Topic: A final thought on Taldren  (Read 34780 times)

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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #40 on: July 01, 2004, 03:05:05 pm »
Are you absolutely positive that the D2 was working before WON pulled out?  I know that was the excuse given, but is that actually the case?  Was it ready for prime time when WON was still on board?

Even at that, there were countless claims that never came true.  Play with thousands of your friends online became hundreds, which became maybe 60 if your lucky, and that didn't change from the time SFC2 came out to the time SFC3 came out.  If WON was the problem, shouldn't they have found a solution in that time, especially given the claims that SFC3 was "built from the ground up" (which we later found it to be based on the OP engine)?   I do believe that they are nice guys, and I've had contact with them from time to time, but I think in a lot of cases they were grabbing at straws to cover their behinds.  I wasn't a tester when SFC2 was in development, so I don't know it's state pre-release but I beleive I heard that it wasn't that great.  I believe I had heard at one point that one of the reasons WON dropped support was because it just wasn't working properly and they were planning on getting out of games in general so they decided to drop support for it.  This would also tend to fall in line with some of the complaints of missed deadlines and lack of meaningful progress that some publishers have stated.

That said, they did do a tremendous thing by allowing community members to help with the game, letting Khoromag get thier hands on it was a big boon for the community, and probably Taldren as well ,since they fixed things for them and 3 was based on OP which had ported fixes from Khoromag.  It's unfortunate that they didn't know who they didn't take as much care with who they handed the OP code over too, or else we could be in even better places than we are now.  Still, the effort was made to try and get the job done even if it took a long time, and someone else had to help out to get it finished.  For that they do deserve credit.

I'd still like to know just how well did the D2 REALLY work, prior to WON dropping out though. 

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #41 on: July 01, 2004, 03:12:14 pm »
Well crimmy most likely could clear that up.
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Offline Harlequin

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2004, 03:40:14 pm »
> Your information seems a wee bit skewed.

> WON.Net pulling out In the last minute is why the D2 was not working at release,NOT because it did not work.

From what I recall, and I may be wrong, major aspects of D2 (code wise)  didnt even ship on the scf2 cd. It was added many months later in a patch. So even if, IMO, didnt pull out I have my doubts it would have worked.

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #43 on: July 01, 2004, 03:44:37 pm »
> I assume your beef is with the on-line "Multi-Player" mode,
> Is this the case?
> If so what specifically did you not like then?

Its several issues which I think I already addessed, but would take more time to repeat here then I currntly have as I am at work. But if you would like to discuss this at lenght then feel free to join me on my irc server and i'll be happy to address your issues/questions about my posts. ports 6667-6669 or java client

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #44 on: July 01, 2004, 03:48:05 pm »
Heh....seriously....I was a middle circle member....the inner circle was working on stuff long before we got into the testing program...

But...I CAN tell you this....

My Dv disk is a separate disk....recieved AFTER getting the was my understanding that the DV required a total rewrite...

You'll have to address the first one's for the answer you seek..

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #45 on: July 01, 2004, 03:52:33 pm »

From what I recall, and I may be wrong, major aspects of D2 (code wise)  didnt even ship on the scf2 cd. It was added many months later in a patch. So even if, IMO, didnt pull out I have my doubts it would have worked.

You recall correctly...but you dont recall the why.....

SFC2 shipped without a working DV because it was still being REWRITTEN... :banghead:

Thanks for playing... :skeptic:

Offline Vysander

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #46 on: July 01, 2004, 04:08:53 pm »
Adding few details as I really don't want to be flamed by the die hards here.. but I do fully agree with Har. 

I also own all of the SFC games in hope that they would finally come out with a working product, but each one has crashed more than the last. 

My enjoyment lasted about a week after probably the 2 dozenth crash of SFC3 and with no 'real' patch in sight and the beta patch only partially fixing things (and I was still crashing at about the same rate), I just tossed in the towel and gave up on Taldren.

There's good games... and bad games.. this is a bad game.  Don't compare it with other bad games to say 'it could have been worse'.  Compare it with good games saying 'it could have been like this'

I better run before I get flamed for this being my first post here :)

Offline AgentSloan

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #47 on: July 01, 2004, 04:22:26 pm »
Adding few details as I really don't want to be flamed by the die hards here.. but I do fully agree with Har. 

