Topic: The illustration of my frustations.  (Read 1225 times)

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Offline Just plain old Punisher

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The illustration of my frustations.
« on: June 30, 2004, 05:33:08 am »
I hate the government even though I work for it. I hate having valuable programs cancelled after years of work and research on the whim of some congressional dipstick who makes his decisions on a one-page briefing document that he didn't even read.

A good friend of mine had his project cancelled this week. It was a large enough project that SAIC spun-off a separate corporation in order to deal with it. We've had this project for 10 years now and have served the government well. This month they cancelled it because they felt they could accomplish the same task with fewer resources. This isn't bias talking, but anyone who's ever worked for the government knows to instantly laugh when they hear that statement. The government can't do anything without decades of time, hundreds of staff, and endless upon endless restructuring....and they still can't figure how fast catchup pours (According to my sources on the inside there are too many variables to predict the speed...thus throwing the entire katchup dynamic into a tail-spin. Did they consider the tactical difference between catchup and katsup on the battlefield?)

So now the division has ceased to exist and everyone is finding a new job. Thankfully SAIC has its own internal hiring system and snatched up most of the people in a few days. Actually I have to even give them more credit...they created some posts without actually needing them to retain some of the staff until they could do a more detailed examination of their skills. Wasn't much...only 20 people worked in the division...but still the gesture was appreciated.

I can understand canceling a pork barrel one needs to live off the taxpayer dollar. I will say, without going into the nature of the division, that the project was needed and couldn't be simply stopped. No...some noodlehead thought they could do it on their own under the guise of saving the taxpayer dollar. What it really is, is some bureaucrat trying to expand his little kingdom and get a successful project that didn't require any "Startup" so he could look good to his bosses.

For all those military families on public support I wish we could do better. For those vets who receive a paltry retirement check every month after bleeding for us...I wish we could do better. For those having to scavenge the bone yard for parts for an aircraft that was made 50 years ago...I wish we could do better.

And for those politicians who would use our armed forces as a pawn in their pathetic game...I know you can do better....but we all know the reason why you won't. But we won't stoop to their level. We wouldn't cut their benefits or pension...we wouldn't make them buy top ramen because they can afford little else. We wouldn't shame or dishonor their service to this matter what function it may be.

It is a matter of national honor that we care for those that have served. I don't care if he is a supply clerk at a depot in Iowa. I don't care if the only time he handled a rifle was during basic. It makes me feel better when we look after our guys. Republican, democrat, independent, man or woman, I don't care...look after em all dammit. And their families. We waste so much money on silly pathetic no one can tell me we can't afford it. I don't expect that people should get rich off military service....I just don't want to hear about people in need of basic things and not having them.

I don?t work for the government anymore, even though I still have my same old job and nothing has really changed. I work for the people that appreciate what we?re doing, and even though I?m not in the military service and couldn?t begin to hold a candle to what they do?I still consider myself part of the team. Perhaps on the 3rd string on the bench?but still a member  I have to have my comfortable illusions because without them there wouldn?t be any reason to go to work other than to get a paycheck. I can?t do that?I have to like what I do. I love what I do?.but sometimes things this big old confusing government does piss me off.

So even though I know this really won't change much...and I'm venting some frustration that has been building for awhile. There still is the smallest irrational hope that somehow we will get out act together and change things. It isn't charity by taking care of our vets, it is a debt that has been collecting for far too long. It is owed. No debate no ?Buts? are acceptable. If you want to disagree, I?m not listening, and I know it?s unfair to say so ?but I don?t care. It will happen, it has to happen, it must happen. To think otherwise puts a stain on our national honor, and this stain cannot be fixed, nor can the problem be solved,  by waiting for our vets to get old and die.

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Offline Sethan

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Re: The illustration of my frustations.
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2004, 09:22:54 am »
Punisher - seriously - you should consider sending that to a Congressman.  Maybe all of them.

Most of them will never see it, and most of those that do will not be moved by it, but there is a chance (however small) it might make a difference.
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. --Aristotle

Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: The illustration of my frustations.
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2004, 10:32:00 am »
You know perhaps I should, although it seems like appealing to the criminals to stop being criminal. Heck why not. I'll do a test. I'll send it to my local congressmen and see how he replies. Form letter or actuall response...wanna take bets? :) lol.


"Sex is a lot like pizza.  If you're not careful you can blister your tongue". -Dracho

Offline Sethan

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Re: The illustration of my frustations.
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2004, 11:20:33 am »
I'm betting 50 / 50 on a form letter or no response at all.
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. --Aristotle

Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: The illustration of my frustations.
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2004, 11:37:38 am »
So the glass IS half empty! :)

"Sex is a lot like pizza.  If you're not careful you can blister your tongue". -Dracho

Offline Merlinfmct87

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Re: The illustration of my frustations.
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2004, 07:40:21 pm »
At least take some action..You're guaranteed to fail if you don't try.

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Offline S'Raek

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Re: The illustration of my frustations.
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2004, 11:45:19 am »
I'd lay a small wager on a form letter.  They are usually pretty good about doing that at least.  (I think that makes the glass 1/4 full.)

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Offline *EZKILL*

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Re: The illustration of my frustations.
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2004, 12:08:52 pm »
You know perhaps I should, although it seems like appealing to the criminals to stop being criminal. Heck why not. I'll do a test. I'll send it to my local congressmen and see how he replies. Form letter or actuall response...wanna take bets? :) lol.


Send it to Duncan Hunter, probably not your rep. but he's honest, lives in Harbison Canyon, and IIRC he's on the armed services committee.
"Oh bother.", said Pooh, as he chambered his last round.