Log in:
Log in using your main GSA account. If you do not have one, then create a new one.
D2 Chat:
When you first enter the server you are in General Chat, otherwise known as Springer Chat. You should join your chosen race?s chat. Type /join <insert race> to join your chosen race's chat.
To send a private message to a player, type
/tell KBF-ben where are you? This then sends the message, where are you?, to me. The message can be whatever you like, just be sure to get the name correct.
Voice Comms : The Coalition uses Ventrillo(Version 2.1.4)as its Voice chat program. Alliance uses Teamspeak
Most servers are setup for a 1 hex radius for drafting. This means you need to be in the same hex as the person/persons you are trying to draft. i.e. player A moves into the hex, tells player B that they are in and ready, player B then moves into the hex and selects a mission. There are a few missions that will not draft others. You will get to know what ones the more you play.
Usually star bases and planets are the most probable target hexes. Neutral hex?s should only be attacked in order to get a LoS (Line of Supply) towards a specific hex. If you run missions in neutral hex?s that have no particular value, then you are not only wasting missions(the missions could be more important in another hex) but you could also be weakening the enemies LoS for them.
Ask in your race chat what the target hex?s are. You may wait a little while for an answer as people could be in mission or afk.
Co-ordination is the key in D2. Watch the chat, listen in Voice Comms. There is also information posted on this forum and in the SFC2.net forums.
www.bozobits.com/forums/index.php You need to register there then ask for permission to join a specific group. You do this through the usergroup link at the top of the page.
This is just a quick guide to help you get started in the D2. Don?t hesitate to ask in game, any other questions you have. Most people will be happy to help.
As of now the Dynaverse directory servers are being relocated. If you try and look for a server now, you will receive the firewall message. Frey and others are working on this.
The most active fleet on D2 for Gorn is GDA. Agave, Scipio, Doc and Kroma can give you more info there.
Hope this helps.
And welcome back Raven