I also own all of the SFC games in hope that they would finally come out with a working product, but each one has crashed more than the last. 

My enjoyment lasted about a week after probably the 2 dozenth crash of SFC3 and with no 'real' patch in sight and the beta patch only partially fixing things (and I was still crashing at about the same rate), I just tossed in the towel and gave up on Taldren.


Are you refering to on-line "Multi-Player" mode?
If so, under what circustances?


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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2004, 04:24:30 pm »
Flame ?

I wouldnt flame you just because you gave up on Taldren a while ago...and just now found these forums...and this exact thread to post in, right at this time.......nah...

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2004, 07:08:48 pm »
Lol Age, Harlequin is FAR from a n00b, rofl.

Heyas Harl! Im actually GLAD to see you, rofl! Been a long time.

I seem to remember that your problems with SFC were that you wanted more RPG elements and less emphasis on SFB/Starship combat. Alongside the patching/crashing issues that you have spoken of.

Much as it pains me, the games were and still are (though to a FAR, FAR lesser degree) buggy. And it did take a long time to get things patched.

But they DID patch them, even YEARS Later they are STILL doing it. David Ferrell is STILL working on things, and he does not even WORK for Taldren anymore. (And has not since long before they went belly up)

And it was a collaborative effort between Taldren and their fans/I.E. the SFC community to get these boards set up PRIOR to Taldrens forums being taken down...

They have gone to alot of trouble to keep the community together, when they most certainly are not going to make anymore games nor any more cash off the old games.

Taldren was a great company, their dreams just exceeded their reach.

Someone with the resources and clout of Blizzard could have done SFC properly (in NO WAY a jab at taldren, please read on) as Blizzard could have worked on the games and released them WHEN they were ready. All I am saying is that Blizzard would not have had to rely on Interpuke or Craptivision and therefore would not have had deadlines and guarranteed release date issues, etc.

Regardless Harl, Im glad you found these boards, I miss your rhetoric! As with much that we dont agree with/like, there frequently is at least part of it we DO agree with.

P.S. Im way freaking ahead of you in our little SETI race now!  :rofl:
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2004, 07:38:34 pm »
Hmm, some people apparantly weren't around for the release of NWN...

1) The OS uninstallation bug...not many had it...but then those that did...

2) The problems it had with a few 3d cards...

3) The problems it had in not running period off of certain CDRoms...

4) OS problems of all sorts...

In fact, NWN was a disaster upon release...

Bioware just had more power to convince atari to let up on the CD protections (a massive cause of many of the problems), and more power to patch than Taldren did for SFC in general...

Nice post...but from one gamer to fair...

SFC 2 might be comparable to the NWN launch...maybe...but I haven't seen that many releases as bad as the original release of NWN...luckily Bioware worked fast and furious...without sleep...for many a day...

And Atari was at least smart enough (after being complete idiots with the copyprotection schemes...which they STILL are stupid about...and I still hold they only hurt legit customers) and scared enough of the power Bioware wielded, to at least acquiesce to Bioware's demands in some areas.  (on the otherhand, another company that made a D&D game with Atari, Trioka wasn't as fortunate, and not only had the Copy protection problems, but also had Atari cut whole chunks out of the game code (as if it wouldn't cause problems) as well as had demands from hasbro to cut other portions of the game and code out... (as if Atari and Hasbro thought cutting portions of the coding out wouldn't cause any problems, talk about stupid execs).

Anyways...just to refresh your memory on the release of NWN...
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #51 on: July 01, 2004, 07:45:34 pm »

I turned my back.

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #52 on: July 01, 2004, 07:46:39 pm »
Now more on a comment on Taldren in particular...I ignored the warning you gave...just so you know...

I AM a bioware fan just so you know as well...

Also a Mad Doc fan (who HAVE HAD many more problems in all the areas you list, but I'm still a fan).

A fan of all developers in that genre of groups...

However, I've always found Taldren's support to be exceptional.

