. A very small group had issue slike any other game.

But you never disputed or proved me wrong on my points.

a. bioware got patches out on a timely manor vs taldren. For ever patch taldren got out bio got out 3 or more for the same time period.

b. nwn works and has for some time. If you dispute that check out the game spy server and number of servers up after 2 yrs from launch I might add.

And for the recond I have been critical of bioware at times, but they have ALWAYS come through in the end and I have never bought a product of theirs and had it fail to work as advertised.

and no I dont run linux. Also the cuts from linux and BEOS came DURING development. they announced it PRIOR to it hitting the shelves. See the difference? Honesty with their customers.

As for trying to compair the cuts form the linux aspect of the game and sfc is just silly. Your now just reaching for excuses on taldrens part.

And you call me a fanboi? heh.. I call it like I see it.


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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #70 on: July 02, 2004, 03:19:20 pm »
  I think he referring to all Taldrens games.I am wondering the same thing.

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #71 on: July 02, 2004, 03:21:53 pm »
The following thought occured to me regarding our earlier comparison of D&D/NWN and SFB/SFC: D&D much was open to interpretation and was entirely at the discretion of the DM, in SFB there was no leeway in the rules... what I'm getting at is that both gaming systems had 300+ pages of rules but in SFB there is no DM... so how do you really know that NWN follows the rules of D&D to the letter? With SFB the unyeilding rules (and players who know them like the back of their hand) would still make for a more challenging development project... it is really obvious to us when the game goes against the established parameters of SFB...just a thought.  (Also, please note that most folks here are die hard Taldren fans, if you don't understand why, that's OK)

Offline AgentSloan

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #72 on: July 02, 2004, 03:22:33 pm »
So basicly...

A negatively oriented personality will see these lists as a sign of failure....for even having to fix so much...

A positively oriented personality will see these lists as a sign of success...for having the commitment to even fix so much...

I already said I didnt buy or play OP so your point is moot.

Lets talk about sfc2 proper and how it still crashes and has issues.

All that shows me is they put more effort into a expansion to make more money off of the people then fix their existing products.

Let us talk about SFC II proper?

All you are doing is harping on the past,
ignoring the improvements since then,

Anyone can dwell on a flaw.... but you make it a "bitch-and-mown" fest,

Get off it.


Offline Dash Jones

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #73 on: July 02, 2004, 03:40:28 pm »
The following thought occured to me regarding our earlier comparison of D&D/NWN and SFB/SFC: D&D much was open to interpretation and was entirely at the discretion of the DM, in SFB there was no leeway in the rules... what I'm getting at is that both gaming systems had 300+ pages of rules but in SFB there is no DM... so how do you really know that NWN follows the rules of D&D to the letter? With SFB the unyeilding rules (and players who know them like the back of their hand) would still make for a more challenging development project... it is really obvious to us when the game goes against the established parameters of SFB...just a thought.  (Also, please note that most folks here are die hard Taldren fans, if you don't understand why, that's OK)

To answer your question...he doesn't know what the heck he's talking about.

As a member of the NWN community, I've seen much worse leveled at Bioware.  The technical problems were mainly caused by Atari's meddling.  It is actually quite applicable to SFC 2 however, except NWN was even a bigger nightmare.  There were some idiots even tossing around lawsuits...however...they were idiots.

You hit on a key point though, that many have had problems with concerning NWN.  One of the biggest complaints about NWN currently is how loosely it follows the rules.

The problem with the starter of this thread, is

#1 - They don't know any facts, or are oblivious to it.  Especially in concerns to why Taldren closed down their offices.  They assume on things they obviously have NO idea about.

#2 - They blame Taldren for all the problems with SFC games...whilst more then ready to overlook any other game maker problems.  The obvious fault is that many independent game makers have the same problems with their distributors.  The Bioware entanglement with atari is a perfect example of that, with the deadlines, the distributor meddling, and other things which in many ways are almost a perfect mirror of what occurred with SFC 2.  NWN had bigger hype about it, and sold more at the outset (IMO) which created an even bigger problem.  The main problem, the CD protection installed by Atari wasn't actually handled until patch 1.23 of NWN...

