Topic: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread  (Read 8439 times)

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2004, 02:50:30 am »
The intent was to rate their combat effectiveness vs AI and how fast they do missions.  Everyone knows that the ships with drones and fighter can do missions faster.  The actual comparing of these ships once they got classed was done by each race, where we listed the 3 ships from each class for every year of production on a excel spreadsheet and looked for holes in the list and compared them vs the other races ships.

The intent then was to playtest these 3 ships, for every year in every class, vs other races ships of the same year and class, and make balance adjustsment, or BPV changes, or subsitute new ships to fill in any "holes" that a race might have, without screwing up the obvious racial ebb and flow through the eras.

The problem is, we have all been too busy with RL, campaigns and other things to get the testing done.  This list probably shouldnt even be put out yet, but Im curious to see some actual playtesting in a live campaign done with it.  Do I expect there to be problems?  Yes.  Thats the whole point of putting this out to you guys, so that we can find out if this process is even a valid forumula to use.

And Im glad you brought up the cloaking Klingon ships. Ill take a look at them.  Understand that the Roms got a cloak cut and a BPV cut in SS2 because of the current patch that was out, and the cloak was still broken.  We didnt adjust cloaking Klingon ships at that time, so they might have a little higher BPV because of this.  The Roms in this list did get a sweet deal, and we decided to stay with it.  We shall see how this plays out in real time.
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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2004, 08:54:13 am »
The problem with the Cloaking Klingon ships???  there is no problem.  They are not ever used by anyone so it is a moot point.  The only one that is of any use is the D5Y and I don't know too many that will use it.  Saber dancing/disruptor tactics just don't fit with a cloaking device.  Maybe if it was put on the D7T, now that might be useful.....

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2004, 12:51:10 pm »
Hey Fluf have another query for ya
-which SFC3 mod is LB5 based off of? Just wanted to try tha game out before
we start this for "real"
I've downloaded Battlezone the second voyages. is this the one or was it another mod?
Or is LB5 a completely new mod altogether that's not based on anything?
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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2004, 08:45:20 pm »
And I also would like some of you to try out SFC3 again.  I know its not the game alot of us wanted.  But myself and the Battlezone team spent alot of time making the mod for this play a little more like the D2.  So dont knock it until you try it.

In your mod, does SFC3 still have:

1)4 shields?
2)No seeking weapons?
3)Angular velocity?
4)No EW?
5)No fighters/PF's?
6)warp hops?

Not knocking your hard work, Fluf. Have you ever seen the movie Christine? "You cant polish a turd, Pepper."
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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2004, 08:46:20 pm »

Heh, guess today makes it damn well obvious that our buying SFC3 to get GaW didnt pan out, eh?  :banghead:

:ban: :lol:

Shush, bumpy head!  :rofl:
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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2004, 09:24:20 pm »
And I also would like some of you to try out SFC3 again.  I know its not the game alot of us wanted.  But myself and the Battlezone team spent alot of time making the mod for this play a little more like the D2.  So dont knock it until you try it.

In your mod, does SFC3 still have:

1)4 shields?
2)No seeking weapons?
3)Angular velocity?
4)No EW?
5)No fighters/PF's?
6)warp hops?

Not knocking your hard work, Fluf. Have you ever seen the movie Christine? "You cant polish a turd, Pepper."

lmao AJ :D

i've installed sfc3 and patched it, shame as its been my beermat for the past year or so i'll miss it.

I'm going to give the sfc3 side of the dyna a go i think, though most of my time will be on the OP side of it.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2004, 09:32:14 pm by Grim »

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #26 on: June 29, 2004, 08:08:40 am »
Bump for more input prior to test servers.

Don't forget, if you've got the test shiplist you could run SP campaigns to see how your favorite ship stacks up in the new order...

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2004, 08:58:31 am »
I found a problem or two with the Model pointers.... already told Fluf

But 7pp for a T-Bomb :o ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #28 on: June 29, 2004, 11:13:09 am »
Fluf is tackling dual game platforms simultaneously, SFCOP and SFC3, so for SG4 (cant be outdone), we will do the same thing PLUS add in modded version ov Elite Forces II that will represent planet, base and ship boarding actions in real time... Ask Frey about my Omniverse idea. ;)

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2004, 12:12:03 pm »
Guys the entire Fed list in OP was screwed. Im reworking it now.  Hope to have it done in a few hours and then shipped off to Julin.  Everyone that has the test pack, please try to load up everyship and see if you are getting the correct model pointers and a ship shows up.

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #30 on: June 30, 2004, 02:01:13 am »
So is the new list ready? And can i down load it
 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rofl: :screwloose:

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2004, 02:59:06 am »
Finishing it as I post this.  Will be sending it to Julin tomorrow.  I still need to contact Karnak  and find out if he squished some bugs in his missions.  Will let everyone know tomorrow.
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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2004, 05:51:45 am »
Finishing it as I post this.  Will be sending it to Julin tomorrow.  I still need to contact Karnak  and find out if he squished some bugs in his missions.  Will let everyone know tomorrow.

If he didnt, remember, every other PF or Ftr squad should be a shuttle. Easiest and most balanced way to solve the dbl ftr bug. :D

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Re: Litterbox 5 shiplist / modelpack preview installer feedback thread
« Reply #33 on: June 30, 2004, 11:06:10 am »
Finishing it as I post this.  Will be sending it to Julin tomorrow.  I still need to contact Karnak  and find out if he squished some bugs in his missions.  Will let everyone know tomorrow.

If he didnt, remember, every other PF or Ftr squad should be a shuttle. Easiest and most balanced way to solve the dbl ftr bug. :D

Dizzy's right and this must be done on the client-side list. 
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