I think SFC2 didn't do as well only in part to reports of it's buggy release...I think a major reason otherwise was that it just seemed a rehash of SFC1 at first play, just with better graphics (it wasn't, but to a casual could very well seem that way).

The big thing that I think sunk SFC 3, was that it was pared had some fun elements, but people like the style of SFC 1/2 and SFC 3 did away with a lot of it.  

They say if something works, don't change it...but they did on SFC 3...and I think that turned a lot of people off...

I loved all the SFC games however, but I must nicely disagree on why you think Taldren had problems.

I think they had problems because they put all their eggs in a bucket, and many independent developers do...and unfortunately, this time the bucket bottom was weak and the eggs fell through.

It's a similar situation if bioware suddenly lost all contracts and couldn't sell Jade Empire or Dragon Age...and no one else would distribute it...they are enough in the hole on those...that they'd be in deep trouble...not that it will happen, just comparing for an example.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

Offline LongTooth

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #53 on: July 01, 2004, 07:58:12 pm »
Well I dont feel the need to point the finger of blame in any direction
Taldren gave me 3 and a half good years worth of gaming with Sfc 1,2 and op (I brought sfc3 too but did not like it very much) at a cost of £110 quid
All money well spent  yeah sure the game had bugs (cant think of any game or program for the PC the does not have any)
Some times my computer crashes but I never thought I would been better off not buying it
Taldren tried (more than most game companies would of) for that they will all ways have my respect

Sfc is still by far the best game I have played on the computer
« Last Edit: July 01, 2004, 08:02:40 pm by LongTooth »

Offline Hyperion

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #54 on: July 01, 2004, 10:57:59 pm »
Well i only found out the sad news just today about the demise of Taldren.

Perhaps some of you will recall that I was somwwhat active on the original boards, and i have to admit i more than once vented my spleen on Erik Bethke about customer service and loyalty. I will not rehash those times seems its like pouring gas on the fire. What i would like to mention is the very first post on this thread, and how it desribed me directly. I never much cared about the SFB vs. SFC debate (even though ive been an SFB player for 20+ years) . I know now that Taldrens hand was forced regards to the early release of SFC2, though i do think it was somewhat duplicitous of both the Publisher and the Designer to let the gamers know only after it hit the shelves.

Nevertheless i shall miss Erik and the Gang. To thier credit they faced up to the ire of the fans and customers and did so professionally at all times. I personally hope they will return to go on with SFC but my heart says that that period in thier lives has come to end permanantly. And i always will smile when i saw some of the most amazing (and outrageous ;D ;D) threads that i was lucky enough to be a part of that community even in a small way.

That also being said , i dont play to much SFC anymore, but even now i still have the vision of a an elegant Federation Comman Cruiser gliding through space perapring for and engagement. And i pull out my copy of SFC2 and load her up. Im looking forward to being back here

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Offline AgentSloan

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #55 on: July 01, 2004, 11:16:59 pm »
Well i only found out the sad news just today about the demise of Taldren.

Perhaps some of you will recall that I was somwwhat active on the original boards, and i have to admit i more than once vented my spleen on Erik Bethke about customer service and loyalty. I will not rehash those times seems its like pouring gas on the fire. What i would like to mention is the very first post on this thread, and how it desribed me directly. I never much cared about the SFB vs. SFC debate (even though ive been an SFB player for 20+ years) . I know now that Taldrens hand was forced regards to the early release of SFC2, though i do think it was somewhat duplicitous of both the Publisher and the Designer to let the gamers know only after it hit the shelves.

Nevertheless i shall miss Erik and the Gang. To thier credit they faced up to the ire of the fans and customers and did so professionally at all times. I personally hope they will return to go on with SFC but my heart says that that period in thier lives has come to end permanantly. And i always will smile when i saw some of the most amazing (and outrageous ;D ;D) threads that i was lucky enough to be a part of that community even in a small way.

That also being said , i dont play to much SFC anymore, but even now i still have the vision of a an elegant Federation Comman Cruiser gliding through space perapring for and engagement. And i pull out my copy of SFC2 and load her up. Im looking forward to being back here


Well said, Hyperion :)


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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #56 on: July 02, 2004, 01:23:18 am »
 Poor product support? And dropped us? What the heck are you talking about?
 I mean really! have you been living in the jungle with wolves or some thing?

