That is just too cool WZ, I really like the Miranda style extension to the saucer, it really reminds me of one of Cleeve's ships but I can't remember which one.
BTW Wicked Zombie, this is following the last bit of your policy about not giving out blanket permissions, I'm notifying you of some ships I've done based off your feds that I'd like to release as soon as Rogue gets his site back up, this is the complete list of ships ready now to release (I've probably mentioned some others before, some are updated versions):
Constitution-Refit blue version (updated for extra uber accuracy)
Constitution-Refit green version (updated for extra uber accuracy)
F-CF USS Sicilia
F-DD Saladin (texture alterations to fit in with the Hermes and Revere)
F-SC Hermes
F-DDG Revere
F-CAD Lafayette
F-CVL Coronado
F-CVS Oriskany
F-DW Catalunya
F-DWD Euskal Herria
F-BCG Kirov
F-BCJ New Jersey
F-BCF Bismark
F-BCD Mittelmark
F-CVA Napoleon
F-SCS Julius Caesar
F-NCL Franz Ferdinand
All are based completely on TMP Feds recently released by you Wicked Zombie and all mesh and texture alterations are obviously by me Marauth.