This led to complaints of people saying Bioware was working on everything BUT the problem...when in effect, Bioware couldn't do anything ABOUT the problem (hands tied, much like Taldren suddenly had hands tied with until they got it through the publishers.  Atari STILL did something stupid and reintroduced CDprotection in SoA, even after the fiasco of the NWN release...

Basically I expect, because Harl is a fanboi...a rabid one, that his support of Bioware, or ANY independent publisher isn't exactly what I would call stellar.  He'll support Bioware as long as they are in the hype, but if they run into problems, he'll jump ship to another developer and chew Bioware in the back.

However, his kind is catered to, as all sells are welcome...however, he doesn't realize how much others can see through such raves.  I would consider his original post as either

merely trolling as he states some rather obvious incorrect assumptions in it (as Mr. Bethke directly answered some of these things, and they had nothing to do with what harl suggests), and just has some rather absurd comments on his part.

He takes the idea that I compare these things as attacking Bioware...because he's so caught up in his own delusions, he can't accept the idea that maybe there's something different than what he thinks, even if what he has concluded is incorrect.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #74 on: July 02, 2004, 03:44:39 pm »
The following thought occured to me regarding our earlier comparison of D&D/NWN and SFB/SFC: D&D much was open to interpretation and was entirely at the discretion of the DM, in SFB there was no leeway in the rules... what I'm getting at is that both gaming systems had 300+ pages of rules but in SFB there is no DM... so how do you really know that NWN follows the rules of D&D to the letter? With SFB the unyeilding rules (and players who know them like the back of their hand) would still make for a more challenging development project... it is really obvious to us when the game goes against the established parameters of SFB...just a thought.  (Also, please note that most folks here are die hard Taldren fans, if you don't understand why, that's OK)

Oops, got so caught up in just utter disgust at the troll that I didn't answer your statement totally.

There are many that actually state that NWN doesn't follow the rules exactly.  There have been debates on how to change what, and what could be changed stemming from the very release of NWN.  This saw the rise of several modifications of rules, for hardcore D&D players.  However, it has never been enough to really satisfy those who are really deep into the rules.  Bioware has been accused of trying to copy Diablo more than D&D, and catering more to action oriented audiences instead of D&D audiences...etc.

I believe they don't catch the magic of what makes NWN special, which isn't it's campaign (another thing regularly brought up in angst), nor is it how closely it adheres to rules, but the magic of how easy it is to mod, and how easy it is to create your own adventures.  In fact I think it's a roleplayer's dream come true!

But as for rule debates...oh yes...they are alive and well, and sometimes are much more heated than what you see concerning SFC...
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #75 on: July 02, 2004, 03:45:14 pm »
So basicly...

A negatively oriented personality will see these lists as a sign of failure....for even having to fix so much...

A positively oriented personality will see these lists as a sign of success...for having the commitment to even fix so much...

So, what orientation is it if you:

See it as a sign of failure... but having the commitment to eventually fix so much? ;)

And as far as harping on the past goes, the thread is called "A final thought on Taldren"  a company that no longer exists in America, therefore there is only the past to discuss.  If it's an issue for some, perhaps those people should just pass on by this thread and go to a different one more to their liking? ;)

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #76 on: July 02, 2004, 03:55:46 pm »
So basicly...

A negatively oriented personality will see these lists as a sign of failure....for even having to fix so much...

A positively oriented personality will see these lists as a sign of success...for having the commitment to even fix so much...

So, what orientation is it if you:

See it as a sign of failure... but having the commitment to eventually fix so much? ;)

And as far as harping on the past goes, the thread is called "A final thought on Taldren"  a company that no longer exists in America, therefore there is only the past to discuss.  If it's an issue for some, perhaps those people should just pass on by this thread and go to a different one more to their liking? ;)

Good point.

