As I sat here and painfully read this thread, I was inclined to agree with some and disagree with others. Point blank..... You cannot make a copy of a copy of a copy and expect it to keep selling. I find that in the absence of Trek gaming when something finally appears we shoot right for it and will almost accept anything in it's absence. It is like leadership, People want to be lead they beg for it and in the absence of it they will believe anything that they hear. What the problem is with Trek gaming is quitw simple actually, NO IMMAGINATION. For Activision and Paramount to be into a legal battle bercause of lack of Trek is redicilious. Paramount should be sueing Activision for lack of Imagination. So orders come down, assignments given, And we get a copy of a copy of a copy........... Anyone who knows SFC series knows this, SFC III was not ready at all, But Nemises was and poof we go from a 8 race playable, or something like that to a 4 race playable. I do not call that an improvement. While I was modding SFC III creating The Near Distant Future I discovered in the strings discriptions for all sorts of things not in the game, Scatterpacks, Missles, wildweasels, phaser and disruptor 15's, If you look you will find all sorts of cool stuff that didnt get added because THEY needed to meet a deadline, The allmighty dollar ruled the day and the people making the game were not allowed to finish it. Point blank and simple. Instead of getting better we got worse and paid more for less. But since we all think the Trek gaming will never happen again we try to save what we have and that is all and good, But why arent we trying to get someone to create a whole different game? Why dosent someone build a real game. If I had the millions that it probably would take to buy the rights you would not have to worry about Trek gaming until I died. I have more imagination than anyone here. Why do we have to play 2D games and worship them? What ever happened to 3D? Whay cant we get a game crossed between Bridge Commander, Starfleet Command, and Elite Force? That would take talent. Mabey we dont have the talent here to create such a complex piece of work or the vision to make it happen. We would rather get SFC IV which would be a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy, And only have 1 playable race. But fret not you will get a patch that gives you back the heavy weapons.