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #57 on: July 02, 2004, 09:39:40 am »
> Should Taldren have told us before hand?????? You betcha,if they did would we have ever seen a working D2???? I doubt it.

We'll never know will we? Since they chose to go the deceptive route rather then being honest with their paying customers..

Offline Harlequin

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #58 on: July 02, 2004, 11:41:58 am »
> Hmm, some people apparantly weren't around for the release of NWN...

If your refering to me, I was keeping tabs on nwn almost 2 yrs before it came out.

> 1) The OS uninstallation bug...not many had it...but then those that did...

thats a nick picking issue that what, a handful of people ad and was addressed in the first or second patch.

> 2) The problems it had with a few 3d cards...

ati driver issue, blame ati

> 3) The problems it had in not running period off of certain CDRoms...

again a small group of people, and was addressed in short time via a patch to turn off securerom

> 4) OS problems of all sorts...

I dont recall any 'os problems' details please?

> In fact, NWN was a disaster upon release...

Thats quite a exeragation. While there were bugs, as expected the game was PLAYABLE from start to finish out of the box. Server was a bit unstable but by the first or second patch got much better. And I might add by the time the 6 month period of its release rolled around 3 or 4 major patches were released.

> Bioware just had more power to convince atari to let up on the CD protections (a massive cause of many of the problems), and more power to patch than Taldren did for SFC in general...

So thats  get-out-of-jail card for taldren? I dont think thats any reason to not hold them accountable and shift all the blame to someone else. I find it humorous reading some of these posts that taldren can do no wrong and the entire world was against them apparently... Not stating your posts like that but a general observation.

> Nice post...but from one gamer to fair...

One could say the same about your comments. If you want to nit pick then yes you'll find issues in every pc game launch, nwn or otherwise. That wasnt my issue as thats expected. The point you made about nwn were, as a whole very minor. It shipped with EVERY major componet promised and worked out of the box. Neither can be said about the sfc series.

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Re: A final thought on Taldren
« Reply #59 on: July 02, 2004, 12:40:34 pm »
No one said that Taldren could do no wrong...

What was said is that they more than made up for mistakes by continueing to fix stuff..WELL BEYOND what other game companies did...and continue to do...

This is the readme from OP...

Count the fixes....note the patch numbers....

They are not sequential....that means between MANY of the "released' patches....there were other versions that we TESTED and werent ready for release...

02 Patch fixes in
1) Drone dates in online and single player Meta now available per SFB dates (not Era) Medium in 167 and Fast in 180.
2) Fighter Fusions do not obey shot limits - fixed.
3) AI having ships before they are released into the shipyard - fixed.
4) PF's and fighters will not fire heavy weapons on Fighter groups, just Point Defense - fixed.
5) In Hostile Skirmish mission if a captured freighter is subsequently destroyed, the mission will end improperly - fixed.

02 Patch fixes in
1) Retaining lock on cloaking ships wrong - fixed.
2) Plasma D hitting ESGs
3) Fighters unable to fire heavies after 1/4 turn - fixed.

02 Patch fixes in (Thats Two.Five.Four.Twelve)
1) Firing a PPD at a cloaked ship causes a crash - fixed.
2) Firing a PPD at a drone will cause a crash - fixed.
3) A ship that starts with no shields and tries to use a T-bomb will cause a crash - fixed.
4) The speed of the cloaking ship is not being factored in when when trying to retaining a lock-on - fixed.
5) The type III hydran fighters have the wrong start date - fixed.
6) While under cloak, Weapons damage is reduced according to the following chart:
   33.3% chance weapon does normal damage.
   33.3% chance weapon does 1/2 damage.
   33.3% chance weapon does 1/4 damage.

