Topic: any mod writers fancy making a b7 mod  (Read 903 times)

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Offline kingconstantine

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any mod writers fancy making a b7 mod
« on: June 29, 2004, 08:58:41 pm »
ok a b7 mod is like this.

there are only 2 ships available.  the liberator,  and then the scorpio.

you start with the liberator,  most powerfull ship in the galaxy,  you battle against the federtion and others untill 3 quaters of the way through,

then you get a much weeker ship,  the scorpio.  you battle on.....and then you get wiped out in a trap set up by someone you trust

the end.

whatdaya think?

ill make all the models i promice.


liberator...well shes nearly done
federaton pursuit ships
servalans personal cruisor
servalans hq
starworld interseptors
other galaxy invasion force (we could stick to terry nations origonal idea...make em daleks)
the scorpio
and any other ships lol

common shall we have a poll?

Offline kingconstantine

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Re: any mod writers fancy making a b7 mod
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2004, 01:58:15 pm »
i take it this idea isent popular