The intent was to rate their combat effectiveness vs AI and how fast they do missions. Everyone knows that the ships with drones and fighter can do missions faster. The actual comparing of these ships once they got classed was done by each race, where we listed the 3 ships from each class for every year of production on a excel spreadsheet and looked for holes in the list and compared them vs the other races ships.
The intent then was to playtest these 3 ships, for every year in every class, vs other races ships of the same year and class, and make balance adjustsment, or BPV changes, or subsitute new ships to fill in any "holes" that a race might have, without screwing up the obvious racial ebb and flow through the eras.
The problem is, we have all been too busy with RL, campaigns and other things to get the testing done. This list probably shouldnt even be put out yet, but Im curious to see some actual playtesting in a live campaign done with it. Do I expect there to be problems? Yes. Thats the whole point of putting this out to you guys, so that we can find out if this process is even a valid forumula to use.
And Im glad you brought up the cloaking Klingon ships. Ill take a look at them. Understand that the Roms got a cloak cut and a BPV cut in SS2 because of the current patch that was out, and the cloak was still broken. We didnt adjust cloaking Klingon ships at that time, so they might have a little higher BPV because of this. The Roms in this list did get a sweet deal, and we decided to stay with it. We shall see how this plays out in real time.