02 Patch fixes in (Thats Two.Five.Four.Ten)

1) A drone being pursued by a plasma D won't be stopped by tractor - fixed.
2) Game forgets difficulty - fixed.
3) AI Tbombs at range 6-7 - fixed.
4) D2: unused Suicide Shuttle does not return mine - fixed.
5) Phaser-Bs don't do triple damage to hull - fixed.
6) Phaser G2 not firing all shots - fixed.
7) AI tries to board fighters - fixed
8) LWX arc broken - fixed.
9) AI Pirates never use engine doubling - fixed.
10) Klingon AMD status is reversed in UI - fixed.
11) Saved Preset ship speed not reported to other players - fixed.
12) ESG range 0, hellbore fired at range 1- fixed via MagnumMan.
13) Pseudo torp missing - fixed both Plasma X and E now have Pseudo Torps.
14) AI will not consider PLaX or PLaE as valid for WW - fixed.
15) D2 bug: unable to view pirate's DV - fixed.
16) D2 bug: Pirate map interactions problem - fixed.
17) Neutral Coop Bug - fixed.
18) Cartels not getting home sector missions - fixed.
19) Fighters come to a complete stop in space - fixed.
20) Mandatory only on enemy missions can be "dragged" with the player - fixed.
21) PPD can be fired out of arc - fixed.
22) Klingon heavy disruptor panel does not work if multiple are selected - fixed.
23) PFs only take one turn to rearm/repair regardless of damage - fixed.
24) No advanced era for single player campaigns - fixed.
25) AI never recalls fighters - fixed.
26) Missiles fired by ships that cloak are not removed - fixed.
27) During a campaign, you are not able to replenish MIRV missiles - fixed.
28) A newly purchased ship with MIRV racks will not have any MIRV missiles in the it's 1st mission - fixed.
29) Monster mission does not return correct results - fixed.
30) Able to transport to and from a cloaked ship - fixed.
31) Various ships with fighters have no deck crew - fixed.
32) Many ships have ??? for their name - fixed via Firesoul.
33) AI ships will send capture marines even when they have none left - fixed.

Cloak changes:
1) Decreased flash time by about 1/4.
2) Seeking weapons now are removed if firing ship looses lock.
3) Being tractored will no longer prevent cloak from being brought on-line.
4) If a ship being tractored cloaks, the ship holding the cloaker will maintain lock.
5) Weapons damage is reduced according to the following chart:
   66.7% chance weapon does normal damage.
   33.3% chance weapon does 1/2 damage.

Change to Missile 'Type' display in tactical:
This now shows the actual type of missile in the rack as a two digit code
where the first character shows the warhead and the second the speed examples:
Type I Fast = 1F, Type IV M = 4M, MIRV Slow = MS