Taldren still exists, just based in Korea now...

Anways, good unless someone responds to my posts...I'll try to not stick my nose and annoy this thread any longer.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

Offline Harlax

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #77 on: July 02, 2004, 06:52:17 pm »
Hmm, some people apparantly weren't around for the release of NWN...

1) The OS uninstallation bug...not many had it...but then those that did...

2) The problems it had with a few 3d cards...

3) The problems it had in not running period off of certain CDRoms...

4) OS problems of all sorts...

In fact, NWN was a disaster upon release...

Bioware just had more power to convince atari to let up on the CD protections (a massive cause of many of the problems), and more power to patch than Taldren did for SFC in general...

Nice post...but from one gamer to fair...

SFC 2 might be comparable to the NWN launch...maybe...but I haven't seen that many releases as bad as the original release of NWN...luckily Bioware worked fast and furious...without sleep...for many a day...

And Atari was at least smart enough (after being complete idiots with the copyprotection schemes...which they STILL are stupid about...and I still hold they only hurt legit customers) and scared enough of the power Bioware wielded, to at least acquiesce to Bioware's demands in some areas.  (on the otherhand, another company that made a D&D game with Atari, Trioka wasn't as fortunate, and not only had the Copy protection problems, but also had Atari cut whole chunks out of the game code (as if it wouldn't cause problems) as well as had demands from hasbro to cut other portions of the game and code out... (as if Atari and Hasbro thought cutting portions of the coding out wouldn't cause any problems, talk about stupid execs).

Anyways...just to refresh your memory on the release of NWN...

I had to buy a new CD drive to get NWN to work.  At all, not just mutliplayer mode.

I had to buy a new sound card to get sound.  Oh I could play with the sound turned off.  Right.

Yes, far from perfect on release.  If  I remember correctly the ship version was 1.10, the first patch was 1.18 (wonder what happened to the other 7...)  and we are now on 1.62.  Yes, far from perfect.
We have been told that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare.  Now, thanks to the internet, we know this is not true.

- Robert Wilensky

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #78 on: July 02, 2004, 10:04:05 pm »
I love how you guys, especially Crim, have absolutely no concept of an objective analysis of anything.  It's always some sort of personal attack on you if something someone says disagrees with your personal views.  And that the automatic assumption is that criticism somehow means disdain by the critic and let's show the critic the door because he must hate the game anyway. 

Harlequin stated his assessment in a very reasonable manner to my mind especially in comparing Taldren with an exemplar of great industry standards.  It seems to my mind Taldren did as much as they could to keep their player base happy by fixing things and providing support and that could only help support their business.  If they had screwed everyone, they could never have sold EAW, OP, or SFC3, so it was in their best interest.  I don't know if they went above and beyond the call of duty in general although David's work well after any official patches were coming down the line was pretty extraordinary.  That I do give alot of credit for.  Everything else can go one way or the other, good or bad.  I don't think Harlequin is fault-finding in any respect, merely objective and demanding of high standards.  No crime there.

System Specs:

Dell Dimension E521
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ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB GDDR3

Offline AgentSloan

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #79 on: July 02, 2004, 10:10:32 pm »
I love how you guys, especially Crim, have absolutely no concept of an objective analysis of anything.  It's always some sort of personal attack on you if something someone says disagrees with your personal views.  And that the automatic assumption is that criticism somehow means disdain by the critic and let's show the critic the door because he must hate the game anyway. 


.  I don't think Harlequin is fault-finding in any respect, merely objective and demanding of high standards.  No crime there.


I believe you are misjudging the situation.
Please refer back to Harlequins posts.

Upon inspection, you will note that your description of Harlequin as
"....merely objective and demanding of high standards,..."

may require "some review" upon you part.


Take care,