02 Patch fixes in by the KhoroMag patching team: James King and Dutch Blomenkamp and Taldren
1)Fast Repair Bug fixed; all repairable hardpoint slots must be at 50% health to operate.
2)Fixed repair time of multiple slot hardpoints to match the number of weapons in them.
3)Fighter control icons will no longer disappear unexpectedly.
4)Direct-fire fighter weapons are now ready to fire first shot after 8 impulses, and can fire one shot per turn after that (except disruptors which are 2 shots per turn).
5)Heavy PF weapons are now ready to fire after 8 impulses, and follow regular charging rules after that.
6)Fighter minimum speed set to 20.
7)Shield reinforcement is no longer applied to downed shields when taking damage. 
8)Dynaverse 2 patrol missions no longer award a win to players who disengage.
9)Spare parts standard and maximum values in Dynaverse 2 space dock fixed.
10)Saved game difficulty is now enforced when reading in a single-player campaign. 
11)Unfinished repairs are now completed automatically at the end of a mission.
12)Some battles (AI) were happening where a empire would attack a cartel and vice versa - fixed.
13)Unused shuttles are now converted back to admin shuttles at the end of a mission, including recovery of resources used to create them.
14)Damage to the damage control system no longer affects repair times, since damage control itself is an unrepairable system.
15)Multiplayer (GameSpy/Dyna) networking tuned; effects of lag may be reduced.
16)Hellbore charging cost reduced to 2.5/turn, holding cost is also 2.5.
17)Volley cycle (mizia) interval changed from 1/20 turn to 1/32 turn [true impulse].
18)Overlapping PPD shots no longer cause too many volley cycles (mizia).
19)Plasma I defensive firing made smarter (like Plasma D in last patch).
20)Proximity photon to-hit table change: 83%/67%/33%.
21)Phaser-G hardpoint charging status indicator fixed.
22)Phaser-G multiple-slot hardpoints can now fire all shots.
23)Phaser-G point defense fixed to count shots correctly.
24)Phaser-G now honors shift-Z "fire all" command.
25)Phaser-G can now be fired if there is just 0.25 energy in the capacitor (previously 1.00 was required but it only used 0.25).
26)Phaser capacitor no longer loses charge when a phaser slot is destroyed.
27)Phaser slots that are destroyed now recycle their ready state.
28)Phaser point defense no longer shoots as Plasma D.
29)Plasma D, Plasma I, phaser point defense, and ADD systems will no longer waste shots on dead things that just haven't disappeared yet.
30)Plasma D and Plasma I will no longer waste multiple shots at the same target.
31)Plasma D reload time increased from 1 turn to 1.33 turns.
32)User-made plasma race ships with ADD hardpoints now fire ADD rounds instead of Plasma D shots from the ADD hardpoint.
33)Plasma D and ADD hardpoints now correctly show offline state in display.
34)Shotgun plasma capacity now based on current setting of weapon, not the hardpoint type.
35)Shotgun plasma no longer wastes unnecessary shots on fighter groups.
36)Shotgun plasma no longer fires more than one plasma at a regular ship.
37)If ADD shot at a shuttle, it would only shoot once then completely disable itself vs. the shuttle.
38)ADD damage versus shuttles and fighters was incorrect; [0..5] fixed to [1..6]
39)ADD12 reload time is now 2 turns instead of 1.
40)HET attempt during EM lowers success rate by 16%.
41)EM and WW launch now void any active ESG field.
42)ESG now delivers correct damage to kill fighters (previously some ESG energy was wasted).
43)Single fighter group no longer drops multiple ESG rings unless energy expenditure warrants it.
44)Mine detonation on ESG ring when user changed radius UI control fixed.
45)Hydran UI for ESG panel (multiplayer only) fixed (buttons were messed up).
46)ESG radius indicator is no longer drawn if the ESG cannot fire (destroyed hardpoint).
47)ESG capacitor and hardpoint now lose charge/ready state when destroyed.
48)ESG field that is 'warming up' will no longer cause drones to miss a Lyran target.
49)Cloak can no longer be engaged while being tractored.
50)Tractor lock on a cloaked ship negates the range doubling effect.
51)Switching from hold to repel now drops tractor hold.
52)Switching from hold to repel, or repel to hold now resets tractor capacitor.
53)When the tractor system is destroyed it will no longer charge holding cost because the capacitor is emptied automatically..
54)Speed 11 changed from 5 seconds/turn to 10 seconds/turn.
55)Assault shuttles now require 4 marines to create, and subtract none on impact.
56)Removed debug code that wrote to "EWdump.txt" on every single phaser fire.
57)Plasma holding costs reduced as follows (first number is normal, second is eneveloping) R(4/5), S(2/4), G (1/2.5).
58)Shield regeneration due to labs, lowered slightly.
59)BPV adjusted upward for Missile G ships.
60)Escort ships received a BPV increase.
61)Docking "weak" fighters will no longer transform them into stronger variety (i.e. Hornet.I magically becoming Wasp.III)
62)Launching fighters now voids WW.
63)Disengaging in Dynaverse assault missions (Planety, starbase, etc.) gives leaving player a defeat.
64)ESG vs Hellbore interaction re-added.
65)Mauler can be destroyed - fixed (note effectiveness can still be degraded by destroying batteries)
66)Unable to removed last engine drain effect from Plasma Snare hit - fixed.
67)Battlefest, and other fest's with the exception of Tourneyfest ignore Era setting - fixed.
68)(Scripting) Location Who flag always returns Federation - fixed.
69)All races may now can have either AMD or Plasma D.
70)TR beam always does 20 points - fixed. (also broke out into TRBL and TRBH).
71)Increased the number of ships per class from 64 to 128.
72)Some races are able to adjust the game speed in Dyna - fixed.
73)Patrol mission not returning proper results - fixed (thanks to NuclearWessels and FireSoul).